Premium Member
They need to remember the early eighties, between Empire (which played off the Star Wars hoopla well, and helped it to reach a crescendo) and Return of the Jedi (by which time the overload had hit, and the backlash started). By then although it was still popular, lines were becoming drawn between the geeks who would not grow up (or were too into it) and the regular people, who had started to move on. The toy lines and Christmas specials and albums and lunchboxes had become ubiquitous, and there was clearly a backlash that developed. (And even within the geek world, where later many geeks decided that you were among the great unwashed if you liked Star Wars better than the new and clearly more intelligent Star Trek: The Next Generation.)
Now think: that was only with three feature films, released three years apart (1977, 1980, 1983), and before HD at home. Now we are looking at three films, released TWO years apart, with three more related, non-sequel, films released during the off years, along with a new TV show. Can anyone else smell the backlash foaming?
I think you are blurring a few things...
1) I don't recall some huge backlash
2) you are also talking about one of the most commercialized property every... you can hit saturation and create fatigue because of that, not just the films
3) you are comparing a time when the amount of other media distractions was far less
Maybe a better comparison is when the prequels were done.
Remember at that time Lucas re-released all three films, and then the 3 new ones. That was 6 films done in succession with success.. even tho the films faced scrutiny.
The prequels had decades of pent up demand to fuel them.. but I don't think you'll see the same kind of fatigue you are eluding too. There are far more diversions and the merchandising/commercialism everyone is used to.