Disney Country


Original Poster
Hello to everyone. I have had this idea for an amazing new park in the Disney family. I tried to do it on my own with RCT2 but it didn't go so well. Even with this I have awesome Ideas for the park, some which I have changed sence my atempt. Obvously Its called Disney Country, and I got this idea cuase hey theres a Disney World, and a Disneyland. Whats left? I haven't exactly picked a place out yet, but I would have been thinking of southern Canada or somewhere in the mid-west.

This is like no Magic Kingdom made. This is Magic Kingdom, for the next Generation. :king:

Anyways like I said I have alot of new, crazy, and outragous Ideas, maybe I didn't exactly say that, and I am always wanting people to guide me so I do all of a sudden make something impossible. I am also compelty open to Ideas that would make the park even more awesome than Im thinking about.

Im not going to go into too much detail yet, but what Im going to give the veiw. Think if Disney and Las Vegas got together and had a baby, if somehow posible. thats what Disney Country is going to be. The classic family feel, with the Razle Dazle of Vegas. And overal, there are going to be new veiws of some of the lands. but thats all Im relising for now.


Original Poster
Hello agein to everyone. I have gotten the full Idea for Main Street planed out in my head, so its time to relise it out into the world. So Main Street is going to take on a whole new idea. Don't get me wrong I love the old time town feel, but its over done alittle bit, I think. So Im taking a more updated look.

Think a small burrow of New York or anyother major city, not the whole crime ridden one, the one with the funky Rerto style clothes. Now make it more of a Toon Town feel. Thats what Main Street Toon Town is going to look like. The buldings are still going to have the perspective second and third floors so its not intimadaing. With the red brick buldings and the store front window the place will have a cartoon feel.

-Their is going to be a cross road halfway up Main Street and there will be two small areas of Toon Town. On the Left ( as you walk twords the hub) will be Toon Town Carnival. This area will be a carnval and have carnival rides like the Tilt-a-Whirl, and a Ferris Wheel. It will also have some carnival games, where guests can win fun Prizes.

-On the right is going to be a gated Community. The gate will always be open, but it will just look that way. Now I haven't desided if this part will just be a ride, or if guests will be aloud to walk around, but the gated comunity will be the area with all the charactors houses. The ride will be a tour of the stars homes. like in Hollywood, but it will be Dinsey. Guests will ride in a "bus" and it will travel around the neighborhood, telling about each Charactor that lives their and dish the dirt about them too. The houses would include: Mickey Minnie, Donald, Goffy, Chip n Dale (it would be the Rescue Rangers house), Daisy, and even Pete and Mortamer. Some of the "dirt" would be like Donald takeing script offers out of Mickeys garbage, and Moartamer constently trying to get a date with minnie by doing crazy stunts.

On the Left side of the cross roads is the main atreation of Main Street, Toon Town. and that is The House of Mouse.
It will look very much like it dose on the show, and it will have a lot great features.
-In the morning Charactor Breakfast. This will be set up like the show, where Mickey hosts the morning and other charators roam the place chating with guests. Durring the morning their would be Disney Chartoons that all have to do with the theme of that day, It would be on a rotating basis, just like on the show, where one day they have a flying theme, and one day its vacations.
-Durring Lunck it would show conset disney shorts, old and new, with no host.
-At night it would turn into an event. A Dinner theater. Each night there would be a differnt feature movie, like Aladden or Beuaty and the Beast. Guests would pay a fee and get a full 3 chorce meal, disney charators and a movie, all in one night The night would start off with a red carpet entrace where disney charators and the guest going to it walk down and their a paperatize and srcaming fans. Once inside they are settied at tables and recive their menu. Everything on the menu is themed to the movie, so like if it were Aladden, there would be Friend like me Fish Fry. As the dinner sarts the cast of the movie comes out and hosts the night. Im not 100% sure of this part, but I would like to make it like Rocky Horror Picture show where the cast members dance along with the songs and get the guest involed.

And that is the Main Street, Toon Town. for Disney Country. Sugestion, coments, questions, or any thing else are totaly welcome, and wanted too


Original Poster
Massachusetts, that could be cool, but Im going to look for some more options, but it will deffentilly be around the New England/Mid-West America.

So last time I went into Main Street. So this time Im going back a little bit, and talk about the entrace area, The Entacne to the park is going over the lake, Lake Walt. This lake is the main part of the Disney Country Downtown area. Here is where the Hotels are, So far I have Three ideas. Also there is part of the Downtown Disney Riverwalk.

