Disappointed with Disney tonight


Well-Known Member
I can't believe Disney actually offered to let someone drive up to the bus pick up just to pick up someone. I don't think its been realized just how generous and above and beyond such an offer really is considering a small vehicle would most definitely usurp the ebb and flow of the standard routine up there and impact the thousands of people using the transit system. Just for one person.

And of course, its not good enough. :rolleyes:

Jimmy Thick- Will people who suffer through a fart in queue complain there is not enough air filtration?
Guest drop off and pickup at the Transportation and Ticket Center is located next to the bus stops. It's not at all an above and beyond offer.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Sadly, I am inclined to agree with you. This is seems to be SoP for these types of things everywhere. I used to work in Hospice, so I had to travel to nursing homes quite a bit. If someone fell down, the nurses and CNAs would just leave the person on the floor until EMS came to pick them up. It was such an undignified way to treat another human being.
This reminds me of a popular joke doing the rounds in Europe.

A tourist gets a heart attack in New York. As he falls to the pavement in great agony one person flees the scene, another comes rushing in from the distance. The first is a doctor, the second a lawyer.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I took my two daughters to the Halloween Party, my oldest is 8 months out (and for the most part recovered) from 4 fractures of her back. We were having a great time enjoying the party, getting candy, watching the parade etc... we rode a few mild rides and it was about 1130 so we decided it was time to go home. My oldest 17 the one with the previous back injury wanted to do another loop of the candy trail and my youngest wanted to pick out something from the nearby store. So my oldest is in line for candy and was pushed down by another guest, she hit her back on the ground and at first was okay but as she started to walk back to me the swelling set in quickly (part of her previous injury when the area swells she loses function of her left leg) so her left leg started to drag and she was in quite a bit of pain. We did not need nor want EMS so I asked nearby CM she looked like a manager as she was in plain clothes with a name tag and ear piece in if we could get wheelchair. She got us a wheel chair and took us to first aid for ice and some pain meds, that was great. The problem was from the front gate I was on my own with one daughter only 10 and the other in a wheel chair unable to walk and I was parked at the back of the lot in Hook 88 at the end farthest from the tram loading area. I was fine getting from the gate to the tram to the parking lot but when I got that far I realized there was no way for me to get her out to the car. I asked another manager that was out there what my options where knowing full well at US/IOA that something like this happening and they will drive you all the way to your car(only know this as my husband works PT there as a paramedic). I was told my only option was leave my kid sitting alone while I took the tram out drove all the way out of the parking lot and back in so I could pick her up by the bus loop something she was not okay with being left unable to defend herself in a wheelchair at now 1230a or push her all the way to the car because I couldn't take the wheelchair on the tram!

I was about to start walking when two bus drivers where walking by us and heard me say we were going to start walking, they were shocked and wanted to help, they tried to get security to help us they refused, so they then went and talked to the tram personal who agree'd there was no way they were going to let me push my kid all the way out with my 10 yr old following. The tram people then helped me get her on the tram and load the wheel chair up.. then helped us back off. Had those tram personal not helped us it would of been a VERY LONG walk with my daughter sitting there in tears between the embarrassment (she's a 17 yr old this sucked for her big time) pain and just plain being upset about being pushed down.

Yes my daughter had a previous injury that was aggravated in the park due to another guests actions which is not Disney's fault but I felt is was very crappy that there was no other option of getting help to our car. I'm sure my child is not the first injured in the park who didn't need EMS but needed help out of the park. To clarify so no one is confused here I didn't want Disney to give us anything free that was not what we were seeking I just wanted help and it was pretty crappy that low level personal had to take it upon themselves to think of a way to help because they didn't like the way we were being treated!
Sorry to hear that. I sometimes travel with a special needs girl. She'll be alright the entire day, and then something unexpected happens, and everything becomes a big hassle. The world can be cold and cruel to vulnerable people.

Alas, like you, I'm not one to scream and insist people help us and threaten with lawsuits. I have a feeling that if you caused a scene after your daughter had been pushed down, or even at the first aid office, Disney would've taken you backstage and driven you all the way to your car. If however you continue on as best as you can on your own, you end up stranded alone on a parking lot, nobody aware of the issue, with possibly an unspoken assumption that you should've 'thought about it before'. Nobody sees the problem anymore, or feels responsible.

I have never really solved these issues in my own life.


New Member
Original Poster
Very sorry to hear what happened and hope everything is ok. I guess my only questions is, is that with previous history of back injuries, why did you not just have the ems help you, that's what they are there for. Not saying that you made the wrong choice, just curious more than anything, maybe they could have helped and lessened the burden on you with getting your daughter to the car.

We didn't need EMS she had no need to emergency medical care, she needed to get to the van where she could put her seat back take a muscle relaxer and sleep until we got home where her dad would help her to her bed let her sleep. Today she was better just as I knew she would be the swelling went down over night and she's stiff and sore but her leg is moving again instead of dragging behind her.


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The CM's who helped you are not "low level". They are referred to as "frontline" CM's.

You actually are correct and I'm sorry to any CM's reading here that were offended by this statement in my post. Those on the front line are the ones that make or break the magic for thousands of guests daily.


New Member
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And they did a GREAT job of mitigating the problem.

I agree and as I talked to each one I thanked them by name so that I would remember their names and be able to write a thank you note to Disney regarding those CM's actions.

Yes I'm disappointed with Disney's procedures for this or shall I say lack of. Had I been there ranting and raving, causing a stir I can bet we would of had more help then we could handle but I was quiet left my daughter sitting on a planter edge and found a the nearby CM that looked like she could help us to begin with.


