Disney PhD family trip (with Friends) 2005

Hi WDWmagic friends. We made it to WDW and back safely with a group of 5 adults, one teen, 2 almost 4 year old and 2 babies!

Here is the details, sorry it is long! Thanks for reading. :kiss:

Trip report for PhD family (and friends).
PhD family: Me 33, DH 33, DD (Little PhD, almost 4 years old) and baby 7 months. Also my 13 year old niece, her second trip to WDW.

Friends. (almost the same as us, except sons instead of daughters and a sister instead of niece.)

Friday Feb 25th to Friday March 4th 2005.

Our flight out of Detroit was a little late. The airport at Detroit was insane at 5:00 am. We got there early and got through the lines in time, but about 20 people on our flight didn’t so they waited. (We flew Spirit Airlines). Got to MCO fine and pick up from Quicksilver Car service was good. We paid for a van, but got a caddy SUV. Our driver was from Brazil and yes, he admits the tour groups with teens are out of control. However most of his family doesn’t want to come here to visit and he has to bribe them. He said that price of living has gotten very high in Brazil and only the very rich can afford to send their kids now. He was very nice. One word about Quicksilver, my friends, another group of friends, (who we meet up with later) and us all used them. We all had great service. We got our groceries (Publix) and were on our way to BCV. It was a little cool (near 70) and overcast. No line at front desk. Our friends who were meeting us (also from Detroit) were there, but their room wasn’t ready. We had a choice, our room was ready, but it wasn’t a pool view. We could wait for the pool view or take the ready room. We went for the ready room, thinking if our friends needed a placed for their kids to rest they could do it in our room. Our room was 350 (studio) and I was rather bummed about the view, mostly road, a big utility box, the back side of a few Epcot buildings, a bit of a walk. Oh well, it will have to do. The noise from the road wasn’t bad. We did have a smoker next door, when it got very cold and rainy the smell of smoke started coming form under the lock off door, not happy about that one. Got to love smokers in non smoking rooms! :hammer:

Walk around and find our friends. We go back to our room at 2:00 and they call the front desk again, their room is ready. They end up waiting a hour in their room for Bell Services. Apparently every time they used the buttons on their phone it connected to YC instead of BC and the YC never forwarded their request for Bell Services.

I get PS for the group at Alfredo’s in Italy at 4:30 and we head out to the parks. It is raining now, but very lightly. We head out and get AP at the international gateway. (with the DVC discount thank you.) :D

They sat us right inside the door, it was rather crazy with people coming in and out, but it was a good meal. I had the Ceaser salad with my meal, but my friends sister really didn’t like the dressing, (too fishy). We had a good meal and started earning back our $50 towards the DDE experience. No card yet, so we used the email. No problems with it.

We ambled around WS all the way to Mexico to ride El Rio del Tiempo. Since we were all up since 4:00 am or so we headed back to the room (after stopping in France for pastry and Impressions de France). I thought I could nurse the baby and both kids would fall asleep. She would have non of that. As soon as the music started she stood up on my lap and watched the movie. Both kids LOVED it. It was tight with 5 of us in a studio, (one is a baby so yes we are legal) but we fit. Niece sleep on the couch, DD on the floor in her blow up sleeping bag and baby in the Pack in Pay in front of the sink. I remember hearing the fireworks very well, and I think we could see some since I overheard people out side on their balcony commenting on them. I was too tired and went right back to sleep.

I slept from 9:00 pm to 3:00 am :snore: and that was the most sleep I have had in over 8 months (baby still isn’t sleeping well), so when I awoke after 6 hours of sleep, I was ready to go. I waited until 6:00 and then got up to start the day. I was so excited to get to MK.

More to follow.........................


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jesserin said:
Great Report! As a soon to be first-time-mommy, I loved all the stroller/Baby Bjorn tips! Great Info! Thanks!

