Mr. Moderate
Well-Known Member
Yeah, because jobs are like groceries. You can just head out and pick out whichever one you like........
I agree and that old talking point used isn't as easy at those who repeat it endlessly, think it is. With the days of America having a vast amount of good paying manufacturing jobs available for just about anyone, long gone, you're seeing more and more people being denied a chance to move up to the middle class or hell, just even trying to survive. The town I used to live in had 4 major manufactures by the lakefront alone, that if you worked hard and were a decent employee, you were paid wages that guaranteed you a ticket to the middle class. You didn't have to work 2 jobs at fast food or Walmart, didn't have those same companies use the American tax payer to supplement their employees wages with welfare/public assistance. My father and the father's of the kids I went to school with in the 70's and 80's, worked those jobs and did well. It's all gone now and that same lakefront is a ghost town.
FTR, to those who think it's so easy to find a job at the drop of a hat, I'll leave you with this very personal, truthful story.
My wife's job at a pharmaceutical company was outsourced 4 years ago and even though she spent 18 years with them and was a valued employee with awards and accolades by her bosses, she still as of this day, has not found permanent work with benefits. She's employed back at the same company as a temp worker with no benefits, no protections, no nothing. It even took her 10 months of hitting the pavement hard and sending out at least 40 applications and she was lucky to have found the job she has and that was only due to having a contact that she used to work for, recommend her. It's not as easy as some who shovel the manure you hear on talk radio, make it out to be. People are hurting and have been for awhile. I have seen people I know who worked hard and no fault of their own, be looking for decent work and finding nothing.