Disney Quest


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Hey, I'm gonna be down in WDW from June 26-July 3rd, staying at the Contemporary. Should I spend an entire day in Disney Quest? My parents would let me, we'd have our cell phones, and they'd leave me there until I want to meet them somewhere else. Should I spend a day in here? Last time, and only time, I went before was when I was 7 and I loved Disney Quest. Give me your ideas on this.


Well-Known Member
Haven't been there in a while, but I don't think there's THAT much to do... Plus, and correct me if I'm wrong, but don't those points cost a lot?


Yes, you can and probably would wind up staying the entire day at Disney Quest. There are I think 4 different floors with so much to do. Some things are even worth doing more than once like the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. Some things you can get involved in for a great deal of time like the Treasure of the Incas. Plus, if its crowded you may wind up waiting in long lines anyway like on Cyberspace Mountain. There is definetly enough to do there for the entire day.


New Member
i don' tthink you have to sepnd more than a few hours at DisneyQuest. Unless you want to repeat things. But If that's your thing then go for it. After al this is your vacation it should be spent doing the thinsg you want to do (but remember your parents probably want to spend time with you in wdw as well:))


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My parents encourage me to be independant. I am a HUGE video game player and can play Halo 2 hours upon hours each day. Can someone please tell me what the attractions are though? Like what to do and what not to do. Havent been there for 6 years.

BG Rugger

New Member
Maybe I was expecting too much, but I've been there only once and it seemed to be nothing more to me than a big arcade. Personally, I'd go for the Virgin Megastore. But, if you're thing is Disney Quest GO FOR IT. Enjoying yourself is what WDW is all about, right??


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My Recommendation: I have been to DQ 4 times in the past four years and I have noticed on thing in particular...... GET THERE ONCE IT OPENS!! If you get there about 20 min. before they open (they usually open @ 11:00) and get as much done as you can right away!! Why you might ask..... well DQ after 7:00 is a NIGHTMARE!! Last year when we went in the morning and then went back at around 5:00 we were able to get twice as much done in the morning!! When we went back that evening we waited 45 minutes for Pirates of the Carribean and and hour for Cyber Space Mountain!! Earlier that morning we waited 5 minutes for each attraction and went on both multipule times before the large crowds arrive!!


Well-Known Member
i can't spend more than a few hours in there...
just depends on how much you like the types of attractions that are in there...
i went once, and had fun, but it was the perfect amount of time...


Well I just looked at your profile and you're what, 13 years old? As a 20 something year old, I can only stand to stay in Disneyquest for about 4-5 hours max. But this place is a 13 year old's dream, you could entertain yourself all day long if you have enough video game tokens.


New Member
Depends on who you are... I stayed there for 6-8 hours one with my little brother, couldn't stand it after 4 hours.
1. Some people can be really nasty and mean, tensions are high at the big and new arcade games
2. Very loud in some areas
3. Children can be really annoying here, especially when adults expect thier children to come first before you.
4. Some of the castmembers at the roller coaster maker space mountain thing where a bit "RUDE" My 3rd time going there I still run into a rude castmember.
5. Some of the games, or most are very outdated. Like Playstation 1 outdated.


Well-Known Member
This page has some good info on DisneyQuest. You could easily spend 6-8 hours here. Especially if you get hooked on the Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Buccaneer Gold attraction, which is incredibly fun and highly addictive.

None of the games require tokens or money, except for the ones that give back tickets (for redemption).


They've done away with the point system, so everything is free with admission (except food and souveniers). You could spend a day there, but it's a stretch. Treasure of the Incas is gone, unfortunately, and that was the attraction that took a lot of time. But most of the stuff there is fun multiple times. I personally like the animation academy more than the one in MGM. Have fun.


New Member
I just returned last night from Disney World, and we went to Disney Quest this past Monday night. We spent about 3 hours there and that was enough for me. I guess you could spend alot more time there, but 3 hours was enough for me, and we were able to do all the "major" attractions without much wait time. We passed on all the regular video games.


New Member
My son is 12 and my nephew is 15 and they both could easily spend the entire day at DQ. There is quite a bit to do there and they can even catch lunch inside, so that adds time to the day. Avoid it at all costs if it is raining - then the place is so jammed that you can't get to any of the games. Watch out for game hogs too, there are some folks who will latch on to one game and play it for hours, never letting anyone else get a chance at it. If you go right when it opens, when most people are at the parks, you will have more time to get to the more popular games and attractions. It can get crowded at night also, that's when a lot of families drop their kids off while they do Downtown or Pleasure Island.

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