Disney Money?


Well-Known Member
I have to agree. I know well in advance of our Disney vacations that I'm going to be shelling out some serious money, but there is no place else on earth that provides that same guaranteed great atmosphere and magic! I don't mind spending my money if I feel that I'm getting my money's worth, and I do, every time.

P.S. I paid a LOT less for lunch for four at the MK than I did for the same meal at the Orlando airport!:)


I found that it is all in figuring out how to eat at Disney. My trip consisted of 2 adults and 2 children(5 and 2).
We ate at the POR Food Court before heading out, after the first day we found out that the omlett and fried potatoes was plenty for my wife and I so after that we shared. Saving number 1, the kids had cereal, that is what they wanted. We also bought the refill mugs for my wife and I. I guess I am lucky, but my kids favorite drink is water(probably should be mine too :lol: ) We ate lunch in the parks, did not really splurge. After going out to eat at home so much, I was actually very impressed with the prices inside the parks, and I dont really think I ever got anything to eat that I did not love. Except maybe the McDonalds at AK, better than all other McDonalds, but still McDonalds. My wife and I even ate at Japan in Epcot one night while my parents had the kids and I actually came away from the trip under budget for food.

Lot of rambling, but it boils down to get the mugs, share your food(not only frugal, but gives you a chance to try something else), and enjoy yourself you are at WDW.

Please pardon the spelling


Active Member
Originally posted by Monorail Lime
Value is more than cost.

Taking my previous example, I can eat cheaper at SFOT from a cost paid point of view than I can at Disney. BUT the food isn't very good and you get a lot less of it! So Disney is "cheaper" even though it costs more because I would have to buy many more food items at SFOT for the level of satisfaction I get at Disney!

Of course the value of anything is determined by far more than it's actual cost!

I was just looking at a bigger picture than the fast-food value, that's all!

Each of my Disney visits has been priceless to me, and I wouldn't trade them for the world - that doesn't mean that I can't wish the actual prices were more within my reach.


Originally posted by cymbaldiva
And in the meantime, most of America have to save for ayear to even visit WDW and can still not possibly afford to take advantage of the many luxuries (sp?) that they have to offer...

Diva is sad...:cry:

Think whats its like for us Brits :) not only does it cost loads to fly over wehave to spend two weeks on the site - ok thats not exactly hell!

But for us the food is cheaper than many places over here.

but I dont mind - and I agree with the comments - whilst Disney is a lovely place - its a corporate giant - and therefore need to make the money to continue its build programmes and also release investment from major banks by keeping their earnings ahead.

but i still love the place and everything - and I agree the Clam Chowder is wicked :)


Well-Known Member
On first trip to Disney World, we stayed for a week and all I did was complain about the prices. :brick:

It almost ruined the vacation for my family.

After coming home I was amazed how cheap everything seemed at all my local restaurants.:lol:

After that trip I vowed never to complain about prices again. It's a vacation, it's a theme park. It's going to be expensive..let's face it...they're in the business to make money and they will charge what ever people are willing to pay. There's nothing we can do about that except try to budget or bring alot of money with us when we go.

Don't make the same mistake as I did and complain about everything...I spent a week whining and making everyone miserable around me when I could have been enjoying myself taking in all the splenders of Disney.;)


Active Member
Here is my thought on the cost of a Disney trip -

Is it worth it? Of Course it's worth it - It's Disney for crying out loud!!!

When I'm actually at WDW I don't fuss at all about the prices...I know everything is expensive there, and when I'm in the parks the $$$ is the last think on my mind.

However when back once again in the real world, isn't it okay to whine a bit about money? I mean, the only thing standing between me and my happy place is the money! :lol:


New Member
:) Well said Diva--- it is when you get home into the REAL world that it hits you! ( do we have to leave) I agree though some places are really a lot higher than you would think-- :(

Sometimes we get the childrens portions at the fast food/not sit down spots. that seems to help. Also, have you tried the new meal deal at AK that is great! Wish they would have it for the rest of the parks!!!

