Disney Country


Original Poster
Thanks for the coplements about the map. I had to do it to get things straight in my head, befor I put it all out to you.

FigmentDream- yes I did mean Test Track. I have no idea where fast track came from.

imagineer boy- I hadn't thought about whose castle it would be. Im thinking Prince Charming's but with the evil Queen's cortyard. So maybe a cross of both?


Original Poster
TOT plans

Yes Im Back and this time I bring you the first Indepth look at a ride. YAY! The ride is Tower of Terror, but I have a whole new version that will be more "intence" and exciting.

The first change is the car you ride in. Instad of the huge elevator feel, I have cut it down so that there are only 4 seats in a car and they are set side by side. The car still has the feel of an elevator, but their is no top to the car or walls that go up around your head except for in the back with grateing.

The Second big change is the way the story plays out. and this is where the visual might come in handey so click here to see it.

- the whole Twilight Zone thing has been taken away, but the basic story (that was told in the tv-moive baised on the ride). Its an old hotel that had an acedent and now it is haunted. You are going to find the ghosts of the Elevator.
-when you walk into the bulding you seporate into 2 lines one to the left and one to the right. as you walk to the "stairs" (really just a ramp made to look like its actually stars) you go past an Elevator door (this is actually the exit to the ride). Anyways you go left or right and this takes you to the two differnt ride buldings, each haveing the same ride but in a merrior image of eachother. you reach the top, which is the lobby, its completly deserted and looks as though you are the first in at leas 40 years to walk into it. you then go into a off room where a tv is sitting on a desk, the room is filled with couches and chairs and you are asked to take a seat. A moive starts, and a lawyer comes on. He explanes that this hotel is to be torn down and made into a new and better hotel, unless the land orderd can get proff that some past guests have their final resting place in the place. If so, it will just be renovated and adverties the haunted area as an "expericnce." Your told that you have been just recureted as ghost hunters. (JOY!) YOu then leave that room and go into the next where their is ghost tracking machines going wild with activity. you keep walking into the next room and go down a ramp into the bastment. from hear a sceintest puts you into the service elevator that they have suped up with ghost tracking stuff. and if anything gose wrong they will know.
-you get in and the doors close. the elevator rises, you reach a floor and the elevator stops, the doors open, you see a hallway. A flash of lighing happens, and a ghostle hand becons you to come, out of nowhere the elevator moves forward as though the hand is pulling it. as you move across the hall, the ghost of a little girl who has the sherly temple look, apears and smiles, she points to another elevator shaft and the door opens, your car enters and tuns to face the girl. she waves at you and the door closes. you then hear her voice out of nowhere. "We have been waiting to tell you our story. Agein they elevator gose up to antother leavel. this time when the doors open, you see the lobby you walked through, people dressed in 1920s cloths are going about their bussness. the elevator moves through the scean, and as it dose the people dissapear. the car turns and you see 1920s police exammining the lobbey, as if looking for clues. you back into the next shaft. a mans voice calls out, " We were bitter of our death" and you fall, he laughs while you do. at the end you move back, a women's voice calls out, "all we wanted was to reach the 13th floor." you rise up what seems like forever. at the top another door opens, and you see a dinning hall, ghostly looking people are all having a party, You travel through the party, at the end you see to people, one asks the other where's their daugther, she late for her own parrty. You enter then next shaft. the girl says, " All I wanted to do was go to my party, but a storm was growing strong." you rise and at the top you enter an abandon room, the curtans on the windows and bed are flapping wildly with the wind. as you pass through you hear the womans voice call out to the girl to get away from the window or lighting will strick her dead. the girl calls back that it would never happen. you enter another shaft, turn, and the women's voice says, "She was wrong." you rise and find your self looking at another hallway, the ghost of the girl, man and women (who looks like a Nanny.) apperar and look right at you. the start to walk backwards and the car fallows them, they becon you to the other shaft. when you reach it you turn, and the man cries out, "the elevator was struck by lighting and death fell to our death" the door closes and you sit their for a second or two. then out of nowhere the car droops, its longer than the first drop. You feel like your falling to your death.

