Disney to combine old and new in WDW Tommorowland


New Member
Come on don't get us all excited about a new tomorrowland only to give us that worthless piece of INFO


but it was kinda funny :lol:


Well-Known Member
First the EPCOT wand is coming down, then we got a 5th park coming, later we got Harry Potter, skull, fire, smoke, misty joy, w/e mountain they're adding...lol

Someone past the spam.... :zipit:


Active Member
Original Poster
Jeez! It's a good thing there aren't still rep points on this board or I'd be exsanguinating on the floor right now!

Just a joke, obviously.
I don't even really dislike SGE that much to tell you the truth.
Sorry if I got you all in a lather.


I still think that wouldn't solve the problem:( I always thought to please Disney fanboys/girls, adults, and children, they should make two shows: One being Alien Encounter using the old pre-show and one of the containment rooms (while updating it with new cutting-edge special effects, giving it a deeper script, and making it more frieghtning for ADULTS) and two being Stitch, where they would turn the giftshop into a pre-show and the second containment room into the Stitch show (making it less complex and more childish for CHILDREN). Although this would be co$tly (rerouting the exits and quelines) it would also solve Stitches problem with reusing to much of the Alien Encounted stuff and maybe give it a totally different look (more room, new characters, different setting, NO teleportation plot). Just a thought!


Active Member
Original Poster
Ughh! Moved to the dungeon of Chit Chat!

I guess I deserve it for messing around.

Humblest appologies.


Active Member
Thrawn said:
what a waste of time.

this needs a lock.

Sorry that the satire took up thirty seconds of your time. How much more time did you waste writing about how much time of yours was wasted. Then did you waste more by reading if others wasted their time as well.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
rainfully said:
Am I the only one who gets the joke and thinks it's pretty friggin' funny? :lol:

I thought it was funny too! :lol: Come on guys, give Huck a break. It was only a joke.

And don't worry about it being moved to chit chat. All joke threads started in New and Rumors are moved to chit chat.

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