We usually try to eat at the park only once a day and bring goodies to eat in the room when we come. ( and try not to forget our hotel mugs) That has also saved us a lot. Then we can splurge at Mickey's at the Contemporary or one of the other "good" to eat places.

BUT it is a shame the food costs soooooo much. Water is better than the drinks at the parks- they can really do you in, especially the fountain type.

But as all of you said it is "DISNEY" and you just need to be aware and plan, plan, plan!!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Disney Money?

Originally posted by orangefan15
And lets not forget Wall Street. Wall Street nowadays demands that a company's earnings exhibit huge amounts of growth each year. Otherwise, your stock price plummets and people question the financial viability of your company (even if you're still making money!!!!). As such, companies are forced to raise their prices to create these huge growths in revenues and earnings. [/B]

I couldn't agree more and I really hate it. Then if there prices don't go up, stock goes down (I can't even tell you how much I have lost in my disney stock.)

MKtiggerman. I can't belive you came all the way to Ceader Point and didn't even come visist me!!!:lol: :lol: CP is our themepark closest to our home, but we never go out of our way to visist. (however we make a trip to Soak City every year. )

Another difference is that most of the time, the food at WDW is GOOD. Unlike most of the other captive audience places. I enjoy eating out at WDW and try to save money other times of the year.

We also often "share" meals and never get grief about it from cast memebers. This saves a ton of money and no left overs. You can always have a snack later if you get hungery again.

Pepsistar, what is the AK meal deal?


New Member
:( PHD sorry to take so long to get back to you--- Have been sick with the cold/flu that is going around.

When we went to AK last time (Nov.) They had something new that they were trying. You bought/buy it at Guest Services (where you purchase tickets etc.) before you go through the turnstyle.

It is a special deal that you can buy, but only at Ak so far. They have one for adults as well as the children's. I just got the children's for my grandson this time, to try it.

It was about $10.00 and you got a meal, drink, popcorn, and ice cream, if I remember correctly. ( a few different choices) You could use it anyplace but a sit down resturant like the Raintree. Mc donald's and the BBQ place were ok. It was a good deal and you could use the different sections seperate. I think you can probably use part of it on another day if you wanted.

Anyway seemed like a bargin to me---- You might want to check it out if you go to AK

Like I said I sure wish they would try it at the other parks-- Would help a lot!! :) Especially !!!! if you have more than one child with you-- :lookaroun :wave:


Active Member
I agree Disney is expensive but while your at Disney somehow they mamgae to make you happy and not realize your spending money (at least in our families case). We only realize how much we spent when the bills come...

Compared to Cedar Point yes Cedar Point may be more expensive at first glance but Disney will get a lot more money out of you before you leave. Cedar Point is mostly a day trip (for me at least) while people spend up to a few weeks at Disney.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, its a fact of life, Disney and all the other parks have you as a captive audience. They won't allow you to take meals in and know that it is not practical to leave for meals "off site" - people have to eat and so have to pay.
Its not clever, its not fair - but what can we do.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Domboy
Think whats its like for us Brits :) not only does it cost loads to fly over wehave to spend two weeks on the site - ok thats not exactly hell!

But for us the food is cheaper than many places over here.

but I dont mind - and I agree with the comments - whilst Disney is a lovely place - its a corporate giant - and therefore need to make the money to continue its build programmes and also release investment from major banks by keeping their earnings ahead.

but i still love the place and everything - and I agree the Clam Chowder is wicked :)

Got to agree. To us Brits I think Disney's pricing is about right, you have to remember you are a captive audience, and you are in a theme park. The quality of the food I think is very good - even a simple burger and fries is good quality. Any theme park wouldn't survive on just the turnstyle takings, money from food and merchindise is essentital.

I worked in a small theme park over the summer in a small seaside resort in England burger, fries and a soft drink would have set you back £5.40 which is about $8.70. The product quality was nasty, and the theme park is a bit of a dive, so I personnally dont mind paying Disney prices.

If anyone has a problem in the food prices - dont buy!

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