And thats basicly the end of the ride, a pic it taken of your last fall. and you exit through the elevator doors at the beging of the bulding. It is actually much scaryier than the one thats out there. and kinda wanted that. when I went on the one in WDW, it wasn't as scary as I thought it would have been, and i couldn't understan alot of the story. so I tried to fix that. I also wanted less people on the ride at a time so that the car could be smaller and not need so much extra room to move. the Techonolgy for the car will be like on the real tot. only differnce is that it leaves the shaft more often alowing more than 2 cars on a track at the same time.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Sounds good, but I don't think cutting down the elevator cars to four seats is a good idea. It would really hurt capacity and the lines will be REALLY REALLY REALLY long. Even longer than the waits at the ToT in WDW.
If you want to use the same ride technology, you need a top on the car.

Also the ghosts narrating the ride seems a little, well to be frank, corny. It's not the concept of it, just the execution. It might be easier to have the story told by the lawyer in the pre-show or have the guests see it happen on the ride.


Original Poster
Well hey, thanks for the imput all and I sorta see what your saying about the corney-ness. I wouldn't exactly call it corny, but maybe pointless. I re-read what I wrote today, and I saw that I don't need all of the talking, just the first one, with the little girl saying that they've been waiting to tell their story, and the laughing part of the first drop will stay, just for effect. As for the car, Im guess that the top is needed, I looked over stuff on the ride car, and learned more about how it works, but I'm not increasing the size for the fact that this version is much longer than the last and with that more cars can be on the track at the same time. I would say at least 5. so basicly the capacity would be around the same, maybe afew less, Im not sure how many exactly fit in the WDW one.


Original Poster
Once agein hello out there in Disney-web land.

Tonight Ive got the start of a new ride/area. Its in Adventureland (if your keeping score with the park map, were in the black bulding area in the lower left hand side) So theres like a black circle and then a bulding on part of the river. ( I still have no name for the river! any suggestions?) Anyways, there is that area, and then the area of the New! Jungle cruise (basicly updated AA's and some more surpises)
This area is called Aggraba Ally. and yes you guessed it, its themed to Aladden. There are two rides in the "Ally" the now "famous" carpets of Aggraba, yes that fun Dumbo ripoff. The other is the new ride "Escape from the Cave of Wonders"
And so far I know that its going to use the Dinosaur cars, but shaped more like carpets. Now for the obvious plot.

The ride starts with your Carpet taking you over the night-time aggraba, and into the desert, you fly down and Jafar is at the mouth of the cave of wonders. He asks who is the Dimond in the Ruff, and the cave says that the people on the carpet are. You then fly into the Caves mouth and down into the cave. as you desend you hear the cave say only touch the lamp. You then start of swing around corners,and past heeps of gold, untill you reach the room with the lamp. You see Abu near the big red Dimond from the movie, and then he reachs for it, and you fall into darkness. then the room turns bright red as Lava starts to fill the coredor behind you. from here on out its a race ageinst the lava. probley a screan projection. So its a high adventure around sharp conrers and rocks and headcoperes, when you find yourself being caught in the middle as the lava closes in. the only way out is up, so you shoot up and out of the cave back int the desert night and back to agrgraba. the end.
thats really all I got for the ride right now.

but i do have another part of this little land with in a land, and thats that the facades for all the shop/rides/the resturant (working on that) will be like the buldings of aggraba but they will also act as a stage for the Aladden stunt show, where the Hunky hero aladden steals a loaf of bread and escapes the gaurds as the jump, fall, and do other neet stunts from roof top to roof top.

And thats it for now, Im working on some secthes so hopefully they'll be up soon.
Exploration River?

It goes in-between your Frontier-ishland and Adventureland right? Well the concept of Exploration is what both of those more general themes share...

As for your 3 attractions in Agrabah Alley:

Between Escape from the Cave of Wonders and Carpets of Agrabah it seems a little redundant to me to have two attractions in which guests ride on magic carpets so close to each other. I understand one being a "kiddie" ride and the other not, but still thematically it seems a little redundant. What I would suggest, also noting that Gene is rather left out of this area, is that instead of Carpets of Agrabah, you keep the same ride system, but one, enclose it and two use black light technology.

