Disney Hollywood Studios too small?


Well-Known Member
Not really, but it needs to fill things that are there. For instance, the drew carey thing really needs to be turned into something relevant and interesting (and no, a pair of old headphones is not relevant or interesting at all). I remember when I went there a while ago there were soundstages you could walk above (some sort of tour) which was neat, but I havn't been able to either find it now or it's just not there. The back lot tour, well after being shortened the least they could do is add more props/take some out and change them up. The back lot tour at Universal is by far better, so IDK why WDW hasn't tried to do something new to theirs (how hard is it to drag out some old props that they could make interactive? Another problem is the shows all close far before their Fantasmic show, so there are people just waiting around. Also, they should put some National Treasure into the park. I havn't talked to a single person who hasn't liked the movies (only critics do, but whatever, they praised a movie that dramatized facebook so I can't really trust them).

However, I do think they're planning on adding more things, but as of right now they're sort of lacking. Still, it's not a bad park, just needs some new stuff.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Although the FLE will be lovely, it won't actually add any true capacity. It's difficult for many people to understand, because they see the additional acreage and think it translates to capacity. It doesn't. Everything in FLE is replacing something the MK had from the late 70s through the mid 90s. The MK's attendance has been steadily building since all those restaurants and attractions closed, and the MK hasn't been able to handle its current crowds. The FLE simply absorbs the existing crowding. I'm still thrilled about it.

You are arguing semantics.

And, even as such, still missing one - yes, down 20K, now we are getting Mermaid and Mine Train.

Regardless, current capacity for attractions at MK is very assuredly going up. Two rides, and a smattering of minor attractions, which we do not have now (including doubling the capacity of one of the worst offenders).

We can sit and whine about "the 70's to the mid-90's" all day, but it doesn't seem relevant because it was decades ago. Right now, compared to the capacity we have had for many years, we will have additional attractions to add to that list.

So yes, capacity is certainly going up at MK - and as 20K was originally so low-flow anyway, I'm betting attraction capacity when FLE is completed will still be higher than it's ever been.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
So yes, capacity is certainly going up at MK - and as 20K was originally so low-flow anyway, I'm betting attraction capacity when FLE is completed will still be higher than it's ever been.

You are right, capacity will go up, especially in the beginning. But remember with snow white being a wash its just mermaid and the extra dumbo and the fact that people will go just no see the new area. Any extra capacity is needed but I still think they need 1 more major attraction.


Well-Known Member
I would think that DHS may be a problem if you have the little ones. Now that's talking around 2 or 3 year olds. Maybe some parents made it through the park before with that age group. Yes we all know that DHS needs alot more attractions, but just like some said on here before. You can make a full day there.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
It seems silly to me that when speaking about AK, people often say "if you skip looking at the animals, it's a half day park" Thats like saying "if you skip the science stuff and movies, Epcot is a half day park". The animals are the heart and soul of the park, so if you choose to skip them, your missing the whole point of AK.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, The Studios is ok for a few more years, Animal Kingdom i think should get the next Expansion because that park is lacking alot. Id atleast like to see some kind of nighttime event in Animal Kingdom. But Hollywood Studios needs an expansion soon.


Active Member
I'm here rIght now waiting for beauty and the beast to start. Bit anyways I don't think it is to small maybe just not enough attractions


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, The Studios is ok for a few more years, Animal Kingdom i think should get the next Expansion because that park is lacking alot. Id atleast like to see some kind of nighttime event in Animal Kingdom. But Hollywood Studios needs an expansion soon.

Well in all fairness, AK was supposed to have an entire dragon themed area, but they ran out of money. It only survives in some spots like the logo, a parking area, and a dragon water feature. There was a fire cave thing on the boat ride that's no longer there for some reason. And the actual land was replaced by the mickey kids camp thing. It's a shame this was never finished since everyone likes dragons. Regardless, the park is huge and pretty empty (and really hot). I always seem to get lost for some reason, and by time I get somewhere I'm too tired to care. They should just put a lot of stuff in it since there's the room. Though, I do like how you have to take a train to the petting zoo area, it lets you sit for a little bit.

