Nice of you to drop by Anna... again.
The girls that work at my store wear either capris, pants, or a black skirt. I just love the way our costume looks... I'm normally not a fan of denim, but it looks great.
I suppose I should tell you good luck on getting the job.... your going to be seasonal, correct? It's a pretty laid back job (depending on your management team), but dont expect to make very much money. You get paid every Thursday (at least... that's how it is with us), and by Friday, you will have spent pretty much your whole weeks earnings on merchandise from your store. :lol:
It's a fun job...
meanstreakgirl -- There are no online applications. If you want to apply you are going to have to go to your Disney Store and ask for a Future Interest Form. When you drop that off, depending on if the manager on stage is busy at the moment, they will have a little talk with you... and then if they feel you would be a good canidate for the position they'll call you. If not... they'll give your application the TNT (thanks, no thanks :lol: ). Good luck! National Seasonal Hiring Date is coming up soon!
And who know's how much longer we'll still be 'The Disney Store'