The ride could be called Gene's Magic Lamp Spin (eh, you can fix the name) you would use the same ride vehicles only they would be mounted on a turntable and would be sunk slightly below a platform. Guests would enter into this black lite room on the platform which would be glowing a bright white, the whole room at this point would be very illuminated despite being under a black light. Then once guests would have taken their seats on the floor sitting among these large stacks of pillows ( the ride vehicles) facing the center of the room. THe lamp on a pedestal of the middle of the room would open and an AA gene also using some smoke effects would rise out of the lamp and give the (10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck line). Next Gene comments on all the people and says he needs to whip them up something special so (using fiberoptics) sparks start to fly form his finger tips to these large pillow structures which the guests were sitting on, the platform that the guest walked in on drops down as the cars turn to face in normal (dumbo position), The cars then start to rise, then using autonomous lighting a medallion in the front of each seat lights up, Gene explains these are magic medallions and press them to make your flight dip and dive or raise and lower. The cars then start to spin through a short clip of the "friend like me" scene and then they come back down, gene goes away and end of show.

Other stuff sounds good, I'll think about your rides system a bit more and get back to you on that for EfCoW.

P.S. By Gene I mean Genie, too lazy to change it now :D


Original Poster
Exploration River. I like it! YAY. Name for the river. Thank you for nameing the river, FigmentDream. If I had a prize to give, you would get it.

As for Aggraba, I didn't even relize that they were both carpets. but I really like your idea, for the Genie's Magic Lamp Spin. One thing I would change would be the white part. I think that would a little to glarry, if the were all white. but to have differnt colors, would rock the socks off people. Also but the Genie in black light paint. to look awesome. other than that I love the idea. it would also be cool to add efects into the room as the ride is going. Like maybe a light show near the ceiling or something wild like that. What would also be neet is to theme the room like your inside his lamp. and kinda theme it off of Lamp from I dream of Jennie. It would be an amazing ride, and not so much a rip off of dumbo anymore, wich was something I was shakey about. thank you so much agein, FigmentDream! you truly are amazing!
I was actually referring to the floor being white not the pillows (cars) as I think you were referring too. But still you are right that could be a too glary. The reason why I stated this though was for safety reasons. When guests are loading you need to make sure people can see where you are walking, and under black light this means there needs to be something kinda bright, so I picked white. Pure white might be too much though, maybe like blacklight marble with white and black melded together.

But yes for the pillow structures they should all be multi-colored, probably royal color, like hues of blue, purple and shades of deep red and gold.

I like your idea for taking guests into the lamp, that would be cool.

Anyways, moving along I did do some light thought into your EfCoW ride. You could probably simply meld a EMV with the concept of a rollercoster track, have a typical EMV up to the point where Abu is looking at the ruby your car could slide forward onto a support track so that the EMV could move are much faster that normal speeds with out tipping ect.

Depending on what you meant by "fall" this could complicate things, if you meant vertical, you would need a lift mechanism which would only mildly complicate things, if you meant like an inclined drop, no problem you are already locked into the proper track


Original Poster
OH the Floors! okay I get what your saying now. and that would look really cool, and I think that even with the color paint on the floor would make it look even better. and for safty, thats a good plan.

for the carpet ride, the fall I was thinking of haveing could go eather way. Im more leading to the slope though, and maybe then have it curve down for more exctiement. but I would have it be more like the carpent feel over a cliff in the cave, and is falling and then starting to fly. But I love the idea of having a roller coaster track, that opens the ride to so much more.

Thank you very much!

Hobnail Boot

Well-Known Member
I must say, I don't like the overall layout of the park, but I do like the planning you are putting into it. It shows determination and imagination. If I may ask, was your Snow White Castle inspired by the castle from Shrek 2? The coloring and shape seem similar. I'm not accusing you of copying, especially since I'm guilty of that myself, just wondering.

Hope to see some more ideas soon. One more thing: I love the Pooh facade but the transition between the surrounding structures and the book bother me. Maybe try a different approach to that? Perhaps have the book against the 100 Acre Woods? I don't know, but I'm sure you'll figure something out. Good luck!


Original Poster
Hey, about the castle, I never did think of Shriek 2 when I was planing it. I was useing a panting of a castle that my mom has for the colors, and the setup is more done that way just so that the stuff I put in the actual castle. but I did love that castle from Shrek, and well I guess that its nice to be compaired to it.

and the pooh thing, thats not what I hope for it to final look like. thasts just what i put up to get the idea across. I like the idea of making the 100 acher woods grow out of the book, and being around it. It gose more with the plan I have for that ride. Thanks for the imput.