That's why HS is cool. It's just the right size for what they have. Though a few more things would be cool so it could stay open later instead of having a lot of the stuff close at a certain time due to them being outside shows.


Well-Known Member
The location of HS is the worst. But as states above, HS was not going to be a theme park first but a film production center. Still even as that it's small. And the only expansion area would be southeast of LMA. they would have to knock down that toll plaza off World Drive which would be perfectly fine with me.

Well, I guess this is going to open a can of worms. But, why charge full day prices when the entertainment offered was never meant to rival MK or EPCOT?


Well-Known Member
You are arguing semantics.

Yes I am, but so are the decision makers in the company. I promise you P&R and WDI consider the purpose of FLE to take care of the crowds that already exist, not to draw new ones. If you don't believe me, ask Lee, Martin, Raven, or anyone else who's familiar with the FLE's greenlighting history.

Marketing will probably push it anyway. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Entire post, well said. If you skip Beauty and the Beast, Lights Motors Action, Indiana Jones, and don't enjoy lingering and observing animals, then DHS and DAK are both half day parks, but those decisions are made by the guest, not Disney. I understand that the AP holders and those that travel down 2+ times per year are much more selective with what attractions they're going to visit on each trip, but I think there's plenty to do for the rest of us and, even more commonly, the guest that only goes once every 5-10 years.

Aren't you gonna be "the rest of us" when you live there and work there? I think u have a point but there is a lot of unused potential at DHS. It is not an all day park but I guess it could seem that way when a person waits two hours for TSM. When you say "those decisions are made by the guest, not Disney" that is just an unreasonable, not well thought out response. Really? the same price for all parks? Which is why you will not be working in the marketing dept.

I appreciate your loyalty to the company you will be working for and I love Disney too, but your responses to posters who simply would like to improve their vacation destination is often rude and misguided. The statement of guests and not Disney making DHS and AK half day parks , is just plain silly. Really lingering to look at the animals does only take up so much time. Your statement of there being plenty to do for the rest of us and people who visit every 5-10 years is true but will it be a full days worth?

You are arguing semantics.

And, even as such, still missing one - yes, down 20K, now we are getting Mermaid and Mine Train.

Regardless, current capacity for attractions at MK is very assuredly going up. Two rides, and a smattering of minor attractions, which we do not have now (including doubling the capacity of one of the worst offenders).

We can sit and whine about "the 70's to the mid-90's" all day, but it doesn't seem relevant because it was decades ago. Right now, compared to the capacity we have had for many years, we will have additional attractions to add to that list.

So yes, capacity is certainly going up at MK - and as 20K was originally so low-flow anyway, I'm betting attraction capacity when FLE is completed will still be higher than it's ever been.

I quoted this because the post above drove a bit of a point. People who do no visit Disney often most likely will not know about the expansion and it will not be a sole reason to make a vacation. A family that is gonna come to Disney would come anyway. The fans here will make a special trip to see it. In between there is nothing.

You are right, capacity will go up, especially in the beginning. But remember with snow white being a wash its just mermaid and the extra dumbo and the fact that people will go just no see the new area. Any extra capacity is needed but I still think they need 1 more major attraction.

Agree that it will go up in the beginning but what after? People who save and want a Disney vacay would come anyway.....honest question...who is the target they are aiming for?


Well-Known Member
It seems silly to me that when speaking about AK, people often say "if you skip looking at the animals, it's a half day park" That's like saying "if you skip the science stuff and movies, Epcot is a half day park". The animals are the heart and soul of the park, so if you choose to skip them, your missing the whole point of AK.

And conversely, AK largely misses the point of a zoo. ;)

There are regional zoos across the country that offer far, far more animal viewing and interaction than the woeful few spots at AK.

Yes, yes, yes...theming, theming, theming. AK is better themed than ANY of those parks. But that's like putting the most delicious, decadent frosting on a burned, dry, tasteless cake. At AK, the frosting outweighs the cake tremendously.

