Disney Resort Africa


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I like your ideas. I think that I will combine your Toxic Bay idea and you land about sharks, and include squids and creepy underwater creatures, and fish that live on the deep ocean floor. (needs a name though, if ANYONE out their has an idea for a name, pleas post)

I also like your Pearl Cove, but I don't know what I would put into it besides exibits on clams and pearls, if you can think of some rides or shows, please post.


New Member
I thought about it and i suggest that pearl cove will be: "king triton's royal court".
It will be a majestic place that will hold the main show in the clampisium(taken from colisium) theatre called : Majesty.
Majesty will be a show about the wizard of water featuring the magnificent power of water and the waters most royal animal: The dolphin.
The show will combine dolphin stunts with great water effects and a little comedy.
Behind the theatre there can be a plaza with a complex of fountains and a pearl in the center of each.
The plaza will hold a royal resturant, a meet&greet place, and a friendly aa called the pearl queen, that will talk to the kids and tell interesting things about the water.
Remember that i thought this land to be a subland in mermaid lagoon, so i didnt really think about any ride.


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I like that idea, I was planning on a Dolphin show for Mermaid Lagoon, so it could be in that area, I was planning it for near the castle, so I think that could work.


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I am reworking my Disney's Kingdom Oceania once again, so it is taking a little longer. I am planning on getting rid of Atlantis and replacing it with the Toxic Bay and Deep Ocean idea. What do you think. Pearl Cove will be apart of Mermaid Lagoon.

New Map coming soon.


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Here is the new Map:

- Stream Street
- Legend Lake
- Mermaid Lagoon
--- Pearl Cove (12 and 13)
- Atlantis- I moved it behind Mermaid Lagoon, to be a smaller land
- Deep Ocean (needs a new name, HELP please)
- Great Barrier Reef

Tomorrow I shoul post the description of Stream Street.
Romanarms, can you please describe to me once again about your "Fantasmic! waves" you talked about in a previous post. Thanks.


New Member
do you mean those waves i thought for stream street?

if yes, i meant that from both sides of the streets there will be permanent waves.
in fantsamic! there are complete scenes with permanent waves and the movie projected on them. so the same method can be used in both sides of stream street to make it look like you are walking in the path that moses created. it can have projections like in fantasmic! but it font have to.

anyway i got to say that i dont understand anything from the map. can you fill each themed land in a different color? that will really help.

maybe call the deep sea land:
~shatered ocean~
~mystery bay~
~abandoned ocean~

please re-post the map with colors.


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Ok, that is what I thought you were talking about. What would I project on them?

Here is the map with colors and key. Also, I outlined the Pearl Cove featuring the show, Majesty, and the Royal Pearl Garden, a meet and greet and playground area. (the dashed blue pen line)


I will give you a run down by number and letters, for each land during the description for each.

purple= Stream Street
green= Legend Lake
pink= Mermaid Lagoon
blue pen ---= outline for Pearl Cove
dark blue= Atlantis
yellow= Mystery Bay
orange= Great Barrier Reef
orange ---= parade route


New Member
now i understand the map...

i really think that you should not project anything, the waves are only meant to create an atmosphere of a path that is in the sea.


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Ok, I like that idea.

Stream Street
1- Odyssea
A- Voyagers
B- Beach Bayou Club
C- Waterstone Grill
a- Scuba Supplies
b- La Mar

Let's start with the way it looks, as you enter the park, around the turnstiles, will be a huge water fall type feature. IT will come down and around each ticket taker, and you enter through what looks to be a cave, or grotto, with rock and coral all around. Think of the water fall, as the train station of Disney's Kingdom OCeania, blocking the view of the park.

Entering through the waterfall, on the left is Voyagers, a quick service restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, themed to be a sunken ship, like th voyager ships of the 17 and 1800's. On the right you see a large rock feature, looks like it has been their forever, inside is the show Odyssea, an acrobatic show themed to the underwater, similar to the show at SeaWorld (http://www.seaworld.com/orlando/experiences/default.aspx). In front of you as you enter the park is Scuba Supplies, a shop themed to underwater souviners. Going between Odyssea and Scuba Suppies you see Waterstone Grill, a Table Service restraunt serving lunch and dinner, a cave looking restaurant along the water. Behind the Waterstone Grill, is one of the Seating Areas for the nighttime show in the lagoon. Between Waterstone grill and Odyssea is a bridge to the Great Barrier Reef. Continuing on walking to the left of Waterstone Grill is La Mar, an under the water themed shop, mostly selling clothes and more expensive souviners. Walking between Voyagers and Scuba Supplies you see Beach Bayou Club, a restaunt with a similar theme to Yacht and Beach Club resort, serving BReakfast and dinner. To the left between Voyagers and Beach Bayou Club is the bridge to Legend Lake, my next land I will describe.

