Here is the official information on using cash from DCL.
Cash Account Agreement
You have chosen to settle your account on a cash basis. You may place cash on your account any time during the cruise by visiting the Guest Services Desk on Deck 3, Mid-ship. Your onboard credit limit has been established based upon the length of your sailing.
• 2-5 days = onboard credit limit of $300.00
• 6-9 days = onboard credit limit of $500.00
• 10 days or greater = onboard credit limit of $700.00
Please note that we will automatically disable the charging privileges on your Key to the World card once you exceed the onboard credit limit. This will also disable the charging privileges of any persons authorized by you to charge to your onboard account.
To avoid suspension of charging privileges, we request that you stop by the Guest Services Desk and apply payment prior to exceeding the onboard credit limit. Also, on the final morning of your cruise, we kindly request that you settle any remaining cash account balances prior to 7:00 a.m.
Express Checkout is a convenient way to have your onboard account automatically settled on the final morning of the cruise with a copy of your charges delivered directly to your stateroom. If you wish to utilize our Express Checkout service, you may do so by presenting your credit card to Guest Services.