What is it like to work at Walt Disney World, wages/atmosphere/people?
It really depends where you work and what dept. I know people who uninamously that ODV is the WORST and Custodial isn't really that bad. Attractions is very hit or miss. You could be at a high stress, physically enduring place like Safaris. MK is the worst. Too many people, too many after parade crowds, too much stuff breaking down. However, MK has the easiest rides to ACTUALLY WORK. I remember working Mansion half asleep some mornings and nights because (you could get away w/ it due to theme), and the ride runs itself. Pirates was pretty easy and Jungle was only a chore if noone was doing thier job or there were too many wheelchair boats.
Management?? RELALY? Remember Umbridge and Snape and Fudge from Harry Potter? YUP. IN THE FLESH. Inept, incompetent, seethiing, they will FOLLOW you to see if your actually doing the job, they will hide in places to spy on you and see if you screw up, they are now allowed to berate you ON STAGE in front of guests and make you look like an idiot. They are completly paranoid due to the massive layoffs and '09 and will do ANYTHING to keep thier job even if it means getting you into trouble for actually DOING your job....just not the way THEY want it done. Oh yes, and there's nothing like working for the Company for 6yrs and then have some "kid" come in.....OFF THE STREET NEW HIRE.....as a "intern"...from.....BUSCH GARDENS. And then have Liberty Sqauare CMs (which we were already dead set in our ways and possesive of our land to being with) how to do OUR job when some of us had been there since 1972!!
I have heard constantly that MGM is the BEST park to work for. Small, stressful only at TSM, and like a big family. I think Merch. is a really sweet gig because not only could you work teh parks, but end up in NON-park areas like resort merch., The Disney Store, and even the store at OIA. And since they all share the same system picking up extra hours for Merch. is a snap.
Wages are HORRID. The Union does NOT know how to negotiaate and always comes in from a position of weakness. Concierge is the dept that you go to when your sick of the parks and want to get paid to just sit at a desk and help guests w/ vacations. And with X-Pass and the FP time being enforced and management never backing up Cast you'd have to be crazy to go into Attractions in 2012 and beyond....