Disney hotel comforters, do they change them?


OK, I'm not sure if I actually want to know the answer to this question, but, does Disney change the comforters after every guests stay? I have heard "rumors" that hotels don't have to change them after a guests stay, I have never asked this before (because I didn't want to know, I guess). If not, firstly YUCK! :hurl: Secondly, why the heck not? :shrug: Thirdly, we the people who pay good money to stay in these rooms should do something about it. I suggest starting a revolution of hotel guests that take the comforters at the end of their stays and stuff them into the tub and run the water. Forcing the hotels to use clean comforters every time a new guest checks in.

What do you think? :lookaroun



Well-Known Member
OK, I'm not sure if I actually want to know the answer to this question, but, does Disney change the comforters after every guests stay? I have heard "rumors" that hotels don't have to change them after a guests stay, I have never asked this before (because I didn't want to know, I guess). If not, firstly YUCK! :hurl: Secondly, why the heck not? :shrug: Thirdly, we the people who pay good money to stay in these rooms should do something about it. I suggest starting a revolution of hotel guests that take the comforters at the end of their stays and stuff them into the tub and run the water. Forcing the hotels to use clean comforters every time a new guest checks in.

What do you think? :lookaroun


No they don't.

Or at least I would be suprised if they did.

Most hotels don't

Guess what - your pillows are not washed/changed either (the cases yes, the pillow no)

Who knows what was done on your couch either? That's not cleaned.

Why not ?

1) It is a HORRIBLE envronmental impact to wash thousands of comforters on a roughly weekly basis

2) In order to do that the hotel needs roughly a double inventory (at least) of comforters (at least 2 per room, plus a few extras)

No need to get all crazy and throw one in the tub. If you want a new comforter, just ask for one.

Honestly, it does not bother me.

Some hotels have moved towards duvets and duvet covers. Those are washed on a more frequent basis.

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Well-Known Member
OK, this will make me sound like a freak, but what doesn't. I always take a can of Lysol spray and disinfectant wipes to hotels. Before I settle in to the room, I spray or wipe the comforter, bathrooms, phones and remotes, etc..
I'm not a germaphobe, but I am of the opinion that people forsake their personal inhibitions and behave as though they are at home when inside of a hotel room, and you never know what they have done and what they have touched afterward.
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Well-Known Member
Last time we went my husband got sick. First we thought it was the mussels at the Crystal Palace. :lookaroun Turns out he has an intestinal condition which is a whole 'nother discussion for a different time. Anyway - I was definitely glad my mom in the adjoining room had brought a bottle of Clorox Clean-up so I could wipe down the room a bunch of times. If it's something that will bother you..just wipe it down and be done with it. A couple of minutes when you first get there for peace of mind the whole trip? Sounds like a decent trade-off to me! As far as the comforter - I'm sure you can just ask for a new one.
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Original Poster
OK, this will make me sound like a freak, but what doesn't. I always take a can of Lysol spray and disinfectant wipes to hotels. Before I settle in to the room, I spray or wipe the comforter, bathrooms, phones and remotes, etc..
I'm not a germaphobe, but I am of the opinion that people forsake their personal inhibitions and behave as though they are at home when inside of a hotel room, and you never know what they have done and what they have touched afterward.

Holy Cow, your room must stink after spraying all that Lysol. Atleast it make you comfortable, that's the inportant part.

On my next trip I will be asking for a clean comforter when I check in. Is there anyone who already does this? Does Disney do it?

I think it would be cool to have one of those "Clean" banners across the bed when you check in, like the ones that hotels used to put across the toilet seats, remember those??? LOL, that would be histerical.... :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:
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New Member
I remember reading on here it was every few months they get washed, so when I went on my trip 2 weeks ago, I just took the comforter off the bed and put it on the other bed. You get a sheet and blanket (which probably isn't washed every guest either but at least the sheets folds down far enough on it to cover a good portion of it. It was so humid and hot while I was there, the sheet was plenty actually even had my air cranked down low at night.
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Active Member
From what I understand, comforters are washed a couple times a year. This is common at most hotels/resorts. Personally, I am not sure if I would even want a "clean" one. At any hotel, I remove the comforter. Spraying things down is a good idea, but it is for surfaces, you can't disinfect the inside without a good super hot washing. Plus the smell would drive me crazy.