Original Poster
So I have a nice size update. the basic overlay of Tomorrowland. And I have a mini map that you can see here.

The basis for my Tomorrowland, is what I think was the original idea, but then it all went to other ideas and this one got shuffled around. but I could be compeltly wrong. but what Im going for is a view into the techonolgy of tomorrow, but not like this product will be out in the year 2010, or something like that. Im talking Jetson's tomorrow when we no longer have to walk on our own and we all live in the sky. So, with that said, the themeing will not be in the clouds, sadly. but will be set up like a scientific comunity of the future. The buldings are going to be dull steel siding and mostly clean straight lines. Purples and Blues will be the acesnt colors, and everything will look clean cut. Think of the Trees being in perfect triangles and squares.

the basic over view of the attracions gose like this:

The New Space Mt.- More of a race between you and other cars to reach the giant Metior first, in you space pod.

Mission Space- a raging roller coaster, not the simulator. Inverted Coaster with the pull back chain lift relise thing. like Deja Vu at Six flages.

Stitch's Great Escape- yet another rollor Coster, this one much more like the classice Space Mt. Stich escapes the Comand Space ship, like in the opening scean of the movie, and you have to chase him down.

Test Track- same as epcot

Carousel of Progress- classic show but updated and new ending

World of tomorrow- an overview of the land, and then at the end, a look into what the city of tomorrow will be like. (hence bulding 5b)

Star Tours- not Star wars, but a trip to a distant vacation planet, gone wrong

Astro park- Innovations, but it dosn't have actual inventions in it, it has made up ones. Also has walk through home of tomorrow.

the resturants

Galxy Diner- counter servies, themed to the 1950's but in space.

Orion's- the Table servies, what I have so far in this plan in the celing, will be a stary night, and there will be metior showers every hour or so.

Pi shop- a sweet/ snack shop, and the front will just have the symbol for pi.

Cool zone- like the one at EPCOT, but not nessesarey just cokes. maybe of differnt snaks.

and the shops
Tomorrow Labs- Basic Mercheindice

Stitch 'n Time- Stitch stuff

Testing center- Test Track stuff

Cool zone outpost- will go along with the cool zone, selling product merchindise for whatever co. is in there.

there are still 2 places that I don't have stuff for, the first is next to COP and the 2nd is inbetween SP and Stitch. Any sugestions for a resturant or shop? or maybe something else?
Randomly rating your attractions on a scale of 1-5

stitch001 said:
The New Space Mt.- More of a race between you and other cars to reach the giant Meteor first, in you space pod. 4

Mission Space- a raging roller coaster, not the simulator. Inverted Coaster with the pull back chain lift relise thing. like Deja Vu at Six flages. 1

Stitch's Great Escape- yet another rollor Coster, this one much more like the classice Space Mt. Stich escapes the Comand Space ship, like in the opening scean of the movie, and you have to chase him down. 3

Test Track- same as epcot 1

Carousel of Progress- classic show but updated and new ending 2

World of tomorrow- an overview of the land, and then at the end, a look into what the city of tomorrow will be like. (hence bulding 5b) 5

Star Tours- not Star wars, but a trip to a distant vacation planet, gone wrong 4

Astro park- Innovations, but it dosn't have actual inventions in it, it has made up ones. Also has walk through home of tomorrow. 5

So then constructive suggestions:

Don't really like the idea of Mission: Space being a Dajavau-esc rollercoaster. One way I could see this working though is if it was themed rather to a black hole/worm hole adventure, where guests travel through some sort of space time rip (on accident of course)

Not totally sold on the SGE coaster thing, I like the general concept, but I think with a story like that applied to arollercoaster it would be appropriate to apply a little more detail. Such as scenes, scenery, climax points, some sort of spectacular ending

Test Track? I really don't think this works as an Epcot clone, it just doesn't fit, what would fit though and be quite good is if you did like a futuristic version of Test Track where GM (Galatic Motors) brought you to their testing faculty to test out their newest line of hover cars in a series of zany experiments, anti-gravity chambers, freak asteroid showers ect.