This comes to a main point of Disney Country. The main feature that is going to tie all of the place together is the Country River. This river starts outside of the Kingdom park, witch is the Nothern most point of the land, and it runs through the left side of the park, (Wildernessland, and Adventureland). From there it emptys into Lake Walt, and picks up agien On the south-right side of the lake and flows into the Riverwalk and then into the riverwalk resort. Finaly leaving the Propraty.

The Entrance area/Main Gate. has acsess to the docks and also to the Riverwalk, and to one of the Resorts, the Disney Diva Resort and Spa.

A quick mock up of the propraty layout can be found here.:)


Original Poster
Now back to the park. So the hub is going to be a lush garden paradice. The castle and center point of the park is going to be Snow White's Castle (pic coming soon.) In the surounding area there will be weeping willows, fountains, Flowers, and Topiearies. The moat around the castle will of cource rap around the front of the castle and the also rap around the hub area, creating an island, with briges going out to each land, excpet Main street, so really its a peniesnula, but just go with me on this one.:veryconfu The Castle itsself will house a resutrant, called the grand ball room. and a theater (hidden underground for the most part.) that will house the Snow White show currnetly in DL.

Thats the Hub area. Sugestions?:wave:
stitch001 said:
Thats the Hub area. Sugestions?:wave:

Swan Boats or something verisimilitude would be a nice addition to run in your moat. Given today's technology you could use Hydro-AGV's to ensure a good guest flow and have nice choreographed sequences during the ride.

I think you may have some issues judging from your property map, but I will let you explain them before I make any comments/suggestions.


Original Poster
I never thought about a boat ride, but that sounds amazing. and as for the map I have up, its not to scale, no is it perment. but you are free to ask any questions, cause they might help to get the final layout down. Thank you for your imput thought, its always helpful.
stitch001 said:
and as for the map I have up, its not to scale, no is it perment. but you are free to ask any questions, cause they might help to get the final layout down. Thank you for your imput thought, its always helpful.

I was referring more to thematic issues and such, but I will wait for you to further explain them.


Original Poster
Tonight I have for you the consept pic of Snow White's castle. its here. the Grey part is going to wrap around the hub area and open at the end (by main street) creating a courtyard look. In the middle garden area of the hub will be the Wishing Well from the Movie Snow White. This is also the place where Snow White will Hang out. Now for the actual Castle. the Right side of the castle, the lower side, thats the Resturant called the Grand Ball Room. and the Left side is the home to the Theater wich will show the DL version of Snow White Spectaular. or whatever the exact name of the show is. Yes its a copy and Im not a huge fan of Copy rides and attractions, but I really like the consept of the show, and was planing to have a Snow White show in their no mater what. And then of course the castle is the gateway to Fantcyland.


Original Poster
Sence I don't really have any other information finalied yet, and the last post was really just being redundant. Im going to go through a brif overview of the hotles.

- Disney's Riverwalk Resort is the Cheeper hotel. It is themed along the river (still nameless). and is themed around the river. It is a lush green area with lannenstone, and brick buldings set up like condos. each bulding is 2 stories and have 4 "houses". So basicly their condos. but the fell of the resort is that its been there for along time.

-the Middle resort is the Disney Diva Resort. This resort is where most of the Disney meets Las Vegas thing happens. its going to be set up like the Grand Florideain in WDW. but with a more modern look. Think of a Castle of the 21st Century with the metal sideing. The overal theme of the place will be the Disney Princesses and yes there boy toys too. This is a place where you are treeted like royalty. And so this is where the headquarters of the Disney Country Resort complex spa will be. Because the moto of this resort is every one is a princess (or Prince.) This resort also has the best views of Disney Country Magic Kingdom.

-Last is the Disney Crusie resort. The placement for this one is still up in the air. but the idea for this is that I would take a Disney Cruise boat, cut off the lower part, where all the engeins are. and bacsicly everything under the lowest deck. Other than that, it would be the boat but on land. This would be the most expencive resort because of the amenities and the experience of the boat with out haveing to travel over see. also what I would do is create a beach area on one side of the "boat" (oviously the side that is faceing the lake and theme it after Castaway Cay. As for the decks of the boat that are on top, where the pools are, there will be a dome over that part so that guests can swim and party all the time, no matter the weather.

So thats the basic over view of the resorts, much more is to come on that, and of the rest of the park too. :animwink: Enjoy.


Original Poster
That you for the offerning on the help and suggestions. It will really be helpful. and anything you are curious about, just shoot. I really have no plan as to how all the crazy ideas from my head are going to get out there, so any questions that can get something flowing out logicaly will be amazing.


