As a College Program Alumni (Hospitality - Spring 2010), former Campus Rep and current Management Intern I would highly recommend you apply for the program. It is an incredible opportunity and will teach you a lot about not only how to work and deal with people, but a lot about yourself. I learned more than I could have ever imagined, had the best time, met friends from around the world and created the greatest memories that I will keep for as long as I live. My decision to apply and accept my spot in the college program was truly a decision that changed my life forever.
That being said, I highly recommend you do NOT do the program as a freshman. Spend your first year at school getting accustomed to college life. It's important to have a base wherever you go to school, find your friends, your new activities, etc. before you venture down here. I've found that many freshman who do the program don't get nearly as much out of the program as those that have waited until their sophomore or junior or senior year. In addition, check with your school; some have limits on what years you can go to get any credit (or keep your student status).
If you have any questions about the program, please don't hesitate to message me personally. I'd be more than happy to help you out! =)