Please reread my posts on this subject. I was talking only about drag queen story hours for children - that's it - not implying that I had never heard of drag shows. I'm not even saying that it was unheard of to have children at drag shows - just that it was not a thing to have drag queens in the community at children's story hours (which I also don't oppose in any way). Also, my definition of recently is the last 10 years.
Maybe The Mom will leave this part of my post when she deletes the last few pages:
I would appreciate a private discussion with you about this, because you are a reasonable person, and it’s apparently OT/political for this thread.
In fact, I will throw that offer open to anyone who wants to respectfully ask questions about what you may not “get” about drag, because I assure you it’s as innocuous as wearing a giant stuffed Mickey head in the context of drag queen story hour. It can be a one-on-one discussion or a group for all I care. We’ll call it “l Did Drag Twice For Charity Story Hour.”
So why invite children to some “sanitized” version of something that’s always been very sexual by nature? Aren’t drag queens just super sexualized imaginings of women?
I’m glad you’re asking questions, because it’s obvious you don’t know.
What’s the most potentially sexual thing about a man in drag? Oh, that thing is literally



so you cannot possibly see it. They’re trying to look like a woman, remember?!
We can discuss the very innocent origins of drag Queen story hour, and then discuss all the Karens sticking their noses where they weren’t even invited.
Apologies to the next poster; my poor editing on my phone erased the poster’s name and I don’t want to start over.
It’s an odd battle to fight, same with the nuns in drag the other day at Dodgers stadium, it hurts the cause but they don’t care because they’ve decided it’s for the greater good.
Please Wikipedia the Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence. They are a serious group, a registered non-profit who do charity work as well as activism. They are hardly new.
Sister Irma Geddon of the
Portland, Oregon-based Order of Benevolent Bliss offered her view of the efficacy of using nun's clothing and drag: "The lightness of everything, in addition to the whiteface and the nun's habits, are a mechanism to reach out to people. When we're dressed up like that, kind of like sacred clowns, it allows people to interact with us."
Hey, whatever works. There are all different approaches.
Actors have been doing increasingly sexual scenes for years. Maybe we should stop taking kids to movies.
Anyway, that whataboutism aside, in my 4 decades on this planet, I've always had interesting friends and have been supportive to them.
I've been to many drag shows in multiple cities. Most of them are campy AF, but not sexual at all.
Beyond that, my personal childhood: due to my parents's health issues and very VERY messy divorce, I was raised primarily by my grandmother. She owned a beauty supply and wig wholesale and retail business (coincidentally, Disney was one of her biggest customers). She had LOTS of drag queens as clients.
Needless to say that I was exposed to drag culture at a very young age? How young? One of her regular drag customers actually helped me proofread some of my homework before while waiting for a wig that was special ordered to be grabbed out of the warehouse.
Anyway, with that level of exposure to drag, guess what kind of human I ended up as now that I'm a middle aged adult? A straight male who has a wife and kid he adores, works and races on cars for fun, and participates in political, beer, and car podcasts.
So much for the grooming your post implies.
Clearly you turned out a disaster.