Director Brad Bird Looks Back at Tomorrowland


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With Tomorrowland now available on Blu-ray and DVD, has been looking back on the Brad Bird family adventure. Earlier this week, we brought you a video interview with Brad Bird from just outside the “real” Tomorrowland in California’s Disneyland. After that interview, was given the chance to sit down with Bird for an extended conversation about Tomorrowland‘s themes, its level of secrecy and some of the unexpected challenges Bird came across attempting to tell a story in a rapidly-changing world.

Bird, as many know, has proven himself quite adept in telling stories across a variety of mediums. Bird followed his debut feature, The Iron Giant, with two much loved Pixar films: The Incredibles and Ratatouille. After that, Bird delivered his first live-action feature with the franchise sequel Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol. Although Tomorrowland followed suite, Bird isn’t staying away from animation for long. He’ll be back with The Incredibles 2, slated to hit the big screen in 2019. You can check out Bird’s comments about his work so far on the sequel at the tail end of the below conversation.

CS: Now that “Tomorrowland” has been released, have your views on it changed at all? Has it changed you?

Brad Bird: I think that anytime you make a movie, it changes you. There are lessons to be learned from each time. A lot of the lessons are practical lessons. “I spent too much time on this and not enough time on that” or something. But you really can’t look back. You have to turn your attention to the next thing. What happens to me is that I kind of forget about it. There’s a period where it’s most of what you think about. Then, you’re kind of done with it and you push yourself away from the table. Then, it usually creeps back into your life at some later point. By then, enough things have gone by in the interim that you have a new point of view on it. It’s not a new analogy, but it’s pretty apt: [Films] are kind of like children. They develop to a certain point and you let them wander out into the world. They come back and visit you, but they’re not yours anymore.

CS: There are certain elements of your films that carry over from one to another. One strong aesthetic link is robots.

Bird: I seem to like robots! I don’t know what it is.

CS: But there’s also a recurring message in “Tomorrowland” that was certainly in “The Incredibles,” that there are certain individuals who need to do better things because only they can.

Bird: Yeah. Well, the weird thing is, I don’t have a list of things like “This is your message. This is what you must make work.” I just kind of go, “Oh, that would be cool and that would be be cool! I’m drawn to that!” Later, people tell me patterns that they see and I go, “Oh, yeah.” But it’s not like I have any clear point of view on it. But I also know that if people could see the movies that are in my mind that I want to do, they also have some common elements, but also go in different directions. Sometimes I’m impatient with certain ideas and people go, “I’m seeing a pattern!” When they say that, I go, “I should break that pattern.” Just to mix it up. I wouldn’t break it with something I don’t believe, but I’m like most people. I believe in a lot of things. Sometimes you say, “Okay. I’ve done robots. That’s good for robots. Now I’m going to do something else.” Spielberg isn’t doing aliens in suburbia, still.

CS: But he can still come back to it years later.

Bird: He can come back to it. And he does. He makes a mean alien.

CS: There’s an element to “Tomorrowland” that pulls Disney into its storyline. Is that something that you definitely wanted to do or did this just seem like a good format for it?

Bird: Disney was always a part of it. The word Tomorrowland, to me, has a Disney connection. You read some things about a movie and it’s just like when someone makes a statement you don’t agree with. You immediately want to challenge them in the room. I would love to challenge certain things I’ve read about this movie, but if you engage in social media, a lot of times it becomes like a swamp. The ways to be misunderstood are just too numerous to mention. But some people have said, “It’s based on the Disney ride!” But A, it’s not a ride. It’s a Land. Even more than a Land, though, it’s a state of mind. It’s two words that are familiar and, when you mash them together, they evoke a sense of promise and a sense of play. It sounds bright. It’s not a dark word. But it could be. If you think about the way we perceive tomorrow now. The word tomorrow has a darker connotation. Yet, if you say both words together, it evokes a sense that it’s going to be fun. It’s going to be uplifting. It’s going to be something that you drive toward. Something exciting and bright. We were trying to wrap a movie around that vibe. To get there, we had to create the anti-that. We wanted to frame it in an area of darkness because that seems to be what’s predominant now. Rather than acting like it’s not there, we wanted to go through it to this other place. I have no idea where it’s going to wind up, but you do what you do and you hope for the best.