Opinions, and comments welcomed from all.


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Legend Lake
2- Legend of the Sea Monster
3- Fish Tales
D- Loch Ness Tavern
c- (needed shop name, please post your names for a shop themed to myths of the sea, thanks)

Entering from Stream Street, after crossing the bridge you enter a darker more scarier themed land with bubblingwaters to your right and left. To your left is Legend of the Sea Monster, a flume thrill ride, a mix between Splash Mountain and Expediton Everest, as you set to go fishing on the ocean and you find out that you will encounter a giant sea monster, more of like a Kraken, (originally it was going to be Loch Ness, but Kraken would be better, I think). On the right is Loch Ness Tavern, a Table service restaurant similar to Rainforest cafe, themed to be a small tavern in Scotland, with seating along the lake side, once every hour an mysterious bubble apear along the water and a shadow is projected on the water, and the creature pops out of the water. Behind the LNT along the lagoon is the second seating area for the lagoon night show. Continuing forward, on the left is a shop, near the exit to Legend of the Sea Monster. (If you have a name for a themed shop, please post) Near the entrance to Mermaid Lagoon is Fish Tales, a dark ride themed to myths and legend of the seas. Board a fishing boat and set out to sea and explor the legends of Nessie- the Loch Ness Monster, Megalodon- giant shark, Sea Serpants, Sierns- greek nymphs of the sea, and Backahaslen- the stream horse that drowns it's riders.

To the right of Fish Tales, it the entrance to Merimaid Lagoon, the main land of Kingdom Oceania.

If anyone has any more attraction or restaurant ideas for Legend Lake, please post.


New Member
legend lake sounds great, although i think that the Scylla and Srividis would be better monsters, for the sea monster ride.
(Scylla is a ocean hydra with six heads- appearing in the oddysea and she is the sister of Shrividis).
(Srividis is a whirpool with a face- also appearing in the oddysea).
also the kraken is known as part of POTC ((although it is a viking myth))
so it better suits a pirate ride.
even greater- turn the sea monster ride into an experience of the oddysea: syrens,scylla,shribidis,Circle-the witch that turn man to pigs,the sheep island- if you it one of the sheeps a storm will come, and the cyclope.
the possibilities for this ride are endeless it can be a real extraveganza flume\coater.


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Are you talking about the Legend of the Sea Monster ride or the Fish Tales ride? because Legend of the Sea Monster is a thrill ride, whereas Fish Tale, is a dark boat ride through the legends, nothing really thrilling happens to the rider, they just witness the boaters/ sailors accounts.

If you are talking about the Legend of the Sea Monster ride about the Odyssey, then I like that idea, so the Legend of the Sea Monster will be turned into the Odyssey themed flume/ water coaster. (If you can think of a name, I think that this could work) Featuring Scylla, Scridis, Sierns, Circe, the wind bag scenario, and the cyclops island. (I am sure there are more that I forgot)



New Member
yes i was talking about the sea monster thing.

and if you wondered here is the real oddysea(in short):
oddyseus sails with his men to cyclopes island, where the cyclope try to eat them, they escape and hurt his eye.
posidon (the father of cyclopes) gets angry and make a storm.
oddysius lands in Circle's kingdom, a good-looking woomen that offers wine to all the men (if you drink the wine you become a pig later). oddysius doesnt fall for it and forces Circle to turn the pigs back to men (she agrees and he goes off).
oddisius goes to hell to speak with the blind prophet terezias about how can he go home, terezias sais that he will face the scylla (and he indeed face it), after that there is the whirpool (shrividis), and the sirens.
after all that he lands in a beautifull island full withj sheep that are zeus's sheep, whoever eats those sheep will die eventually.
at first they all get along but when posidon makes another storm, everyone execpt oddisius eats the sheep.
they all sail off when another storm bigger than all the others appear (this time created buy Zeus-what brings a lot of lightning bolts to the picture).
everyone drowns exept oddisius and he eventually come home and than a whole different stroy starts.
hope it helps(and wasnt to long).


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Thanks. I read it two years ago in my English class, so I remembered the most part, just not the minor details. the ride will just simply be called the Odyssey.