Other than that, I try to focus on the vacation.
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New Member
We notice on our trip to WL last week that when a guest moved out, the comforter was in a ball on the floor outside the room. It happened at least 5 different times during our stay.

Not sure if this is normal, but it was the first time we noticed it.
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Well-Known Member
We notice on our trip to WL last week that when a guest moved out, the comforter was in a ball on the floor outside the room. It happened at least 5 different times during our stay.

Not sure if this is normal, but it was the first time we noticed it.

Meaning they were bringing in a clean one for the new guests, or that new guests just didn't want it in their room and tossed it in the hall (I think the former but wanted to clarify).

At GF last year I could have sworn I saw mousekeeping put baskets of linens in the hall outside each room - and many of them had folded comforter/quilt type things on them (along with a blanket, sheets & towels).
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I've asked this question from Mousekeeping and also the managerial staff at one of the resorts and was told that comforters are changed before every new guest checks in. I haven't exactly gone from room to room to make sure it's happening but this is what I was told.
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Original Poster
I've asked this question from Mousekeeping and also the managerial staff at one of the resorts and was told that comforters are changed before every new guest checks in. I haven't exactly gone from room to room to make sure it's happening but this is what I was told.

I will ask at my next trip. Next weekend.
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Please post the answer you were given. My wife and I are headed to POR in 3 weeks (without the kids) and then another trip in December with the entire family. I'd like to know if I need to request clean comforters at every check-in.
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Original Poster
I just chatted with a woman on the WDW website and here is what was said:

Thank you for contacting Disney. Please hold while we route your chat to a Disney Cast Member who will help you with your question.

Welcome to Disney! My name is Katelin. How may I help you today?

Hello, I was wondering if the disney resorts change the comforters and blankets every time a guest checks out of a hotel? I have read that other hotels reuse the dirty linens because it's an "industry standard". I have never looked at disney as a "standard" at anything.

Katelin: Good afternoon.

Katelin: I am checking with Guest Relations. One moment please.

you: thx

Katelin: Thanks for your patience. I spoke to Guest Relations and they stated that we change the comforters and blankets after check outs.

you: Thank goodness, thanks for your help.

So, there we have it. I hope it's true. I'll ask again when I check in.

Now my wife can breathe a little easier.
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New Member
the comforters are not thick anyway, no thicker than a blanket, which they are just a little thicker than a sheet, so can't imagine it would take much to wash them. I will say the one I saw in my resort just 2 weeks ago could go into retirement though, it was looking pretty worn on the underside.
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Well-Known Member
I ALWAYS bring thoose clorox wipes whenever I travel. I enter first with my trusty wipes and get everything I can, remote, phone, tv, table, counter, bathrooms handles, light switches lamps...everything. Then I fold up the comfortors and put them on the top shelf of the storage area. Mousekeeping and housekeeping at other hotels have left them there. I also ask for extra blankets and towels nightly so I know they are clean. You can find the clorox wipes in travel size in Walmart and Target. This enitre process takes less than 5 mins and I feel much better.I have seen far too many investigative reports on hotel yuck...I also redo the room every day or so. Nothing can ruin a trip like being sick and I have young kids who would put TV remotes in there mouth. Why not do a once over?
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Well-Known Member
I've heard for many years the comforter is one of the dirtiest or maybe the most unsanitary things in the hotel room. Lot's going on :lookaroun. I absolutely like the Clorox wipes idea of wiping things down when we get in. Makes sense. The first thing we do in our office is wipe anything that we all touch daily with those wipes when someone is sick.
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