Disney Goodwill


Well-Known Member
You ALWAYS meet someone great at Disney. I met a couple from UK in Sept-"Chris and Rose". They made room for us on the curb at MK for Spectromagic and FITS. This couple had brought Rose's parents over for a visit to WDW-their first trip here and it gave us a chance to share it with them! I wish I knew where they were so I could tell them thanks again.

Also, I met "Pete"-a CM at BATB show at MGM. When I was there in Dec. w/Mom and sister, I felt sick and had to leave the show. When I went back to the theater it was nearly time for the show to end so Pete and I spent the time together talking about his days as an actor in movies. He had photos in his wallet w/Michael J. Fox, and others. I had a great time-forgot about feeling sick! When my party came out of the theater, Pete asked my Mom could he just keep me! ! !:animwink:


New Member
We had a good time chatting with people in lines for all the different rides. We were able to pass on some tips learned here, as well as pick up a few more.

We had gotten fastpasses for BTMR, enough for use to go on once and dh & ds4 to go on twice in a row (using extra passes for those in our party who didn't want to ride) . DS4 somehow started talking with the CM who lets people on the ride. The CM was kind enough to give us a special fastpass for the 3 of us to get on again immediately. Rather than go on the ride 3 times, we gave the extra fastpasses to a couple getting in line. They were pleasantly surprised and we had a nice chat with them too.

There was this one guy I was really impressed with. We were waiting for the MK parade, sitting across from the Liberty Bell in Liberty Square. There was a guy sitting on the platform where they have the stocks (?). He moved over so my parents could sit there together. Then he left his backpack there and was standing up chatting a few feet away. Soon another older couple came up and started to sit down. I let the lady know that the spot was already taken. Would you believe he gave up that seat, too? What a nice guy. We didn't see him again after that but I hope somebody did something nice for him, he deserved it.



New Member
One of my favorite things is when you meet someone in line. You chat, get to know them. It takes the sting out of the line.

What is really cool is when 2 hours later and you run into them in a restaurant or another line. Then it starts all over again.

One thing I have noticed, this 'magic' is much more at WDW then DL. I guess we have a higher concentration of locals. Not that DL is bad, it is I have had better experiences at WDW in this regard. I guess is because you are constantly surrounded by the magic.



New Member
i have to say that i have met some of the greatest families whie working at disney. once while working at spectro one night for parade crowd control i met a family who needed to get into the handicaped seating area ut it was already full. so i found them the best spot to sit and then made their son honerary marshall of turning out the lights for our section of spectro. the boys name is harri and has MD. they were down from england for 4 weeks. two weeks for disney and two weeks for dolphin therepy in key west. i had the best time with the family and their kids. it made my heart go pitter patter. after spectro i escorted them to a prime location to watch the fireworks. they asked me to watch them with them so after clocking out of my shift i went back. it was so awesome. the next two days they came and looked just for me. this is why i go to work every day-to meet those who make my day at work worth while. i love my guests and love the chances i get to prove it! its all about the magic:sohappy:
ihave a real good one.

We were walking around Magic Kingdom one day and we noticed these people going to the same place that me and my family were. My mom which is very peppy and happy finally started asking them questions. it was right before a show i think it was the Country bears and they were sitting behind us. My mom turned around and said something like we must have the smae taste of attractions. the lady in the other famliy said i guess so. We then began talking with them after the show and learned alot about them. My mom was actually from the same town as the other lady. Which is really weird b/c the town is real small. the other lady was 10 years younger though. We ended up finding out that my grandfather taught her in school. We actually hung out for the rest of the day. My and the other girl are real good friends even though she lives 5 states away. The WDW magic is stil between us. we try to plan all of our trips near theres so we can meet up sometime and buy each other lunch. Me and the girl talk aot about our Disney stories.

I love Disney.


New Member
I have experienced this phenomenon several times at WDW. Most recently, on my honeymoon. We met a bunch of really great people, but most notably a man who had been sitting in at a table across from us came over and out of the blue started to talk to my wife and I.

It turned out that he was a businessman who was in Orlando frequently, and always stayed and ate dinner at the same resort. He was intrigued by our honeymoon pins, and we had a really great time. He took some pictures for us and even bought us desserts. That type of stuff just doesn't happen anywhere else (at least not in the Detroit area) :lookaroun

That just one of the reasons I love WDW so much - the people!:D

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