Disney Irish
Premium Member
You haven't been over in the Mufasa or the box office threads on the movie side of the forums but this has already been discussed over and over and pretty much settled. Use the industry standard 2.5 x production budget for finding breakeven, reported budget was $200M, so that would put breakeven at around $500M. But even if you say budget was $225M, which I can believe but not much beyond that, that still puts it at only $562.5M. Either way its still surpassed that based on industry standard for what is considered breakeven. This is why I say its goal post moving, because it seems like everyone wants to put a higher number when it surpasses the previous mark set by folk.Mufasa cost at minimum a reported $225-250M to make. Add $125M for marketing and you need the film to make at minimum $700M to break even.
No shifting goals, just plain facts.
Also movies aren't only limited to make money by the box office alone, they make money from many other sources. So it has the potential to continue to make money long after its out of theaters.