Original Poster
So tonight Im going to give a nice little overview of the lands I have planed for the park.

-Main Street Toon Town: see above.

-Tomorrowland: This is going to have a look more like a big science city, with stainless steel buldings and acents of Purple and Navy. The foucus of this land is going to be technology that is makeing "tomorrow" seem like today.

-Fanticyland ( I really don't know how to spell this word.): anyways as of now, becuse I don't need a toon town area. so their might be a storybook garden, and then the offical fanitcyland. Atlest in story book garden, which really isn't going to be a garden, but more of a side road to more rides, the facades to the rides will be open books,and a scean or bulding realating to the ride would be growing out of it, making the books come alive. The other section might be themed more like DLs one with the tutor cotages, but I would like to have the book theme running throughout

-Wildernessland: This is the new Fronteir/Critter Country land. This is basicly is done because of Splash Mt. to make it more in context. along with this there will be a new veriation of Thunder mt. with a differnt reason for going mining. Also this is site for the Haunted Mation, staying in the theme of each version of it is in a differnt land in each park. Lastly this is the starting point of the river that runs through the left hand side of the park. There is no Tom Sawyer island. just a river that cuts the land in half, with more of a civilzed Mineing town, and hten the land that is themed in a woods.

-Adventure land: This is only one half of the lower river bank and it going to be set up like a jungle port and aggraba (from Aladden). not much esle to say, yet
- on the other side of the river, is a new land. OOOO AAAAA. This is eather going to be called Pirate Isalnd or Criabian (sp?) Island. obviously this is self explanitory. The new home to the NEW POC. yes and then some other surprises, like a pirate show in the laguoon.

-lasty, this really dosn't have a home yet, but Im going to have a land where its MGM but smaller. Called Hollywood Square. This might go into the normal toon TOwn spot. but its going to be a viberant glits, glamor, light, camra action, type place. and yes Tower of Terror is moveing in. Or at least a version of it.

Thats the over view of the lands. I hope you like it.
Firstly thumbs up on the snow white castle, like the look of it alot

Secondly a few issues,

The content of your Disney Diva resort sounds fine, but the name really is not. It sounds like it is all of the Disney princess and people are going to associate it with like a VH1 Diva-esc idea and all of the negative things that go with it. Personally as a male I would not want to stay at a resort called Disney Diva's and I am far from being chauvinistic.

Better names might be Grand Regal, Disney Royalty or Disney Prince and Princess Resort

or even something like a Happily Ever After Resort, where the hotel is themed to the place were all the prince and princess go to live Happily ever After. I may sound , but really names are very important.

Next, I am not so sure on the business reality of your Disney Cruise Resort, while I can see how that would be a cool idea, it doesn't make much business sense. The point of the crusieline is that to have the experience of the ship only by booking a cruise. There is no way you could charge relatively the same price for a land bound experience, and again if it was identical to a ship, it could hypothetically hurt cruise ship business. I have further arguments against it, but eh, I can go into them later if you still don't see my point.

Even if you then tried to translate the idea to another resort you really just end up with a normal resort. So really just designing a new top of the line themepark resort hotel is probably your best bet.

Hollywood Square really just doesn't sound like it would work. I've seen people try to do this before and a Hollywood inspired land no matter how much you fantasize it would fit into a Magic Kingdom style park.

Your best bet, would be to do something similar to a toon town, but Hollywood-ized. I did this in one of my parks and called it Toonywood, the idea was that Hollywood is where "real movies are made" and in Toonywood is where cartoons are really made, essentially it is ToonTown meets Hollywood. There is an idea floating around somewhere as a scraped WDI idea to make an alternative ToT attraction for an area similar to this, where I think it was Droopy the Dog was your elevator operator. Essentially again a cartoonized and less spooky ToT attraction with many top of the art cartoon effects.



Caribbean Island


Original Poster
Hey thanks for the imput, I and totaly see what your saying. The Disney Diva, may not be the best name for the whole hotle, but the Im still going to keep the spa as the Disney Diva spa. and I have to admit the idea for the resort came from Vh1's Diva. for the new title, how about Disney Roalty Resort.

Next I unfporutanily see what your saying about the Cruise resort. Yet Im still reluctent to scrap it. with other plans in my head, such as a possible Disney Country Sea, or a couple of orignial park Ideas, I think that it could work. With that said I see what your saying about a cruise experiance. So what Im thinking now, is useing the Magic and the Wonder as a template, and create a whole new type of "boat"/ resort, making it more wimsical and less Classic. Going with a huge thing that everything in disney has a story, the story for this could be about a fake company that failed to have their boat flot in water so, not wanting to completely get rid of the boat, movied it to land. Kinda like the Queen Mary, but not in the water.