CoP, I love this attraction, but I am not sure if it really fits the theme of the rest of your tomorrow land, perhaps an easier solution here would simply to make a mini-land around it: Progressland, you could model it after the exhibit by the same name that actually appeared at the Worlds Fair. If you placed it inbetween Main Street and Tommorwland it would serve as a great transition area.

Love your Astro Park and your restaurant/shop ideas

As always these are my views, feel free to disagree


Original Poster
Hey thanks for the imput.

for Mission Space, I haven't even started to think of the story for that, but the wormhole idea sounds really cool. the choice for the deja vu type was because it has that moment of weightlessness. I have no intention of haveing the track layout anywhere near the same, what I want from it is the two towers.

For the stitch ride, thats totaly what I was thinking, I just didn't go into much detal when I posted it. I want it to be big and spectautlar, and yet use the coster, too. For the ending I was thinking some where along the lines of Stitch crashing into earth, with lots of special effects and what not.

For Test track, I guess I was wrong, cause I always had the imprssion that it was about testing a new car that was comeing out. So thats what I was getting at. A hover car sounds really good cause then theres no worry about the tire problem the EPCOT one first had. So yeah it will be a preview of a fueteristic car. Thanks for setting me staight though.

For COP, I dont think a whole land for it would work, but I am fomulating a plan for it, and yeah Im sticking with the classic story idea, but Im competly reworking how its done. So it would be more like "the New COP". and it will fit in because what I was thinking of was making it like a fake Museum and the main atraction is a show about how "we" got to the technology we have today. and thats where the new ending really comes in. its going to be the Tomorrowland present.


Original Poster
Hey all. well its been a small while sence I last posted about my park. I Have been thinking about the second park Im gonna add, and I've been trying to get that up and going and so far it seems to be working.

This park is a completly new idea, Its not based on any disney park, befor it and the basic layout is ruffly based on Universal's IOA. The idea for the park is to be more of the thrill type park that disney is sorta lacking in, not that its a bad thing. but personaly I think it could work, espicaly for the area that Im thinking of, mid america, thrill parks are all around and if Disney put something there it would need to be able to compet. anyways. The basic, and I mean basic, story line is that the entire park is a fantecy world and each "land" or themeing area is a diffent city or town each with its own element. This means that there is a land for water, fire, air, land/the forest. there is also two genral areas. one is the main gate area and is themed to a classic fairytale city complete with a castle, (pic comeing soon). The other is the villan section. As of this point to keep the whole park still Disney, it is the land of Malifacent from sleeping beauty. This are will not be scary but will be more gothic, and dark. This land will be higer up than the rest and have the prospective of being in a mountain. and yes there will be a malifacent castle, or at least a castle for which ever villan happens. there. Over all when thinking about the park, untill I get a map made out and some other stuff done, think of the N64 version of the Ledgend of Zelda, and how each town you go to is distincly themed to what you are looking for.


Original Poster
Next, I know its a little late but this is my plan for halloween. having two parks I'm doing both the family fun and friendly party in Disney Country, and the scare your pants of nightmears for days, night time party. In Disney Country here's what your party will incude:

Dinner at one of Disney country's sit downs resturants, each with special surpises durring the diner.

the park decked out with fun halloween decorations incuding autum trees and leave piles, Jack-o-lanterns, and other halloween staples.

a Costume parade down Main Steet Toon town at night.

In Hollywood Square: The Monster mash block party where the classic movie monsters party and dance the night away. While the Muppet movie theater shows their classic movies.

Back on Main street. in the House of Mouse, a new gang takes over and it becomes house of Villans hosted by Hades and Jafar. This is basied on the home videio and mickey takes back the place at the end of the night.

All around the park, there is the trick or treat hunt, where kids go around the park and find out who stole the halloween candy.

lastly a night-time parade/fireworks show is going to take place. The show is a spectaular paraede takes place on the Exploration River. It it will be like the electircal parade I have pland for the the rest of the year which will aslo be on exploration river. but in this version it is a halloween party theme that is the prosetional for Jack from Nightmear befor Christmas. the parade is mixed with fireworks, because when jack reaches certin points on the route he motions for the "spirts" to start to party and fireworks fill the sky.

