i frequent the Disney outlet store in Wisconsin Dells.. We drove 90 miles, one way there, last night, only to find out that the store will be closing Aug 19th.. We were shocked.. this store was " owned by Disney.." sold from Disney and repurchased by Disney over the past 20 some years.. it survived the big recession.. and now when its doing great guns',, last night at 7pm on a Saturday night it was packed., its closing.. I knew the staff and they knew me and my family and they all had been sprinkled with Pixie Dust.. Its just a real real shame to close this store now.. a real shame.. and to boot, in the past year,, we have gotten addicted to pin trading and our visits to the store had increased by 10 fold.. I don't know what Disney the company is doing .. but I am really starting to not agree at all..