Disney Studios Need some Major Work...


New Member
Originally posted by SG4779
I think its fair to say that many of us Agree that Disney Studio's needs to get some NEW rides in there...(movie related ones) I mean come ON...pay $50 just to go on 3 good rides, Give me a break! Comments?...:lookaroun

It seems like a better deal to pay $50 for three rides, then to pay like $40 for no rides back when they opened. :lol: :lol:

Grim Grinner

New Member
Has everyone forgotten the Great Movie Ride? Or has it disappeared?

That is yet one more reason to enjoy the park.

MGM Studios was much less interesting when it opened, and it was never intended by Eisner to be a full-day park. It was deliberately design to hold a small concentration of people. I don't think the support system could deal with many more folks.


Well-Known Member
The Backlot / New Yark area is dead! Especially with the Hunchback gone.

Has anyone seen the sky scraper cut out paintings? They are totatly faded and it doesn't look as nice as it used to.

If the rumor holds up about the rehab and new attraction in the place of hunchback, it would do wonders at getting people going to that side of the park again.

Osbourne Family lights will gererate traffic for the holidays, so January is the time to start working on it.


Seems like ABC is draining the lifeblood out of the company Walt built.....the parks are suffering the most from it.

CT :veryconfu


Active Member
The way you have to look at it is that MGM is not very old. only 13 years. It has come a very long way since opening. Just think of how many things weren't there when the magic kingdom opened. I go to MGM over AK because there's more to do there. I want to go to AK, but they haven't put enough stuff there for me to go. Once Beastly Kingdom or Forbidden Mountain or whatever addition is made, then i'll go. There are just other areas that need the money first. I mean, 2 big E-ticket attractions were put there in a 5 year span, so it has gotten attention in the past and will in the future when that time comes. but right now AK and Epcot need the funds. Heck, even MK hasn't added a new attraction in a while. MGM is fine for me the way it is, and additions will be made(hopefully) sometime soon.


Well-Known Member
From lookig at how MGM was when it first opened, I think Disney wanted it to be somethign much different than it is now.
I dont think they wanted it to be a traditional "theme park", the same way they didn't want Epcot to be. I think they wanted guests to focus more on the idea that they are in an actual working Movie studio, rather than just "themd areas". I really do give them credit because of what they attempted to do. They were just trying to be more creative, steping aside from the idea that everyone at Disney wants to go on rides.

one of these ideas was showing guests the inner workings of a movie studio. The tour was the soul of the park, and was intended to take up the majority of visitor's time. It was kinda like how of us like to go on the special tours offered aroud Disney World. The tours take up a ong time, but the longer, the better! The more the showed guests in the tour, the better it was. I was the tour, Echo Lake, and the GMR, pretty much.

But after a while, I think the main reason they changed it was people were comparing it more to the rest of the theme parks. Around the time Epcot changed from the innovative, original park it once was to the more traditional Theme park it is today, they got the same idea for MGM. THey decided to add more on to it, and make it more into a traditional theme park, with heavy emphasis on rides and shows. Then there was the whole ordeal about Roger Rabbit and ________ Tracy, and MGM got jipped out of a lot of the new attractions they were promised.

And my point is.........
........I forgot. :hammer:


New Member
Originally posted by stingrock23
Heck, even MK hasn't added a new attraction in a while.

Actually, they did just get a new attraction last summer-the Magic Carpets of Aladdin...

Not only is MGM a great park (I love the music you hear walking down the streets) but it has great restaurants. There's more to a park than E-Ticket rides. Yes they're great, but like I said before, if you want a gazillion thrill rides, go to IOA and deal with the s#*tty service.


Well-Known Member
Hate to say it but you all know that MGM is not an original idea at all.

It was simply the answer to Universal. Same exact theme.

Kind of shameless actually.

Did I say that? Jeez, the kind of babble that a Disney fan speaks at 200:am in the morning.

I LOVE MGM. Second only to EPCOT Center!!



Account Suspended
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
MGM did actually open before USF...