New Member
Original Poster
Sorry to hear that. I sometimes travel with a special needs girl. She'll be alright the entire day, and then something unexpected happens, and everything becomes a big hassle. The world can be cold and cruel to vulnerable people.

Alas, like you, I'm not one to scream and insist people help us and threaten with lawsuits. I have a feeling that if you caused a scene after your daughter had been pushed down, or even at the first aid office, Disney would've taken you backstage and driven you all the way to your car. If however you continue on as best as you can on your own, you end up stranded alone on a parking lot, nobody aware of the issue, with possibly an unspoken assumption that you should've 'thought about it before'. Nobody sees the problem anymore, or feels responsible.

I have never really solved these issues in my own life.

Like you said there is no screaming causing scenes or threatening lawsuits, Disney was not at fault a rude guest is not Disney's fault. Had that guest not been in such a rush that they needed to push down a 96 pound 5 ft tall girl over candy that there was plenty of all would of been well in our personal bubble.


New Member
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If you're interested in pursuing some sort of litigious endeavor or complaint, you might want to leave out that you went on rides at all. Just sayin.

I'm not blaming Disney for what happened, I won't be even thinking about filing a lawsuit and even if I was I wouldn't be lying about what we did and didn't do while in the park. I have no reason to lie my daughter didn't do anything that she was not cleared to do. It's not like she was on Splash Mountain or Space Mountain. She rode the lil Mermaid ride, POTC, go carts, watched a parade, saw Jack and Sally and got a couple bags full of candy.


Well-Known Member
I am glad the Disney CM's came though, but I would write a letter about the security cm's, they dropped the ball big time.


Just curious, but how did Security drop the ball, big time? This sounds like it was a parking lot / transportation issue. Why not put the blame where it really goes, on the Transportation Managers?

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Just curious, but how did Security drop the ball, big time? This sounds like it was a parking lot / transportation issue. Why not put the blame where it really goes, on the Transportation Managers?

Well I just reread the op post. Seems the lady asked a *manager* for help and they offered nothing.
The 2 bus drivers asked security for help and they said NO!
So I agree!
The first Manager should have arranged for help by calling the Transportation Manager on duty and the security CM's should have offered some help as well
So I guess we are both right!


Well-Known Member
Just curious, but how did Security drop the ball, big time? This sounds like it was a parking lot / transportation issue. Why not put the blame where it really goes, on the Transportation Managers?

Well I just reread the op post. Seems the lady asked a *manager* for help and they offered nothing.
The 2 bus drivers asked security for help and they said NO!
So I agree!
The first Manager should have arranged for help by calling the Transportation Manager on duty and the security CM's should have offered some help as well
So I guess we are both right!

If the same girl was pushed and fell in her local mall. What would your expectations for the way mall management handles the situation? Do you think they would have given her a ride or helped her to their car?

Years ago Disney set the bar for customer service. Now Disney offers the same CS as every other company. Partially because the "others" have caught up and Disney is covering their .

Our expectations are still high though!


Well-Known Member
We didn't need EMS she had no need to emergency medical care, she needed to get to the van where she could put her seat back take a muscle relaxer and sleep until we got home where her dad would help her to her bed let her sleep. Today she was better just as I knew she would be the swelling went down over night and she's stiff and sore but her leg is moving again instead of dragging behind her.
Walt Disney World is a machine, a massive machine and every cog has its place and is not to leave that place. Reedy Creek Emergency Services are able to operate outside a lot of that bureaucratic hell. There is even a part of me that would caution against naming the employees who assisted you back to your vehicle. If the courtesy wheelchairs are not supposed to be taken on the trams, then they could risk punishment for violating policy without the proper approval.


Well-Known Member
In regards to the person that knocked your daughter over...People just don't pay much attention anymore. It is this sad reality that has happened. I see it everyday.
Hope your daughter is feeling better!


New Member
Original Poster
If the same girl was pushed and fell in her local mall. What would your expectations for the way mall management handles the situation? Do you think they would have given her a ride or helped her to their car?

Years ago Disney set the bar for customer service. Now Disney offers the same CS as every other company. Partially because the "others" have caught up and Disney is covering their .

Our expectations are still high though!

The difference at most malls (at least the malls by me) is the trip out to the car is not as extensive as the trip from tomorrow land in MK to the parking lot Hook 88. The trip to the mall is not going to involve ups and downs from a tram with a leg that is not moving ... also had it happened at the mall I would of borrowed a wheelchair pushed her straight to my car and put her in the car not have to worry about folding the wheelchair getting her, my other child, all our stuff and the wheelchair into a tram.. then doing the reverse on the other end of the parking lot.

It's sad to see Disney lower its bar though..


New Member
Original Poster
In case everyone doesn't read all replies it's buried in here but my daughter is better today she just needed to be able to rest her back, get her rx meds, ice and she woke up stiff/sore but able to move again this morning. Even went off to PT where they didn't work her out since that just happened but she got a massage instead. We are lucky the level of medical care and rehab she's been getting after the injury.


Well-Known Member
We didn't need EMS she had no need to emergency medical care, she needed to get to the van where she could put her seat back take a muscle relaxer and sleep until we got home where her dad would help her to her bed let her sleep. Today she was better just as I knew she would be the swelling went down over night and she's stiff and sore but her leg is moving again instead of dragging behind her.
Glad to hear she is doing okay. Hopefully this incident does not sour you or your family on Disney in the future.


Well-Known Member
1. Glad she is feeling better. Hoping for continued healing.
2. Sad she was pushed down by a guest.
3. Maybe RC EMS would have been better per above concerns (liability/red tape/delay).
4. Agree that procedures and consistency with clear communication needs to be established/refined.
5. Absent incident, hope you and yours enjoyed the party otherwise.

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