So, for some of us, flying across the country and spending thousands of bucks to visit WDW to see theme parks, AK is half a theme park, and the other half, the animals, are so unimpressive for the most part it seems like a waste of time when we can see better much more cheaply closer to home.

David S.

The park is small acreage wise yes, but if has many things to offer With 9 shows, 6 rides and a few walk thru's it has plenty to keep a guest busy for a full day plus some. It is tough for someone that has been there many times to find interest in doing everything again and this may constitute them feeling it is not a full day park.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Well said! Studios is only a "half day park" if you skip half of the attractions! And when the park closes early in "slow season" (like 7 or 8 instead of 10), it is really hard to do EVERY attraction in even one full day without feeling extremely rushed. Just lining up all the showtimes and doing the backtracking required to get them all in requires some effort. And then there are things like Walt Disney: One Man's Dream which I LOVE lingering in for over an hour looking at all the displays. I for one refuse to rush through this and do it half-*** just to say I got done the park faster!

And for the record, I've been there many, many, times, even as a seasonal resident, and still do almost every attraction regularly. And there is certainly enough to occupy my interest to fill up a full day! In 1989 when the park opened with 6 attractions I would have agreed with the "half-day" park. But they have since tripled that total, and it hasn't been a "half-day" park for a long, long, time!

I am not sure how to comment on this, but I did not know I was doing AK wrong. I guess in order to do it right I have to spend only 4 hours there? I personally like to take in all that the park has to offer. There are 4 differant shows there and if I waited in line for just those it would be more than 4 hours to complete. I can see if someone were to go and only hit the 4 major rides and call it a half day park. Now may sentiments may be wrong on this, but if all I wanted to do was go hit a couple of rides I would go to a local amusement park to get my ride on. I personally spend the big dollars it costs to go to Disney to enjoy the atmosphere of the parks. Rides are important but not the sole focus of Disney parks.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Well said and bravo again! AK is actually the HARDEST park for me to finish in a day during "slow season" when they do a 5 PM close which just gives you an 8 hour day.

Considering I love taking my time and ENJOYING the animals, which is the heart and soul of the park, I can EASILY spend 30 - 45 minutes EACH on the 4 main trails (Africa, Asia, Discovery Island, Oasis). And that is not even counting yet Rafiki's Planet Watch. I really enjoy looking at the animals inside the building, watching the keeper presentations, and ESPECIALLY spending time with the animals in the Affection Section. So the whole process of riding the train, and doing all the activities in Rafiki's Planet Watch usually takes me AT LEAST 90 minutes, and that's if I walk right onto the train with no waits!

For me , it isn't about running from attraction to attraction as quickly as possible so I can leave in 5 hours and say "AK is a half-day park!" - it's about savoring and actually enjoying the self-guided attractions where you can observe and spend time with the animals!

So, adding up all the times I cited spending just for the animal walk-throughs, that already means approximately 3.5 - 4 hours of the 8 hour short day with a 5 PM close is just doing the animal walk-throughs!

Then when you factor in:

Nemo Show runtime - 45 minutes
Lion King show - 30 minutes
Flights Of Wonder - 25 minutes

This puts the time up to around at least 5.5 hours, and that's if you walk right into each show right as it's about to start!

Then when you add the runtimes for It's Tough To Be a bug, Safari, Kali River Rapids, Everest, Dinosaur, Primeval Whirl, Triceratops Spin, and however long you spend in the Boneyard to the mix, plus the parade runtime, plus the time you spend eating lunch, any time spent watching live performers like the Tropicals or DiVine, and walking from attraction to attraction, and it becomes really a challenge to fit all of this into an 8 hour day, even if you use Fastpass and don't have any long waits for the "headliners".

Personally, I don't even try to finish the park by 5 PM anymore on those early close days, because I already know that pace feels too rushed, so I just take my time and enjoy what I see, knowing I will see the rest on my next Animal Kingdom day (because I usually do at least 2 full days per park whenever I'm in Florida).

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