As the title on the link implies, that clinic is for CMs and their families covered by the Disney insurance plan, Cigna.
CMs not in the insurance plan, which is a huge number, or guests, will be sent there.
A few months ago I went there when I heard that they were giving free flu shots to all CMs, covered or not covered. Wrong, sorry, no free flu shot for you, you're not covered by Cigna. I went to Walgreens. I'm sure it was quicker and less hassle anyways.
This is true on my DCP in the fall I got really sick twice. Once was a 24 hour stomach bug but then about two weeks later I couldn't talk. I called them and the lady wasn't very nice when she told me to go to an Urgent Care. Luckily with some antibiotics I was fine in a week. Then two weeks after that I got sick again with the same thing and needed even stronger antibiotics, but luckily I was home so I was able to go to my regular doctor.
When I was on the DCP I was told to call 911 first if I wasn't close to a Disney phone but had my cell on me. And I just needed to tell them who I was, where I worked and my exact location cause they pass that information out to the Disney people. That's some good information for everyone to know if they can't get to a Disney phone but have a cell on them before any CMs get to them.