Disney Hosting Immigrants' Citizenship Ceremony


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Disney Hosting Immigrants' Citizenship Ceremony

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Disney will host more than 1,000 immigrants during a citizenship ceremony on July 4.

The ceremony, which will be held at Cinderella's castle, will be the park's first mass naturalization ceremony.

Cuban-American singer Gloria Estefan will sing the national anthem and country western singer Lee Greenwood will sing "God Bless America." A squadron of U.S. Air Force F-15s flying overhead will close the event.

Immigration reform champion Sen. Mel Martinez will deliver the keynote speech.


New Member
So does anyone know what time this event is taking place? We will be at Disney over the 4th and I want to make sure we plan our day according to this event. I can imagine the crowds will be huge!!! :p


My son will flip for the fighter jets. I would also like to know timing so we can make sure we are not on a ride at the time. Whee!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I think it's wonderful...everything except the fighter jets. I can't think of anything more crass and obscene than seeing weapons of war flying around the Castle. The thought of it truly offends me.

Guess I'll be writing a letter, LOL.



New Member
I think it's wonderful...everything except the fighter jets. I can't think of anything more crass and obscene than seeing weapons of war flying around the Castle. The thought of it truly offends me.

Guess I'll be writing a letter, LOL.


Jets are simply the global scale of writing complaint letters.


Active Member
I think it's wonderful...everything except the fighter jets. I can't think of anything more crass and obscene than seeing weapons of war flying around the Castle. The thought of it truly offends me.

Guess I'll be writing a letter, LOL.


just thinking that myself... :confused:


Account Suspended
Jets soaring above are often seen as displays of the might and courage of those who defend us (one shouldn't forget the pilots who took to the skies to bring some solace to the citizens of New York and other large cities on 9/11 and afterwards). You're welcome to write letters, but I don't think it would be viewed very well if they denied a display that takes place at major sporting events and concerts all over the United States.


Well-Known Member
How about those jets being symbolic of the men and women who defend our rights and freedoms. These are the same freedoms and rights that the immigrants will be granted during the citizenship ceremony. I like knowing that there are men and women braver and more courageous than I am for they defend what I take for granted everyday.

Those jets are not only weapons of war, they are symbols of passion, courage, and dedication to stand up and defend what you believe in... after all that is exactly what the pilots behind the controls are doing.

The only reason there is a Cinderella Castle to begin with is because there are people willing to risk their lives to defend those rights for us all...


New Member
^ awesome point.

Many of the fighter jets in the US are largely used to protect U.S. sovereignty. It's a primal right of all countries to protect their boundaries. Even countries like Sweden have a powerful air force. Why? Well, the USSR was knocking on their door for several decades. the USSR preyed on weak countries that they could tear down from within. Sometimes nationalism is the greatest defense a country can have. If Vietnamese and Koreans had a single sense of nation, then history would have been much different. Often, that passion of nationalism produces a the wonderful military such as that the U.S. has.

However, the peace they provide also instills ignorance. Much of the world is a very dicey place and it's a miracle that a large country can remain at peace with itself. It doesn't happen at random. Many died to create the sense of Americanism that holds such a large beast together. The Civil War is probably the best example of this. It was a tragedy, yet what happened afterwards? The country found equilibrium. See that happen in Africa sometime.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I just disagree. I don't find celebrating war anything that should be done at Disney. It apparently means something different to me than others. It's honestly one of the most distrubing images I can imagine. The happiest symbol on earth coupled with a show of the crass war machine. It makes me shudder. Of course, that is not to mention the fact I find the frivolous use of jets like that for entertainment not only a danger but completely inappropriate (just like car racing, though at least cars have some use other than to kill).

I think it's great we've got the biggest guns, but we should be secure enough as a country not to have to show them off to instill feeling "American". The need to show them off is really a sad part of the human condition.


ReDisniey E-Dew

Account Suspended
Sorry, I just disagree. I don't find celebrating war anything that should be done at Disney. It apparently means something different to me than others. It's honestly one of the most distrubing images I can imagine. The happiest symbol on earth coupled with a show of the crass war machine. It makes me shudder.

Viewing the jets flying above as being a symbol of a war machine is your subjective opinion. You are correct in that your view is different from the view held by many. Disney does not view the military as a "war machine" and welcomes the jets as a display of the brave men and women who risk their lives to protect the rights we hold inalienable.