In the other park you will find a night of haunts and frights, along with 8 haunted houses and plenty of scare teams to chase you around. This will be a changeing event and every year new haunts will be introdued and classics will apear. One haunted "house" Im hopeing to have year after year will be the dark side of Disney. And yes I've taken the idea from universal Im going full out. and useing the actuall disney charators to be the nightmeare. and this may sound really grosse and you might think whole crap this guy needs help and fast. but the story board would be that things didn't go so fine and dandy in the disney movies as it seems. For example when the dwarfs came home and found snow white, they didn't let her be there maid, they made her the main corse in their dinner. of the beast wasn't so nice under that rough exterior. But thats what Im going for in this park. horror and just plan creepy.

On a more happy note. Im also doing plans for christmas.

So far I'm only planing to do a christmas party in Disney county but for the other park, being that each land is like a miny fantacy culture, the will each have their own version of christmas and they will display them.

for The Disney country party and for the rest of the day. here it goes:

Snow fills the Main street toon town and frost in the windows. all the displays in the windows are like the ones in New york and other big cities where they are christmas sceans and have toys and what not. (remeber that my Main Street is themed more to a corner in new yourk like soho, but then added in the mix of toon town) In the Toon Town Tour of the stars (the ride that takes you on a Hollywood-esk tour of the Disney charaters homes) the houses are decked out. House of Mouse is all themed out.
In the hub, more snow is everywhere the moat area is frozen over and profesial ice sakaters are out. the castle is even decked out in garlind and lights, and yes bows too. and each land decks themesleves out in theme. Adventureland lights and ortaments are on the palm trees. tomorrowland, stainless steal raindear-bots.

The christmas prarade is a showstoping party of floats charactors danceing and yes even the toons that you just can't seem to get out of your head.

Hollywood sq. gets decked out in the the most glamorus hollywood movie style christmas you can think of. and in the haunted mantion the 999 ghosts even know how to through a good party. Other shows get chritmas makeovers- like the mupptes and fantasmic.

Theres lots more ideas that I have, but the one most important thing I got is the firework show called Carol of the works. its a firework show that is to the toons of charol of the bells, Winter wonderland, and more.


Original Poster
hey all. I have the full plan out for my haunted mantion. and while it may seem un-cool what I want to do. I just want to put out there that alot of my park is breaking way from the classic MK style, because I really want to bring the feel of walt and the fast past lavish standerd that is the big thing these days, and make them work. and my haunted mantion I think will do that.

First is the major change that will take place is the ride vehicals. I know that doombuggies are classic, but I feel that with the huge almost tilt-a-whirl style that it give a comfort effect that takes away from the feel that something is behind you. and it also limits what you look at. So with that said all Im really doing is lowering hte back so that its more open in the top, but you can still snuggle in if you get scared, like I do. the cars will still cup you in and swival to give the view it wants you to see, but will alow you to look all around you.

Now for the story/atmoshere and the rest of the ride too. The themeing is going to be of the house from the movie. Down to the last detal. this house is amazing and really showy and lavish, and works perfectly. the ride is also based off the story of the house. so most imoprotant rooms from that house are in the ride, but more on that later. As for the story there will be no Eddie Murphy, and now tacky story line like that. the storyline will have the wedding that never was as its final scean, though. So heres the story progregtion:

as you are in Hollywood Square (cause thats where this is located) you see the house from the movie in the courner of the land. you walk on to the proproty and you can tell that this house is not well kept. dead trees and other dead foliage line the path you walk up. you can see the graveyard behind the house as you reach the house and there are two tents or maybe sheds set up on the site. you are lead into one of two rooms and are brefed by a castmember about the curse of the house. (this would normaly be the stectching room part but Im also leaving that out) they would prasied to tell you that a women who looks alot like the missing "soon to be Mrs. Gracy" was last scean around the place but sence gone missing. They then let you into the boradring area. and you now realise that aperently you'r looking for this women beause a picture of the soon to be mrs gracy is hanging in the loading room. you enter your car and prosied into the house. the first room is the foyer, ghosts are poping in and out at their whim and in this room seem to be servents. Your car moved twored the armor hall, and lighting strikes and you see the creepy butler in the hall as the flash happens (like in the movie) you travel into the hall and nothing is there, but the suts of armors are turning their heads and you travel through. the next room you encounter is the library. I don't really have the full idea of what will happen in here yet. so lets move on the the ballroom and this ain't your normal trick. for this version your smack dab in the middle of the danceing, and partying.

