Discovery Island

I think that the Tortuga with shops, restaurants, a night club, and some other activities would be the most commercially feasible (not to mention longest lasting) plan for the island.


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
Thanks. Pretty neat stuff. As a kid I always wanted to visit by my parents never wanted to go (my mother hates birds). My sisters and I did a night pirate cruise from the Poly (was used like a baby sitting service I guess so parents could go and have a nice dinner) where CMs dressed as pirates took us to an island either in Bay Lake or Seven Seas Lagoon and we had a treasure/scavenger hunt and roasted marshmellows around a bonfire. I have been told since that was on the beach at Treasure Island but I never knew it at the time.

Ahh, I think what your talking about was Marshmellow Marsh. I dont think I ever got to do that (I dont remember) but I know my brother did. I dont think MM is done anymore, not sure though.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if that is what it was.

It was a pirate adventure and they do one now but the one now is done durrnig the day and I don't think you really go to an island. This was somethign that I don't think would be done today for safety reasons (going out in the dark on a boat without parents and then run around on a beach in the dark and roast marshmellows again without parents would not fly today).

We left the Poly in the dark on a pontoon boat full of kids and a few CMs dressed as pirates. When we arrived there were a few more pirates and we did a scavenger hunt which I think then led to a treasure at the end. I remember finding one of the clues on the beach under a few palm fronds. It was something on paper, most like a riddle/clue but I can't remember for the life of me (it was mid 1970s).

After that we did a marshmellow roast and I think heard stories or sang songs but I can't remember. I know that the boat trip took a while as we went past tons of shoreline searching for what was suppose to be our treasure island.

Don't rem
Horizons1 said:
Ahh, I think what your talking about was Marshmellow Marsh. I dont think I ever got to do that (I dont remember) but I know my brother did. I dont think MM is done anymore, not sure though.


Active Member
800Miles2Magic said:
Lost Island.

I know the island isn't that big, but since Lost is an ABC show, they should re-theme discovery island around the show. It should be a free roaming island like Tom Sawyer. They can reproduce the various hatches/ plane wrecks/ beach camps ect..

Great idea! Would be a lot of fun. My wife is obsessed with the show, she'd spend all of her time there.

Astronaut Jones

New Member
I talked to one of the boat captains about the island and future plans for it. He said that the recurring rumor among cast members has been that for several years, imagineering has been kicking around the idea of making the island into a really complex scavenger hunt area. It would include tons of hands-on puzzles where guests attempt to solve a certain mystery briefed to them upon arrival to the island. He described it in similar effect to the computer game Myst (hopefully that means more to you than it does me, I've only heard of it).

Now I have no idea if this has any validity so don't quote me on this in any way.


That would be very cool. I loved the old Discovery Island but making it a "game" type island with puzzles to solve to find out the next location would be fun.

Plus, they could make a copy other mini-golf courses. A jungle book theme, pirate theme....etc

I just wish they would do something fun with it, I am sad everytime I stay at WL and see the island just sitting there all alone.


Active Member
It is very sad every time that we do the mouseboats. Now that it close we do races around the island. WDW needs to do something about that island.


Well-Known Member
metscool said:
It is very sad every time that we do the mouseboats. Now that it close we do races around the island. WDW needs to do something about that island.

You're right - it is sad. We really loved to visit - it made a nice low-key afternoon activity - a chance for everyone to unwind a little. Everyone seems to be in too much of a hurry these days looking for the next big thrill.


Well-Known Member
I think that the Tortuga with shops, restaurants, a night club, and some other activities would be the most commercially feasible (not to mention longest lasting) plan for the island.
I agree, although I like the Lost idea the best, I think this one is better because you're right it would probably last the longest.

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