Disney veterans..what still makes you feel like a kid again when you go???


Well-Known Member
Magic Kingdom... Just the whole park makes me feel excited like a child. My parents may be adopting a toddler soon and i;m so excited to see their little face see it all for the first time.


Well-Known Member
for me, it's interacting with the characters. having some memories going there as a kid, & growing up watching the cartoons, makes one feel like a kid again.


Well-Known Member
The arches at the main entrance, seeing Mickey and pretty much the entrance of every park. I immediately have the urge to hold my arms out and twirl. Im 46yrs old.


Well-Known Member
Literally EVERYthing about it gets me EVERYtime but a few favorites that especially take my breath away so to speak everytime would be:
The Boardwalk- Idk what it is about it but no trip feels complete without walking the boardwalk and soaking in the atmosphere it's just so relaxing to me.
Sunset blvd- This is my favorite area on property for so much more than just bouncing between ToT and RnRC. I love looking down sunset and seeing ToT looming over you in the distance maybe popping in and out of stores along the way and each time you come out your a little closer to your trip to the Twighlight Zone
Everything in MK!!! Riding the ferry or monorail up to MK, walking down Main Street, and riding Splash all take me back to being a kid


Well-Known Member
Opening ceremony at Magic Kingdom still brings tears to my eyes. I LOVE watching the expressions on childrens faces when the Steam Train comes rolling around the bend....and then the countdown.....5,4,3,2,1 YES!!!

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
You know................everything. In WDW it is driving under the sign. In Disneyland even stuff like Casey Jr. and Mr. Toad made me feel like a kid in a candy store. Walking down Main Street, riding Small World, stuff like that. Watching the fireworks. It all comes back immediately.


Well-Known Member
For me it's when I hav ecompleted checking in, dropped off my carry-on and headed to whereever we are going that day. My travel worries are over and I can be a kid for the rest of our stay.


Well-Known Member
Arriving in Orlando from Syracuse and seeing the Welcome To Disney signs coming into town. Also, stepping foot inside the Magic Kingdom on our first full day.


I'm 39yrs old, not sure how many times i've been, but my girls are 11 and 9 and we leave for our next trip on wed. it will be there 17th trip. Every year and every time vaction planning talk comes up,we ask where they want to go and its always Disney. My daughter got to pick for her 5th grade graduation gift and she picked Disney, with no hesitation. I think for me, the sign when you drive in, the one that you are officially on Disney property that simply says Walt Disney World, makes me smile every time.However leaving it says "see ya real soon" makes me want to cry each trip. There is truly no other place that makes us so happy.


Well-Known Member
For me, the number 1 feeling is coming out from under the tunnel onto Mainstreet. The second is when we turn and I can see the castle full view for the first time. The third is when we arrive on property the first day and I can see the top of space mountain. The fourth is riding on the Carousel of progress, and the fifth is a combo of riding up the moving walkway to the people mover and then riding the people mover :)


Well-Known Member
Opening ceremony at Magic Kingdom still brings tears to my eyes. I LOVE watching the expressions on childrens faces when the Steam Train comes rolling around the bend....and then the countdown.....5,4,3,2,1 YES!!!

I cry when the opening ceremony starts, too!


Well-Known Member
Mine is always coming around the corner from the confectionary and seeing the castle. I just take a deep breath and just soak up all that is "Disney" in that one moment.
After my past two trips with my daughter though, she picked one thing at each park (not AN though) that she absolutely loves, so I have a real soft spot for the people mover, spaceship earth, and the great movie ride.

Dog Ate Mouse

Well-Known Member
For me it is simple:

1) Seeing the Welcome to Fla sign and stopping for some OJ
2) Driving through the Welcome to WDW Gate
3) Stopping the car and getting out at our resort in the parking lot
4) Check-In, I am so excited to be there that the wife has to take over the Check-in because I am so excited and start exploring.
5) Seeing SSE for the first time.
6) Walking into the Magic Kingdom for the first time and see all the colors on main street and the castle in the background.
7) This one happen durring the whole vacation, Going to Ghiardelli's for Ice Cream

I can go on and on but the one thing out of everything is just being in Disney.