Of course, that is not to mention the fact I find the frivolous use of jets like that for entertainment not only a danger but completely inappropriate (just like car racing, though at least cars have some use other than to kill).

Although there is some degree of danger in everything people do, we do not view the flying of the jets as being dangerous per se. The pilots of the Air Force are accustomed to flying over major events at a precise moment in time, and continue to have their personnel and equipment in very good condition for performing these types of displays. We also do not view the flying of the jets as being a form of entertainment, but instead an inspirational symbol as to the level of skill and dedication the men and women of the American military demonstrate in serving the people of the United States.

I think it's great we've got the biggest guns, but we should be secure enough as a country not to have to show them off to instill feeling "American". The need to show them off is really a sad part of the human condition.

The "biggest guns" will not be on display. The United States posesses nuclear weapons, stealth bombers, and many other weapons which are more expensive, more potentially devestating, etc. The jets you will see on display are the same type that many nations own - what is impressive and is "on show" are the pilots of these aircraft who are so precise that they will take flight over Walt Disney World at the very second scheduled.

You are entitled to your own subjective views, just as others are entitled to their own. I hope I have been able to show you the rationale behind the display, however, and why it is considered an appropriate part of the ceremony we are proud to host at the Magic Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
You are entitled to your own subjective views, just as others are entitled to their own. I hope I have been able to show you the rationale behind the display, however, and why it is considered an appropriate part of the ceremony we are proud to host at the Magic Kingdom.

Interesting to see you in a thread you didn't begin. Regardless, I don't feel I need an "inspirational" war symbol at Disney and it is my right to speak out and disagree with it.

Since you keep clearly speaking for "we" are proud to host at the Magic Kingdom, do I take it you have the official capacity to respond to inquiries on behalf of the Walt Disney Company? You made some pretty profound statements here, and I just want to make sure I can quote you as an official representative of Disney, since you have taken it upon yourself to post as such. I want to be able to quote you in my letter.



New Member
Cue the "I want it removed because it offends me" crowd. I wonder if all of us who are not offended, wrote letters, if they would cater to us? hmmmmmm

I smell a classroom project coming on. :drevil:


Well-Known Member
Cue the "I want it removed because it offends me" crowd. I wonder if all of us who are not offended, wrote letters, if they would cater to us? hmmmmmm

I smell a classroom project coming on. :drevil:

Everyone who cares should register their opinion. :) I've written maybe 2 letters in my life of complaint to Disney, and over a dozen complimentary. I completely believe in both letting them know when you see something as positive or negative.



Well-Known Member
Will you be there watching the ceremony? If not why would you even care?:brick:

Why do you care if I care?



Okay, sorry that was a pithy reply, LOL.

I'll be honest - if you look at my original posting, I said, "Guess I'll write a letter, LOL." LOL was my way of saying I was kidding. I know, it's hard to use humor and sarcasm on a message board, and I should have been more clear. I simply read the story and gave my honest, first blush impression. The image really disturbed me. To see the same jets that are fighting wars half-way across the world at the one place I'd like to think is immune from that - HOWEVER NAIVE I AM TO BELIEVE THAT, even though I know Disney is immune to nothing - really just bothers me.

"Why not release 1,000 doves instead?" is really my thought. I'd prefer a peaceful symbol of inspiration. That's all.

My actual interest in a real letter was piqued because I am floored that a representative of the Walt Disney Company just replied to my opinion on a message board. I had no idea Disney had representatives like ReDisniey E-Dew who were empowered to make declarations on message boards about Disney's official public positions on things, like :

[quote="ReDisiney E-Dew]Disney does not view the military as...[/quote]


We also do not view the flying of the jets as being a form of entertainment...

If these are the official positions of Disney, then I would certainly write a letter of response thanking them for giving my opinion consideration.

But no, even though I fully believe in letting Disney know what you like and don't like (I was honest in my encouragement of letters above), you are correct (I won't be there on the 4th...my God, I wouldn't be caught dead there on one of the busiest days of the year) and I was just posting my reaction to the news honestly.

If they want to set up an air craft carrier in World Showcase and display SCUD missles on barges in the Seven Seas Lagoon on the 4th then so be it - whatever makes the people there happy, 'cause I won't be anywhere near that place. If they wanna do it in September, we'll have to talk then. ;)

As I said, I'm just floored my little opinion on a message board has found the attention of an official representative of the Walt Disney Company, and I'm so honored I really do feel as if I should give it an appropriate personal snail mail reply.


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