Disney Prop Warehouses


Original Poster
Well I went on I think it was Keys to the Kingdom tour, and I must say I don’t agree one bit with you cast members who say it ruins the magic for me it puts me into even greater wonder about WDW. And no wonder is greater, than about the Disney Warehouses. I’ve heard so much about them, even saw one warehouse which sadly we didn’t go in. Anyhow does anyone know what kinds of stuff they store there? If I could do anything it would be to fulfill my nosiness and just rummage through the crates and whatnot in them. I sometimes wonder what things they have boxed up, forgotten about. Like for example I sometimes I watch old Disney shows or things from Disneyworld’s early days, like the meet and greet robot that was at Epcot. I remember it on the Danny Kaye special with Drew Barrymore and wonder if it’s packed up. Things like that are what I'm talking about. I know mousesurplus doesnt have it all lol

Anyone else have any curiosities about what could be there?

BTW I did a search and found no topics about the warehouses so hopefully this is new ground to cover at WDWMagic :)


Original Poster
lol well I saw tha building, it was quite interesting, but I meant the one err.. I think next door to that building :)

Danny kaye... not sure, that was actually the last thing he did though I know that. And he didnt die till a couple years later too..


Well-Known Member
Well... from my experience at Universal the prop warehouses store anything that is not currently being used. That can range from seasonal decorations and parade floats to extra trash cans and benches.

Universal has a Jaws head sitting outside, and the sick triceratops from Jurrassic Park (which is actually a really depressing site).


Beta Return
Icekid84 said:
lol well I saw tha building, it was quite interesting, but I meant the one err.. I think next door to that building :)

Danny kaye... not sure, that was actually the last thing he did though I know that. And he didnt die till a couple years later too..

Well, right next to the Xmas warehouse is Central Shops - if I'm thinking right. It's a gigantic building where they make....well...everything. I took the Backstage Magic tour, twice, and we went in there both times. We saw them fixing some ToT elevators, painting some trash cans, adding doors to the Pooh Honey Pots, making signs, building the Tokyo Disney trams, and working on countless other ride parts and pieces. It's REALLY cool and REALLY big. We also went in the Xmas Warehouse - pretty amazing.


Original Poster
Backstage Magic tour, that was what it was called :)... hmm that repair building, I thought that was across from the Disney Christmas Decorations warehouse? It was freaky to see Bonnie Appetite just sitting there. Another thing from that tour I remember was going through the area where they store the costumes (I think it was) and I looked over at a room with its door open and I saw another prop from Kitchen Kabaret sitting up on a shelf or something.

I remember reading somewhere that in “Honey I blew up the Baby”, that when they were trying to get the original shrinking laser out of the warehouse: that ware house was a Disney warehouse. Not sure where it was I assume that part of the movie was shot in California, but then again it could have been shot in Florida. I just remember seeing endless crates on shelf’s.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Here you go Icekid - North Servcie Area Central Shops


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Original Poster
Thanks for the pictures :) errr. What is that thing in the first picture lol, I don’t remember seeing that on my tour, and I went only.... this last... August I think... cant even remember. I'd gladly do that again :)

Yeah I remember seeing the Disney Textile building, from a few 100 feet away. And the Central shop was where Bonnie was I believe. I saw track pieces for the Disneyland Space Mountain being worked on when I was there. Didn’t they say that the Central Shops was one of the first buildings built on property to build the Disney rides and such? It was nice for a nostalgia lover like myself to see the faded but true WDW logo on that building still.


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
Here you go Icekid - North Servcie Area Central Shops

I knew there was a mechanical looking dinosaur that was used in a show at Epcot. Now I know I'm not insane!!!!!!!!

Thanks marni!!!!!!


Central Shops is AWSOME! We took new-hires there when I used to facilitate GR property tours. It's just so cool to see all the work they do. We saw them rehabbing some of the IASW dolls, building Primeval Whirl and the snowglobe floats and the BIG things for the Pop Century resorts... Lots of stuff. And did y'all know that Central Shops is the ONLY place that the...( :zipit: how to say it?)..fur characters are born? They don't, er, birth them anywhere else, because A) They want the workmanship to be consistant, and B) They don't want too many people to see the "birthing" process. The, uh, maternity ward (?) is very, very cool. ;)

The best part of all of our tours was seeing the pride that all the CMs who work there have in their work. Everyone we spoke with was SO proud and excited to tell and show you what they do. It seems weird to think about that, because the probably seldom have the chance to see the finished product in use (unless they make an effort to go when they aren't at work...assuming the finished peice is used at WDW). But the all seem to GET the whole "Disney Magic" thing, and understand how many people are going to be touched by what they do. It was a very subtle yet powerful way to help our new CMs understand (or get re-aquainted with) what they're going to be doing. I wish more CMs could see thse people at work, and get re-Pixie-dusted. (Especially some of our executives :brick: )

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Static-X said:
I knew there was a mechanical looking dinosaur that was used in a show at Epcot. Now I know I'm not insane!!!!!!!!

Thanks marni!!!!!!
Yea it's the monster from Splashtacular.....Memories LOL (That thing is freaky at night too)


Well-Known Member
Irrawaddy Erik -Yea it's the monster from Splashtacular.....Memories LOL (That thing is freaky at night too)
I can't remember that scary thing? Does anyone have a photo of it in the show? Maybe it will spark a memory.


can't remember that scary thing? Does anyone have a photo of it in the show? Maybe it will spark a memory.

I don't remember exact details, but I believe it was a VERY short-lived show, from back in EPCOT Center's early days - when they were really pushing the futuristic stuff. That thing was a monster that Mickey had to fight, iirc. I'll bet someone else has pics, though...


Well-Known Member
STGRhost said:

I don't remember exact details, but I believe it was a VERY short-lived show, from back in EPCOT Center's early days - when they were really pushing the futuristic stuff. That thing was a monster that Mickey had to fight, iirc. I'll bet someone else has pics, though...

I probably have one in one of the many photo books here. I'll have to look tomorrow.

Mission: SPACE

New Member
I've seen that dinosaur-looking creature on my way to work many a time and wondered what it was... Thanks for the info Marni! To be honest, I was hoping it was Lucky 2.0, lol!


I remember after Splashtacular ended they put some weird silver sunglasses on the dinosaur robot and used it in the Galaxy Search stage show in Tomorrowland.


Original Poster
Hmm Splashtacular... not ringing a bell hehe. I take it however that when this goliath was in use it had a bit more to it right? Because if not then it must have been a paraplegic dinosaur Mickey was fighting. :lol:

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