Well-Known Member
For me, it's seeing the top of Cinderella's Castle for the first time as we get closer to the MK.

THEN it's walking under the train station and seeing the castle down Main St. My DBF said I actually started skipping down Main St on our most recent visit last November.


Well-Known Member
As soon as we cross the Georgia-Florida line on I-75 lol and I'm super depressed the moment we get off property and start to head home. But Magic Kingdom especially brings out the kid in me. The parade, fireworks, it's the one park where I feel totally disconnected with the real world and I love that.

Coming from Atlanta I feel you! Even though there's still a long way to Orlando from the GA-FL it's how I feel too.
As you start seeing palm trees and then you start getting the billboards to Orlando and the multiple parks, it gets exciting!

Checking in then going to the first park...so awesome!

I think next time I'll do MK first and last day...we had it on the last two days and the feeling of seeing that castle for the first time it's like I'm a kid again so I want to have that first so it's not bitter sweet like last time. CANNOT WAIT to go back in 2015!!!

Twinkle belle

New Member
Walking into the Magic Kingdom and just standing there taking it all in. The smells, the noise, the crowds, and the happiness. It's contagious and the thrill is on!


Well-Known Member
Man, everyone had such great posts. Sorry if there are duplicates...

1. The first ride of the trip...the tram at the airport. I know I'm home (or getting really close).

2. Walking through the MCO concourse trying to remember which way is the DME. I never get it right. You would think I would just follow the crowd. Doesn't matter, I'm home.

3. I've had mixed experiences on the DME. One would think that it would be nostalgic but my last trip a 4 year old barfed right behind me. A 40 minute ride to CSR of steaming vomit took the nostalgia right out of me. I felt bad for the girl, the family, and the bus driver. Though everyone was in good spirits by the time they got off the bus.

4. The air of CSR as I exit the bus and enter El Centro. I believe the scent is equal parts Florida swampland humidity and chlorine. Whatever the case, they should bottle it and sell it. Add in a little Spanish music to set the mood and I might just break down and cry. Ponchitos to the left of me and check in to the right and through the back doors I see, Lago Dorado!!

5. I'm an Epcot first day kind of person so when the bus pulls up mid-afternoon and I hear the entrance music and gaze upon that giant silver orb of goodness- it really hits me.

6. The first morning I wake up at my home. Nothing like a morning at CSR. I go in January and the temps are chilly of course. I got the hoodie on and make my way through the various misty paths and bridges to the Maya Grill for a glorious buffet [sadly, the buffet is gone and I still don't know how I will make it without it]. The resort is eerily empty usually but its no matter- more space and bacon for me! I don't like crowds anyway.

7. Someone posted earlier about getting off the resort bus at MK. This is always the park I go to on my first "full" day at WDW. And I agree that there is nothing better than walking through the underpass onto Mainstreet USA.

8. My nostalgia continues as I go clockwise and begin to hear the steelband music of Adventure land. The 10-15 minutes between getting off the bus at MK and getting to the first ride of PotC maybe the best 10-15 minutes of my life- the sights, smells, and just taking it all in.

9. Entering the concourse at the Contemporary and hearing the monrail whiz by. That really takes me back. Please bring back the Concourse Steakhouse!! What is wrong with these people [management]?!

10. Typhoon Lagoon. Such an underappreciated gem at the world. As you make your way through the lush vegetation at the entrance and you hear the first WHOOSH! of the surf- usually accompanied by a swell of screams, laughter, and the faint strummings of Jimmy Buffet, you can almost imagine that you are on your own private island.

I could keep going but then I might as well just do a trip report.


Well-Known Member
We spent 7 years in California when I was a kid so it's mostly things that are closer to Disneyland. Peter Pan, Main Street, etc. But nothing like actually going back to Disneyland. I didn't get to the World until my 20's.

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