Not that I'm cracking on either park...I really enjoy both of them :)

You're right, however Universal had been planning to build a park in Orlando even before Eisner came to Disney. At one point, they wanted to go in partnership with Paramount to build it. Universal claims that Eisner stole some of the ideas and put them into MGM. Eisner claims that when he was at Paramount and the meetings with Universal were taking place, he was present at any of them. Both parks broke ground at around the same time, but MGM was finished first for two reasons: 1. Disney has it's own building codes and inspectors and 2. Universal is considerably larger.

But getting back to the original topic, I agree that of all the parks, MGM is the least in need of improvements and updates. But since the question was asked, here's what I would change:

- Get rid of the Little Mermaid show or bring in more impressive special effects (I agree that just showing clips in the background makes it seem a tad cheap)

- Reduce the references to ABC. There's more to Hollywood and television than ABC. It is oversaturation and about as subtle as a knee to the groin.

- Enhancements to the Great Movie Ride (i.e. The Fantasia sequence should have an animatronic Mickey and should also include some stuff from Fantasia 2000; Add scenes from some more recent movies like Sixth Sense, etc.)

- Update Star Tours

- Come up with a new stunt show (James Bond would be great)


Yes... Yes, I am...

But just to try to drift the board back on track, I actually thing renovating the Studio Tour is a great idea.
It's true, back in the day, the studio was the main attraction at the Studios. And, it used to be pretty cool, I suppose... for what it was.
But, a geater effort has to be made it make the Studio Tour viable again must be made. There should be more there than a few majorly outdated props and the fake fronts of some houses that were on TV and Catastrophe Canyon. It has to be better.
An improvement to this ride would not be all that expensive, it would fit in perfectly with the theming of what the park is supposed to be in the first place and it would also prevent discussions like this between a person who is very familiar with the park and a newbie:

Friend: OK, where to next?
you: Hmm... Why don't we go on the Studio Tour?
Friend: The Studio tour... Sounds... fun! er... what's on it?
You: Well, uh, there's a buncha props from TV shows and movies and stuff... and um... OH! We drive past some fake fronts for houses used for external shots on old sitcoms...
Friend: Uh...
You: Wait, wait! You also go through something called Catastophe Canyon!
Friend: Catastrophe Canyon? That sounds like it could be fun.
You: Yeah, it's really co... well, it's pretty interes... well. It's allright.
Random Stranger Passing By: It STINKS!
Friend: I wonder what the line is like at Rockin' Rollercoaster.
You: (sigh)

Also... somehting in either the NY area or an improvement to Star Tours wouldn't kill them. And, when the new Indian Jones Movie comes out, the stunt show must be changed completely to match the movie.


This post ended up a lot longer than I planned it to be...


I don't know how valid it is, but for what it's worth, I heard that the studios was supposed to be getting a couple of attractions from Disney Studios Paris. Either Animagique or CineMagique. I don't remember where I read this, but it seems like it was here at WDWMagic. I've also heard a rumour about the Armageddon attraction being imported to Disney-MGM. But these are probably just unfounded rumours.


Well-Known Member
Shut up moaning!

If any of you lot had been to a british theme park you would realise why us brits come to the states! The only decent park we have in the entire country is Alton Towers and even that shuts in the winter because its too cold.So stop moaning you don't know how lucky you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
A attraction in the New York area would deffinitaly be great. Last time I was there it was almost empty, and sunset bulevard was pack to capacity. Also the backlot tour deffinatly needs some new effects and areas.


Originally posted by Merlin

But getting back to the original topic, I agree that of all the parks, MGM is the least in need of improvements and updates. But since the question was asked, here's what I would change:

- Get rid of the Little Mermaid show or bring in more impressive special effects (I agree that just showing clips in the background makes it seem a tad cheap)

- Reduce the references to ABC. There's more to Hollywood and television than ABC. It is oversaturation and about as subtle as a knee to the groin.

- Enhancements to the Great Movie Ride (i.e. The Fantasia sequence should have an animatronic Mickey and should also include some stuff from Fantasia 2000; Add scenes from some more recent movies like Sixth Sense, etc.)

- Update Star Tours

- Come up with a new stunt show (James Bond would be great)

Now, I'm not sure about this, but I don't think Disney owns the rights to either the Sixth Sense or James Bond.

Also, forget about seeing a reduction in ABC advertising any time soon. With ABC in such trouble, they're only going to add promotion. This is about the only cutback Disney isn't making at the themeparks. Oh, well.

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