Mermaid Lagoon
4- Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster
5- Voyage of the Little Mermaid
6- Under the Sea
7- the Daughters of Triton
8- King Triton's Carousel of the Sea
9- the Whirlpool
10- Scuttle's Sea Scooters
11- Ariel's Grotto
14- Jewels of Atlantica
--- Pearl Cove
----- 12- Majesty
----- 13- Royal Pearl Garden
E- Sebastion's Calypso Kitchen
F- King Triton's Royal banquet
d- Kiss de Girl Fashions
e- Scuttle's Miscalanious

(Many of my attractions for this area are similar or copies to the ones at TDS, for a probably better description of some of the attractions: http://www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp/tds/english/7port/mermaid/atrc_map.html)

Entering from Legend Lake, you have Kiss de Girl Fashions, on the left, it is a shop themed to be more of a boutique of clothes themed to the Little Mermaid, and Ariel. On the right, along the lagoon, is Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster, a kiddy coaster, similar to the one at TDS. Continuing on next ot KdGF on the left is Voyage of the Little Mermaid, a dark ride themed to the Little Mermaid, a copy of the version that will be put into DCA. In front of you neart VotLM, and the entrance to Atlantis, it Sebastion's Calypso Kitchen, a Quick service restaraunt themed to a concert featuing sebastion and his band, similar to the atmosphere of Cosmic Ray's at MK. Turning right around the corner you see a giant domed building, looking like a cave, inside it Under the Sea, a FoLK type show telling the story of the Little Mermaid, similar to the show at TDS. Across from that on your left is Scuttle's Miscilanious, a shop with everything, much of the items are ones that Scuttle has collected from the humans. Next to SD, on the left is the Jewels of Atlantica, an aquarium with many brightly colored and vibrant fish. ON the right near the Under the Sea theater, is King Triton's Palace, inside is King Triton's ROyal Banquet, a Character dining experience for Breakfast, lunch and dinner, featuring King Triton, Ariel, Sebasstion, Flounder, they will be like the characters in the broadway show with skates on, so they can move around easier. Also, in the palace is the Daughters of Triton, a show that is hosted by sebastion. With performances by most of the Daughters, and with opening and closing numbers. Behind the castle is King Trtion's Carousel of the Sea, a carousel similar to the one at DCA. THen next to that is the Whirlpool, a Mad Tea Party type ride, copy of the one at TDS. And Scuttle's Scooters,a copy of the attraction at TDS. The right along the water, near KT Palace, is Ariel;s Grotto, a character meet and greet area/ playground, a bigger verison of the one at MK. On the left, near the entrance to Mystery Bay, and Near JoA, is Pearl Cove. Featuring Majesty, presented at Clam Shell Theater, it is a show featuring the PEarl Queen, and some of the most Majestic animals of the sea, doplphins. (Romanarms can you explain your idea for the show, since it was all your idea.) Then next to Clam Shell Theater, is Royal Pearl Gardens, a royal place where you can meet the Pearl Queen, and see divers diving for pearls among the sea weed, and it is also a resting and relaxing place to to take a break in the middle of the day.


New Member
i thought of the show like this:

firts- the stadium will be a stage that will be behind a lake, in the middle of the lake there will be a big pearl and clamps surrounding the pearl and the lake.
the pearl queen will be an actor that in the movement of a hand can make water come out from the clamps (in many different colors).
i didnt really think of it for details but those are the scenes that i thought of (i dont know what will be the best order):
-the dolphins preforming some tricks, jumpnug above stuff.
-Ariel's sisters swim in the water as the clamps shoot different-colored water
-a big AA of Triton that will be on the left will shoot a great mass of bubbles from his yellow thing (i dont know how it is called) to the audience.
-the pearl in the middle will open and inside there will be ariel waving to the audience.
-special lighting will change the color of the lake-water to match the scene.
-the dolphins will splash the audience.
-the pearl queen command the clamps to shoot waterr in turns and creates some sort off a orchestra.
-the actor playing the pearl queen will also be a dolphin trainer so she will be able to ride on one of the dolphins during the show
-all of the things will play toghether in the ending.

thats what i thought off- its pretty basic so feel free to change\delete\add whatever you want.

+ Atlantica shop... doesnt it suits better to Atlantis?


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I don't know what you mean by talking about the Atlantica Shop. If you can explain, I will be happy to describe.

