Disney college program! My first time on the boards...


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:sohappy: I'm not sure if i'm posting this in the correct section... Anyway my phone interview is coming up in a few days. What are some of the questions they ask so I can be prepared?! Also I am currently engaged and my fiance doesn't really want me to leave him for 6 months. Is it a life experience worth doing? I'm 21 about to be a junior in college still a sophomore. I want to be a character performer, I have lot's of musical theatre/vocal training should I mention that? Also where are these auditions held? I know Chicago has one but it said something about auditions for Disney Live. Do they have both Disney Live and WDW resort cast/performer auditions? Sorry it's a lot of questions. Also I have the squeaky cleanest behavior slate ever, but i've heard about people being terminated. Will I be labeled a loser because I don't condone crazy drinking or partying for my professional appearances and avoiding bad consquences and such. Will the fact that i'm in a community college hurt my chances of attending? Also I have pretty solid customer service training and i'm insanely happy and smiling all the time so do I have a good chance?! Any answers at all are helpful! Have a magical day!:sohappy:


Active Member
My daughter is reporting to WDW Monday morning! I know that future employers look favorably if you have Disney on your resume. Since my daughter actually wants to work for Disney as a career, she thinks it is VERY worth it. lol She has already "met" her roomies via Skype and belongs to two or three social network sites of the Feb. 20 CMs. You might look for something similiar and ask questions about the phone interview. I would have my daughter post, but she is frantically doing her last minute packing since we are leaving for Orlando at 6AM tomorrow morning.:sohappy: Good luck!
P.S. Don't let some of the "Negative Nellies" on here discourage you, most of this site's readers and/or posters are VERY, VERY infected with Disneyitis!!!


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She's leaving tomorrow? Does the college program start at different times or is she going to work there or doing a professional internship? The one I applied to starts in August. That's exciting for her though! :D


Well-Known Member
You really should check out the college program blog and search their website. All the information on character auditions are there. The blog even tells you how to prepare for your phone interview.

To answer the most recent question yes the college program is for different dates. There is the Fall and Spring program (maybe called Fall and Summer not sure) and the Advantage programs. The advantage programs are 6 to 7 months while the regular programs are only 4 to 5 months.

The only questions I hear that come up consistently are Why do you want to work for Disney? Why did you choose the College Program? and Why do you want to do (insert specific role)? Also have some sort of idea of what you want to do out side of character acting because they can ask you for upwards of 3 positions. IF there is anything you absolutely won't do and you lied on the questionnaire to help you get hired (i.e. saying you were highly excited to work in all positions or even moderately excited) be up front and tell them what positions you think you would be bad at. It will help you a lot in swaying them not to send you to custodial or housekeeping.

Most importantly you want to sound happy so smile on the phone and you want to sound like you are informed about the program or at least a little bit knowledgeable. I got that feeling during my interview because they asked me if I had read certain parts of the website and when they asked what jobs I would like to do they wanted the smaller categories inside the larger ones like not just saying at the Hotels but saying Hotel Concierge or not saying I want to work in Entertainment but saying as a Character.

Also although my boyfriend and I are not engaged we do live together in New York City and have a dog and our own apartment. I debated a long time about being away from them but if this is something you really want to do he should support you if he truly loves you. Four months out of the rest of your lives is not that big of a deal. Remember never let a man stop you from chasing your own dreams. Only you can decide if the program is right and beneficial to you but I say this is a program that you can only do so many times. This is my last chance ever to get into the CP and I would hate to look back in 20 years and say I regret not even trying let alone going. Plus you fiance can always come visit you.

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