discovery island what happened to it?


Well-Known Member
My son was on the island a couple of years ago, when he took the Pirate Cruise (the kids one) out of the Grand Floridian. Their last stop (where they find the treasure) is Discovery Island. He said there is still a petting zoo on the island with animals (or at least there was a few years ago).
From the time Discovery Island first opened I always *intended* to make the effort to visit, but some other park would beckon and I'd wind up not doing so. Finally, on one trip sometime in the early 90's I was determined to visit the place come hell or high water and managed to videotape as much as possible while there. The only thing I didn't consider was that I was visiting during the summer and it was getting to be 3-ish in the afternoon - ever try to find adequate shelter on that island when the typical afternoon thunderstorm starts? We got drenched...

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