15- Journey to Atlantis
16- Mystery of Atlantis

Entering this small land, between Sebastion's Calypso Kitchen and Scuttle's Discoveries in Mermaid Lagoon. Themed to be a city in ruins and underwater. TO the left is what looks like to be a abandoned palace, inside Journey to Atlantis is house. Journey to Atlantis will be similar to the attraction at SeaWorld in Orlando. It will be a mix of Splash Mountain and a watercoaster. Hope aboard a boat and journey through the Atlantis that was, then as a huge hurricane comes it floods and starts burning. Then the watercoaster if started, you race through the burning city then plummit down a five story drop into the abyss of the ocean. You will then find yourself "underwater" with the fishes. By using a tube, all around you with the fish all around you.
NExt, on the right of the land is Mystery of Atlantis. IT is a show that will be similar to Legend of Mythia. It will be also similar to the attraction journey to Atlantis, because the main portion of the show will feature how Atlantis was lost and ruin with water and fire effects, and dolphin and bird stunts.

NExt will be Mystery Bay, probably tomorrow.


New Member
i meant that a shop calle Atlantica fits to a land called Atlantis... nothing big, it doesnt really matter).

just for you to know: Atlantis (according to the legend) was built in circles where the inner circle was royalty and the outer circles were for the people.
you can build this land also like that, where the outer circle will feature the journy ride and the inner one will host the show.


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I like that idea as well. So, on the map will be the entrance areas for both, and the ride and show buildings will be in the back, not pictured on the map.

Mystery Bay
17- Journey thru Liquid Space
18- Creatures of the Deep

Entering from Mermaid Lagoon, you have Journey thru Liquid Space, on your left. Similar to the original Submarine Voyage at Disneyland, without Nemo. Then continuing on next to JtLS, on the left is Creatures of the Deep, a walkthrough attraction, featuring incredible and mysterious fish such as Anglerfish, sharks, and more (if anyone has anyother names for fish that are in the deep, please post). THen continuing in front of you is the bridge to the GReat Barrier Reef.


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the Great Barrier Reef
19- Escape the Fisherman
20- the Tank Gang Aquariums
21- Bruce's Shark Sanctuary
22- Mr. Ray's Fish School
23- Squirt's Turtle Tanks
24- the East Australian Current
25- Nemo's Adventures (needs a new name, HELP)
26- Finding Nemo- the Musical
27- Dory's Jumpin Jellyfish
28- Bloat's Blowfish Balloon Race
G- Coral Reef Cafe
f- Peach's Sea Star Market
g- the Cavern

Walkign across the bridge, you enter what look like the Sydney Fishing Harbor from the movie. On the Left is Escape the Fisherman, a rollercoasteralong the lagoon, as you ride in a fish, and try to escape the fisherman's grasp. On the right is the Aquarium Building, featuring:
- Tank Gang Aquariums- walkthrough aquarium featuring interactive fish exhibits
- Coral Reef Cafe- a table service restaurant serving lunch and dinner, similar to the one in Epcot where you dine along a huge glass tank filled with colorful and exotic fish
- Bruce's Shark Sanctuary- walkthrough a exihibit where you can walkthrough an acrillic tube with sharks all around you.
Located on the outside of the building is the entrance to Mr. Ray's Fish School, an interactive show similar to Turtle Talk with Crush. Next to MRFS is Squirt's Turtle Tanks, a rehabilation area fro turtles, similar to the manatee area at the Seas with Nemo and Friends at Epcot. Across the entrance to Mr. Ray's Fish School is the East Australain Current, a raft ride through with a raft shaped like a turtle. In the back corner with the EAC, on the left, on the right is Nemo's Adventures, a dark ride through the story of Finding Nemo on a Clammobile, similar to the ones at Epcot. The exit shop of NA is the Cavern. Next to NA and the Cavern is Finding Nemo- the Musical, a copy to the one at DAK. Near the entrance to FN-tM is Peach's Sea Star Market, a outdoor marketplace. Along the lagoon, next to Escape the Fisherman, is Bloat's Blowfish Balloon Race, similar to the one at TDS. Next toe BBBR is Dory's Jumpin' Jellyfish, a attraction similar to the one at DCA, but you are Dory jumping from jellyfish to jellyfish.

Well that is it for my theme parks and lands. Starting tomorrow I will start describing my parade for Disney's Kingdom Oceania, my school will be starting next week so starting next tuesday, my posts might be less than they have been. After I describe the parade, I am going to start describe my E-Ticket attractions for eacth park a little more indepth.

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