Disney Purists vs. Disney Traditionalists


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's really that academically complicated. Most people who bring up a lot of the "Walt" arguments are just using whatever is convenient to mask the fact that they simply like an attraction and their personal taste is that it not be removed/reworked. There is nothing altrusitic about it.

People getting all nitty about something like the PotC refresh shock me a bit. They are doing the best possible thing - ensuring that the ride will last for generations to come. The enhancements, in this case, are just that - and if you don't believe that a HUGE portion of park guests don't know/don't care what came first and wonder why the ride has so little to do with the film, ask any CM at PotC.

The original, classic ride is remaining, with a few new AI's and a few nifty new effects (which the ride could really use). I think it's the absolute best of both worlds.



New Member
AEfx said:
I don't think it's really that academically complicated. Most people who bring up a lot of the "Walt" arguments are just using whatever is convenient to mask the fact that they simply like an attraction and their personal taste is that it not be removed/reworked. There is nothing altrusitic about it.

People getting all nitty about something like the PotC refresh shock me a bit. They are doing the best possible thing - ensuring that the ride will last for generations to come. The enhancements, in this case, are just that - and if you don't believe that a HUGE portion of park guests don't know/don't care what came first and wonder why the ride has so little to do with the film, ask any CM at PotC.

The original, classic ride is remaining, with a few new AI's and a few nifty new effects (which the ride could really use). I think it's the absolute best of both worlds.


I agree! Just enjoy WDW and whatever changes they make. Life is too short to be PO'd about something like this.


Well-Known Member
I agree with AEfx. While I tend to be more of a traditionalist, I find myself ok with the PoTC rehab. I usually look at both WDW and DL as seperate entities, studying their own history, but with PoTC this way...even though it is unique to WDW's MK...it is not an original nor, is it as amazing as DL's. The ride needed a rehab, and so it got plussed with a very successful movie franchise. Some day that movie will wear off, and I'm sure we'll see another rehab that either removes most of the movie makeover or alternates it a little to another tropical successful franchise at that time.

Because HM was not as successful a movie, I highly doubt we'll ever see a movie rehab. Now DL's HM has a new and amazing bride, I am accepting it BECAUSE the HM has no official story. Fans have made it up over time! I'm not crazy about her head chopping craziness, but it is a nice enhancement...and the funny thing is she is back where the original bride was....leaving room for *I wish* a new and improved hatbox ghost!!! :kiss:

I can't say change is always good because even though I never expereinced flight to the moon or mission to mars, they both served their times well and wwere replaced well by AE, but I never went on AE because it was closed to Stitch, I have skipped Stitch twice now on my past two trips and am determined to go on it in January. I am more interested in seeing the outlines of flight to the moon and mission to mars show rooms along with AE design.

Stitch was an overpublicized event that went too far IMO and the public reaction to it was not and still isn't well received.

The pixarification is something that also goes against my views. Timekeeper was not that bad of an attraction either, yet it was closed for years on a seasonal basis.

Monsters taking over in Tomorrowland? Or superheros aka Incredibles? That sounds very wrong. New rides could make the future that never was far greater than fantasyland east.


Well-Known Member
Edit: Well... look at that previous post... ^^^^^ Case in point.

Purists & Traditionalists... basically the same thing and bad for the company. :D


Well-Known Member
I'm just giving you a hard time. You're not as "extremist" as most. ;)

I have no problems with the proposed TL changes nor the recent changes. I'm not a fan of SGE, but it has a place... and I'd say that SGE is doing better than AE for the kids/tweens and for merchandise sales.


Original Poster
Sledge said:
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! STOP! Pet peeve. People that state Disney "facts" and are completely wrong. Stop. Stop. No. Never again. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Though I share your frustration, please be respectful to those who may not know as much useless information as the rest of us, especially in my thread. My pet peeve is people who make others feel dumb for not knowing things that others do. She(?) asked the question, she deserves a respectful answer. Thank you.


Original Poster
patricia27 said:
It's good to see changes as it attracts guests who might say "oh I`ve
done Disney there's nothing new".
However there are some special rides which I never want to lose--
Carousel of Progress.
Someone mentioned "Toad"-- well my son boycots "Pooh"
in support of "Toad".
Finally I'm pleased to see that there will be a milder version of
Mission Space as I was too scared to go on the main ride.
You should try The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. I love and miss Mr. Toad, but Pooh is a more than adequate replacement. It's one of my favorite Fantasyland rides and it has some really neat special effects.


Original Poster
yazmin182 said:
Sorry!! I totally thought it had a different name! my bad
Please don't shun me from this website! I will leeearrrn!

Ok I got it! What confused me was it had the picture of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie when i went to go for the ride, and so i assumed they changed the name too. I will def. do my hw next time tho!
Hehe, no problem. Glad you didn't take the ribbing on this thread personally. Some people are very over-protective of their trivia. I only said that because I figured you would have looked it up first, but I guess that's what we're here for.


Original Poster
Kadee said:
I agree! Just enjoy WDW and whatever changes they make. Life is too short to be PO'd about something like this.
I only wish that the Disneyland version was staying the same. A) Because, against my better judgement, it is the original; and B) because that would give the Cliff's Notes version at WDW a reason to shine. Oh well, I guess there's always Tokyo and Paris.