Congrats!!!!!!!!! If you have any other bring a baby to WDW or the like questions just let me know. We are becoming a kind of an expert on the subject. :lol: :lookaroun


New Member
That was one of the most engaging and wonderful trip reports I have ever had the pleasure to read DisneyPhD! Thank you for taking the time to compile this information and report. It reminds me of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. :wave:


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Thanks everyone, and thank you for posting and letting me know you liked it. Getting much closer to the 2nd trip now. I can't wait since spring isn't coming fast enough around here.

I just remembered something some people here might find interesting (mostly the stroller obsessed mom's.)

One day a couple gets on the bus. The father goes to the front of the bus and explains to the driver that he needs to tip the bus to get their stroller on, it would not fold up. The driver explains to him then he is not able to take it on the bus. They go back and forth a while and then magically the driver decides to let them on. So she loads this double stroller (the Peg Pergo with "boots" a front back twin, the one that goes for around $500 +) on the stroller, with the seats still on it and the kids still in the seats.) The couple with 2 kids around 1 year old each gets in. In addition the stroller was loaded down with tons of stuff in the basket under it. The driver then makes the people sitting in the HC seats move and spends 10 min locking down stroller the with the Handy Cap straps. The man was the nicest man ever, the women looked rather ed (at the world in general.) My curiosity got the better of me, I had to ask them, "If it doesn't fold down, how in the world did you get it to Disney World." The father explained that oh the seats do come off. Then he looks at my Peg Pergo Aira Twin and say's "That is a nice stroller, but we thought we might have trouble getting it through doors." :confused:

Can you imagine going through that every time you get on the bus? The kids looked perfectly normal (ie this was not a stroller/wheelchair.) The mother did get one out and sit him on her lap. She didn't make eye contact with anyone or talk on the bus ride. Boy that poor man was whipped! :hammer:

Well in all my years staying at WDW property and using the buses I have never seen anything like it before. I was glad we didn't encounter it again on the trip. I don' t mind waiting for people in wheelchairs to load and be strapped down in the least bit, I am happy they are out enjoying WDW too. But hey, I had a double stroller and two kids too. (not to mention my Peg Pergo cost over 200 less then that one!) So when people ask for reconditions for a double stroller, that isn't it! ;)

Oh, our last day we also saw a very nice young couple with a Buga Balow Frog,(spelled wrong) stroller, you know the $800 plus one. We were stopped at the same cart in Epcot getting coffee (between England and Canada.) and I just had to ask them how they liked theirs. They said they were from Minnesota and it was really cold so the boot (cover like a coat) was really great for that. They loved it, for that price I would hope so. This was the 1st time I ever saw one in person. :lookaroun


Hubby and I had a bear with our strollers. We don't have a tandem stroller, so we took one umbrella one for our toddler and our Graco one for the infant. Boy was THAT a mistake! Hubby and I were constantly separated by the mobs of people. And the stories of the mad stroller mamas were true!! They were trying to run me over and I had a stroller!

Hubby was drooling over the rental strollers. They looked so much more comfy for the kids and you could get a tandem one. I think we may shuck out the extra $$ and do that next time.

Thanks for the stroller advice! We want to eventually buy a tandem stroller, so I'll stay away from those non-folding expensive ones. :lol:


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JMishy said:
Awwww, and the picture of the baby up close is absolutely PRECIOUS! :kiss:

Loved the pictures!

Thanks that is one of my favorites. My niece actually took it while on Dumbo. The baby was in the baby bijorn.

I didn't think of that before with 2 different strollers. We considered doing that since we had a small combi and this back pack stroller we used when Little PhD was a baby. She loved it (and the baby does not too.) It was so easy in really crowded places, like the parade. We could just change it to the back pack and walk around really easy. We didn't take it this trip since I sprung for the Peg Pergo hubby made me take it. (we bought it with WDW in mind.) :lookaroun

I hear the Graco side by side is pretty good and a nice price. I liked the peg better since it had trays across the seats that remove easily.

I always wondered why anyone would of wanted that really pricely one, now i really wonder! :hammer:

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