Disney executives staged revolt against Chapek


Well-Known Member
Sounds like she was one providing the knives to the revolt......
Which is hard to believe that came from the same lady. Reminds me of corporate goons in any satire, or her trying to disassociate and agree with whatever is the new boss' word.

One things for sure for me, while I may not buy it, I would check out and skim Chapeks book on this from the library before I read any of Iger's work.

Or she knows Iger back....again and leaving soon again gets her a better chance at the spot.


Well-Known Member
*not a fan - think he's done really bad things for the company and absoutely for fans of the company. He was a horrible pick for parks and a horrible pick for CEO but I don't hate the man the way a lot of others who don't know him personally either, seem to.
Must say I sometimes find the personal vitriol against Disney executives online a bit unsettling. Was not a Chapek fan either, but on a personal level I don't have any feelings about him as a human being one way or the other. He was one of the more interesting Disney executives to watch, though, just for the way he seemed to struggle to read and respond to situations.

At any rate, he's gone now and apparently all the bad things he did were Iger's fault, so we're back to hating him.


Well-Known Member
Must say I sometimes find the personal vitriol against Disney executives online a bit unsettling. Was not a Chapek fan either, but on a personal level I don't have any feelings about him as a human being one way or the other.
Chapek seemed to have no interest in anything but making money. He’s the definition of a Scrooge. He showed no hint of a personality at all. Why should anyone like him?


Well-Known Member
I feel like my crazy conspiracy theory came to life.
I jokingly said when this started that Chapek agreed to be the fall guy for a ton of money. They wanted him to do all the bad stuff, charge everyone a ton of money, add in genie, take all the covid hits, then he'd be retired and they would bring back the "good guy" Iger, who would be clean from any fallout, and look like he was swooping in to save everything.
I get how that sounds ridiculous, but it kind of ends up the same way.


Well-Known Member
I feel like my crazy conspiracy theory came to life.
I jokingly said when this started that Chapek agreed to be the fall guy for a ton of money. They wanted him to do all the bad stuff, charge everyone a ton of money, add in genie, take all the covid hits, then he'd be retired and they would bring back the "good guy" Iger, who would be clean from any fallout, and look like he was swooping in to save everything.
I get how that sounds ridiculous, but it kind of ends up the same way.
For a PR wash of the brand it would be a bargain at ~20M but I don't think that happened here


Well-Known Member
Chapek seemed to have no interest in anything but making money. He’s the definition of a Scrooge. He showed no hint of a personality at all. Why should anyone like him?
As I say, I wasn't a fan and am happy he's gone. I have no illusions about Iger, but at least he can't be worse. So, certainly not suggesting anyone should like him.

I was more just generally referring to how personal some of the commentary can get. Having been around online Disney forums since 1995 (and this one for 20 years now :oops:), I've always just winced when commentary about moves Disney were making moved into the territory of nasty nicknames or personal barbs directed at Disney executives as it moves a bit too close to comfort to an Internet Lynch mob for me. There can be a thin line between the kind of critical commentary we all engage in and personal attacks of executives we don't know, so I'm certainly not meaning to call people out for, for example, vehemently hating the policies Chapek (or Iger, etc.) implemented and wanting them to move on to greener pastures.
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Well-Known Member
Must say I sometimes find the personal vitriol against Disney executives online a bit unsettling. Was not a Chapek fan either, but on a personal level I don't have any feelings about him as a human being one way or the other. He was one of the more interesting Disney executives to watch, though, just for the way he seemed to struggle to read and respond to situations.

At any rate, he's gone now and apparently all the bad things he did were Iger's fault, so we're back to hating him.
I can ABSOLUTELY despise the man for getting himself every dollar he can by squeezing everyone else for every single penny. Yea, I can do that and I have no qualms about it. And forget the price hikes....paying rock bottom to cast members so hw can make millions of dollars a year...millions..yea, I despise that.


Well-Known Member
And people can and should blame Iger for the environment he created for the parks. Chapek was not the lead for even three years. This was a PR savior move and is not the first time Bob Iger has returned as CEO for that glory. Chapek was just that bad at branding himself and has lacked the tact. Bobs are more the same than they are different.
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Well-Known Member
This picture drives me crazy because she really does just look plain evil in it.

I did a Google Image search when I first saw it to see if that's how she really looks because I couldn't believe they would take a normal looking person and do something like this to them for a promo pic.

Turns out, I was wrong.

Apparently, someone that this woman trusts who secretly doesn't like her, convinced her this was a flattering photo.
Should've had her makeovers at BBB...

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