next you move up to the attic, where you hear madam letoa but don't see her when you enter insted you see ghosts looking up and if you look up you see the hanging body of mr gracey. as you move throught the attic you reach maddam leota and her warring that to brack the curse you must stop the wedding. now I don't have much of a logical segway other than from the movie but you next go into the graveyard and have fun with the classic gravyard scene but with updated technology. and at the end your at the outside of the crypt from the movie and guess what your going in! now in the crypt there wont be zombies but there will be more ghosts. and finaly you get your way to a new room in the crypt that I have added for story sake where the wedding is takeing place. and but the women has taken the posin and has died becomeing the newest ghost to the mantion. the ride end withe the classic ghost in the car gag. and you excit into the cematery.


Well-Known Member
stitch001 said:
hey all. I have the full plan out for my haunted mantion. and while it may seem un-cool what I want to do. I just want to put out there that alot of my park is breaking way from the classic MK style, because I really want to bring the feel of walt and the fast past lavish standerd that is the big thing these days, and make them work. and my haunted mantion I think will do that.

First is the major change that will take place is the ride vehicals. I know that doombuggies are classic, but I feel that with the huge almost tilt-a-whirl style that it give a comfort effect that takes away from the feel that something is behind you. and it also limits what you look at. So with that said all Im really doing is lowering hte back so that its more open in the top, but you can still snuggle in if you get scared, like I do. the cars will still cup you in and swival to give the view it wants you to see, but will alow you to look all around you.

Now for the story/atmoshere and the rest of the ride too. The themeing is going to be of the house from the movie. Down to the last detal. this house is amazing and really showy and lavish, and works perfectly. the ride is also based off the story of the house. so most imoprotant rooms from that house are in the ride, but more on that later. As for the story there will be no Eddie Murphy, and now tacky story line like that. the storyline will have the wedding that never was as its final scean, though. So heres the story progregtion:

as you are in Hollywood Square (cause thats where this is located) you see the house from the movie in the courner of the land. you walk on to the proproty and you can tell that this house is not well kept. dead trees and other dead foliage line the path you walk up. you can see the graveyard behind the house as you reach the house and there are two tents or maybe sheds set up on the site. you are lead into one of two rooms and are brefed by a castmember about the curse of the house. (this would normaly be the stectching room part but Im also leaving that out) they would prasied to tell you that a women who looks alot like the missing "soon to be Mrs. Gracy" was last scean around the place but sence gone missing. They then let you into the boradring area. and you now realise that aperently you'r looking for this women beause a picture of the soon to be mrs gracy is hanging in the loading room. you enter your car and prosied into the house. the first room is the foyer, ghosts are poping in and out at their whim and in this room seem to be servents. Your car moved twored the armor hall, and lighting strikes and you see the creepy butler in the hall as the flash happens (like in the movie) you travel into the hall and nothing is there, but the suts of armors are turning their heads and you travel through. the next room you encounter is the library. I don't really have the full idea of what will happen in here yet. so lets move on the the ballroom and this ain't your normal trick. for this version your smack dab in the middle of the danceing, and partying.

next you move up to the attic, where you hear madam letoa but don't see her when you enter insted you see ghosts looking up and if you look up you see the hanging body of mr gracey. as you move throught the attic you reach maddam leota and her warring that to brack the curse you must stop the wedding. now I don't have much of a logical segway other than from the movie but you next go into the graveyard and have fun with the classic gravyard scene but with updated technology. and at the end your at the outside of the crypt from the movie and guess what your going in! now in the crypt there wont be zombies but there will be more ghosts. and finaly you get your way to a new room in the crypt that I have added for story sake where the wedding is takeing place. and but the women has taken the posin and has died becomeing the newest ghost to the mantion. the ride end withe the classic ghost in the car gag. and you excit into the cematery.

Nice ideas here, especially since you're sticking to the classic MK and Disney-style, with the updated technology! You are quite creative indeed, especially in your Haunted Mansion ride design! :) :D ;) :sohappy:

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