Active Member
I am a liitle bit of both a traditionalist and a purist. I do think change is good as it does keep things fresh and exciting. Some changes have been made for the worse in my opinion. A few examples of the latter would be converting AE into SGE, Enchanted Tiki Room into Enchanted Tiki Room Under New Management, Monster Sound Show into Sounds Dangerous (a.k.a. Sounds Boring), and Journey Into Imagination into Journey Into Your Imagination.

At Epcot, I certainly like Soaring, Test Track, and perhaps team green at Mission Space when I get to experience that. However, the first ride I always ride at Epcot is Spaceship Earth. It is also usually the last ride I go on as well. To me, Spaceship Earth is a symbol of Epcot Center, the Epcot that I always enjoyed, and is one of the last standing elements from the educational Epcot. JII was an awesome ride. The first version of JIYI was total garbage and a huge dissappointment. The second version of JIYI, while no where near as good as the original, is a big improvement from the garbage version.

I am not sure how I feel about Tomorrowland yet. It is certainly not the same Tomorrowland I grew up on. Then again, at the moment it seems to be transforming into a different theme of sorts, while still holding onto classics such as Space Mountain and Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress.

I don't think you could ever keep a theme park going without changing things from time to time. The key is to use plussing (sp?) to enhance the traditional version in a way that only makes the attraction better and not worse.


Active Member
JustinTheClaw said:
I only wish that the Disneyland version was staying the same. A) Because, against my better judgement, it is the original; and B) because that would give the Cliff's Notes version at WDW a reason to shine. Oh well, I guess there's always Tokyo and Paris.

True, I do think the original POTC at DL should not have been touched. However, what comes out of it may not be so bad. After riding DL's POTC I really didn't care what they did with WDW's, as it was certainly no where near as good as the original.

I tend to believe that DL visitors are more of the traditionalist type and rightfully so. DL is Walt's park, and you get a sense of that as you explore the park. The changes at the HM have been great as have the Jungle Cruise changes. I think WDI has to be more careful of what they do at DL. What comes out in the end, is a park that I feel is more magical and better then the MK at WDW.


Well-Known Member
TTATraveler said:
I tend to believe that DL visitors are more of the traditionalist type and rightfully so. DL is Walt's park, and you get a sense of that as you explore the park. The changes at the HM have been great as have the Jungle Cruise changes. I think WDI has to be more careful of what they do at DL. What comes out in the end, is a park that I feel is more magical and better then the MK at WDW.

Read- Turn DL into a museum, never change anything without "permission" from its annual passholders, and let new technologies fall by the wayside so you can reuse decades old crap that should have been removed ages ago (Submarine Voyage - Nemo Subs).

Don't forget, Walt closed 7 attractions in his first three years. Leaving stuff open as long as Disneyland has would make Walt cry (see, I can speak ex cathedra too!)


Well-Known Member
Lets not forget one very important thing. Disney is not a non-profit organization. They must appeal to a wide audience and most folks welcome change - they want to see something different each time they go to the park.

I'm of the opinion that Pirates, for example, should stay as is. Having said that, I understand the need for updates and for moving forward as long as it's done well. As long as a good compromise is found between updating and saving the original magic, then all is well. It's like a good marriage :)


Active Member
Enderikari said:
Read- Turn DL into a museum, never change anything without "permission" from its annual passholders, and let new technologies fall by the wayside so you can reuse decades old crap that should have been removed ages ago (Submarine Voyage - Nemo Subs).

Don't forget, Walt closed 7 attractions in his first three years. Leaving stuff open as long as Disneyland has would make Walt cry (see, I can speak ex cathedra too!)

That is not at all what I am saying at all. I do think they are more of traditionalists in CA. There is a different mindset out there. I have only been to DL 2x, with my first trip in 2003 so I haven't experienced a lot of the older stuff like the submarines. DL doesn't hold the same childhood memories as WDW since I didn't grow up there. I do look forward to Nemo Subs and overall love DL. What I am saying that, there seems to be more of a emotional component in DL, and they are hesitant about playing aorund with it. I do think though that there was aboslutely nothing wrong with POTC at DL. It completely blew WDW's version out of the water.

I also think that is is DL's turn to shine after years of neglect and lack of new attractions. I am all in favor of change for the better. I don't think POTC needed any change, but granted it is happening and I look forward to seeing what they will add.


Well-Known Member
I understand what you're saying. As far as POTC goes, I am a little upset...if it were for a Johnny Depp AA coming in. First it was, they made a movie based on the ride and because they are adding the characters from the movie it's like there's a ride based on the movie. Now it seems more the movies vision than Walts. Then again, I haven't seen the completed version.
I'm abit of both a purist and a traditionalist. I like to see new rides but I hate the new wave of movie copied rides being installed in disney, it lacks imagination. I like to hear new stories on attractions, not ones that we all have seen and heard on movies. These attractions are an ambarresment to the word 'imagineering'


Well-Known Member
Goofybynature said:
I'm abit of both a purist and a traditionalist. I like to see new rides but I hate the new wave of movie copied rides being installed in disney, it lacks imagination. I like to hear new stories on attractions, not ones that we all have seen and heard on movies. These attractions are an ambarresment to the word 'imagineering'

You would have really hated Walt's original Disneyland, huh? A large percentage of attractions were based on television shows or movies.
wannab@dis said:

You would have really hated Walt's original Disneyland, huh? A large percentage of attractions were based on television shows or movies.

Well at least those movies and tv shows were quality disney classics and were used in the right way. Unlike stitch and the new monsters inc show

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