Disney transport and strollers


New Member
We're staying at Pop Century and will be taking a double stroller with us. On the resort transportation buses, will I need to fold the stroller? The opening to the basket is small, and a full size diaper bag won't fit through the opening, so I'd planned several smaller bags--one for a change of clothes, one for diapers, one for snacks. If we need to fold, I'll need to rethink this.



Active Member
Yes you do have to fold any stroller on the bus. I travel to the park with a back pack so I can contain everything in one bag. The back pack easily hangs on the handles of my single stroller, However I know some times with the style of the double this can't be done. Check out this Blog, it has been very helpful for me and they travel to disney often with 2 small children. She has come up with some really clever ways to juggle the baby baggage.


Good Luck and Have Fun :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Yes you 100% need to fold it up. Have a plan that helps. I always take the bag and kids and my husband is always in charge of folding/handling stroller on the buses.
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Ah, the dreaded stroller on the bus. I'm glad those days are over for me. The youngest is now 9 and not having the stroller really makes things easier. However, I end up carrying a pink Princess backpack most of the time. :eek:
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As others had mentioned above, the stroller needs to be folded. I am not sure what type of double stroller you have but I recommend utilizing the Citi Mini Double Stroller. The stroller is light weight for a double and folds very quickly and without hastle. Folds in half with a pull on the handle located on the seats. The stroller also is very easy to navigate and push around the parks. I have travelled down to Disney on several occassions with my three little ones. I have rented the citi mini from Kingdom Stollers. They deliver right to the resort and are very reasonably priced. The kids really enjoyed the stroller. The canopy provided alot of shade from the Florida sun.
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Well-Known Member
I always make sure everything is out of the stroller when I fold it up. Luckily I have a city mini and it take about 2 seconds to fold it.
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Well-Known Member
As others have said...you'll have to fold it...so you might want to rethink taking three smaller bags. After a day or two in the parks you'll be able to figure out what you need and what you can live without. Trust me, the more you do this, the more you appreciate 'less is more' philosophy. I know there are things you must have...but after a few days you may decide one change of clothes for the youngest is all you must take, it might be cheaper to haul a lot of snacks with you...but it might be easier and more enjoyable to just buy what you need when you need it. Even if you have a great stroller with a fantastic basket...you might not be able to fold it all the way if it is fully loaded. More than once have I seen people get stressed about the folding of a stroller when a bus pulls up...esp. at closing time. Good luck and have fun!
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Active Member
Yes, you need to fold the strollers before loading on the bus. I'm so glad I no longer have to deal with the stroller issue. I remember a particular time, my dd fell asleep in her stroller while waiting for the bus at Epcot to head back to the resort. When the bus arrived, what a mission it was to carry her, fold the stroller with one hand, she was still asleep mind you, because she just wouldn't wake up. By the time I got on the bus, it was full and no seats. So I stood on the bus, holding a sleeping child in one arm while holding the folded stroller with the other and trying to balance my self while the bus was in motion. NOT FUN. So yes, I am so glad those days are over for me.
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Well-Known Member
As others have noted- you must fold the stroller on the bus; however, we've also been in boat and monorail situations where the stroller needed to be folded as well. I think the smaller boats require you to fold it and it's just always nice to fold it and allow a few more people on if things are jam packed on the monorail or one of the bigger boats. The two times we've been with our girls- we've used larger double strollers- but you just get a system come loading and unloading time. For this reason- we take a camping back pack- i.e. so we're not depending on the stroller storage areas. So one person gets the stroller and the pushing of the two kiddos while the other carries the pack. This way it was all in one bag and we weren't fumbling around with multiple bags. The biggest compartment in the pack was always devoted to things like diapers, wipes, and changes of clothes- the middle section was camera gear- and the front had snacks and medical supplies...and the pack could hold up to 4 bottles or cups in the side holders.
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