As for Hollywood Square, I completly dissagree. First off, the idea for this land is to add most of the thrill type rides to the park that would draw a differnt audiance to the park, yet still keep it family centered. With the right touch, and yeah maybe some cartoon acents, will make it work. You have to remeber that this park is Disney and Las Vages melted together, Hollywood Square is a big chunk of where this comes in.

and ofcourse thank you for the spellings of Fantasyland, and Caribbean Island. Spelling is a problem for me, has been all my life, so this is a really great help. They woun't be spelled wrong agein.


Original Poster
ok so I have finnished a pic of the Fantasyland ride fronts. It can be found here.

Its the front for Whinnie the Pooh. and well, basicly the bulding really has no relation to the ride, but I used it anyways. The Blue Streeks at the top of the book is going to state the name of the ride, so it would say "Whinnie the Poohs 100 acher forest." cause thats what my pooh ride is going to be based on. The name of the ride is also going to be on the bulding.
stitch001 said:
for the new title, how about Disney Roalty Resort.

and create a whole new type of "boat"/ resort, making it more wimsical and less Classic. Going with a huge thing that everything in disney has a story, the story for this could be about a fake company that failed to have their boat flot in water so, not wanting to completely get rid of the boat, movied it to land. Kinda like the Queen Mary, but not in the water.

As for Hollywood Square, I completly dissagree. First off, the idea for this land is to add most of the thrill type rides to the park that would draw a differnt audiance to the park, yet still keep it family centered. With the right touch, and yeah maybe some cartoon acents, will make it work. You have to remeber that this park is Disney and Las Vages melted together, Hollywood Square is a big chunk of where this comes in.

Thumbs up

Thumbs Up

and Maybe

I know you have this vision of a Las Vegas/Disney meld and that is fine, but the problem is you still used a Magic Kingdom template and the fact is that this template contains very general areas of the Imagination to form it's lands; Hollywood is not a general area of the imagination.

Like I said before I have seen other people try to do this and fail miserably and come out with some Mk style park with a mini-studios park stashed in it. I will concede though on second thought this might be doable.

1) You would need consider this like your Liberty/ New Orleans Square area of the park (I figure you may have already done this to some degree by the square name)

2) This area would need to be void of any "studio" type themeing, more like the Hollywood Blvd. romanticized-esque style that is used as an entrance to the Disney Studios. Keeping it more like the Hollywood culture leaves it more general and more of that romanticized view that fits more with the MK theme. Once you start putting in studio areas and the like it starts to pull it more toward a recognition of modern and real hollywood, and that is bad.

So yes I could see how you would put this in, if you are following the two guidelines above, otherwise I think it will stick out like a sore thumb against the other lands in your park.


Original Poster
Thank you so much for what you said about Hollywood Squeare. Thats what I was trying to say, but couldn't figure out how. I totaly knew from the start that if I treated it like a studio, it would suck. Im not 100% sure what your talking about with the Liberty/New Orleans Square thing, but I dought that matters. My whole original idea was to make it like a theater Distric of a Major City, New York London... but instead of all shows have these theater be the fronts for rides. I also desided to move Haunted Mantion to this land, and sorta theme it more tword the movie, but leave out Eddie Murphy and his Fam. but overall make it glamous, and add street performers in the middle of the squear (that will make more sence when I start going into each land more indepth.) The only studio type ride I have been thinking of was a Special Effect/how do they do that/ Indiana Jones type ride. But really that was it.

In other news, I have a park map up now so that you can get alittle further into the crazy plan that running around. and just so that everyone is not sitting there saying what the *BEEP*. I put in markers that say what land is what. Also I think that you can take some whild guesses as to a few of the rides. Like, oh maybe the lopsided Space Mt. or Fantasmic, and yes Fast Track. It has been sliped in, cuase it sorta worked with the theme of Tomorrowland, or it will when Im done with it. So before I forget the this is the link.
Enjoy! and I will soon be going in depth with each land. YAY!:kiss:
stitch001 said:
yes Fast Track. It has been sliped in, cuase it sorta worked with the theme of Tomorrowland, or it will when Im done with it.

Nice map, but did you mean Test Track? (ie the ride at Epcot)

Really though that is a very nice map, few people actually take their ideas far enough to an aerial map showing buildings and such.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Great job! Great map aswell. I really like you castle design as well. It really does seem true to the Snow White story, but one question, is it the evil queen's castle or Prince Charming's?

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