CS: It was interesting to have this film open up when “Mad Max: Fury Road” was still in theaters. That’s a film that is, in many way, the polar opposite of “Tomorrowland.”

Bird: Yes, and I think that some of the people who are in the business of show business — commenting on it and stroking their chin about it and talking about it in a broader context of “What’s going on now?” They took “Tomorrowland” as saying, “You can’t like these other films and, if you do, we’re frowning on you.” I’m sitting there going, “That’s not how I feel.” I like “Road Warrior.” I like “Terminator 2.” I think a lot of my favorite science fiction movies are apocalyptic. But I also like chocolate and know it’s not the only flavor of ice cream that I think should be available. I think people took it as a put down of people liking those movies and that’s not at all what Damon [Lindelof] or I intended. We’re just trying to say, “There seems to be a numbing repetition of that message.” Like any message — even if you say something nice, if you say it repeatedly over and over for an hour, you’ll annoy people. Small World itself is a popular ride, but that song also kind of drives people insane because it’s so relentless. I kind of feel like the message of, “We’re doomed” is kind of becoming oppressive. I wanted to be not-that. Half the audience seemed to be like, “Good on you!” and the other half were like, “We like our apocalypse! Screw you!” All I can do is kind of shrug and go, “I made the movie I set out to make. We’ll see where it exists in 20 years.”

CS: And, of course, those contradictory ideas can coexist.

Bird: Yes, and they did. The reception of the film couldn’t have been more polarized. There were very few people in the middle about it. You were either in one camp or the other. It almost mirrors the political discourse in the country now. Again, I speak about when I was little. There seemed to be a lot more dialogue between one side and the other. Now it seems like dialogue is forbidden and you just scream your point of view and that’s it. You get TV channels that give you a world in accord with the way you see it. You rail at the other side. There is nothing to be learned. There used to be a little more convivial back and forth. I don’t know. We’ll see.

CS: There is kind of a nice parallel between the dreamers of “Tomorrowland” in the film and the fans the film will find in the years to come.

Bird: Like I said, the only critic who’s right a hundred percent of the time is time. Stories seem to eventually find their place. The immediate expectations of anything somebody does are very much involved with how something is received. In time, what’s happening at that moment in society or whatever, goes away. Whatever the piece is, one day just exists on its own. I’m curious to learn how thinks who just comes across this film in ten, fifteen or twenty year. Who doesn’t know a thing about it. It’s just something that’s on a device or someone says, “Check this out.” What is the reaction going to be in that environment? Particularly when your budgets are larger, there’s a whole parade of things that come with that. Some are good and some are kind of annoying because they seems to amp it up too much. You just want to tell a story. You don’t want 20 people come in before you enter the room going, “You’re going to hear the most amazing thing you’ve ever heard in your life!” Don’t say that! Everybody just sit down. “Are you comfortable? All right. Once upon a time…” Just let it be what it is. I think that the nice thing about when movies enter this phase is that the other stuff goes away. They just get encountered for what they are. When I was a kid, I saw “Vertigo.” I didn’t know anything about it. It was on late at night and I was about to turn off the television. It came on and I said, “I’ll watch the first ten minutes.” Two hours later, I had seen this thing where I didn’t know what was going to happen at all. I knew it was a Hitchcock movie. I think I saw the name in the titles. But I hadn’t heard anything about it before. That’s a great way to experience a movie. Now, if your budget is of a certain size, you can’t have that happen. You have to let people know about your movie. You have to concoct teasers a year in advance. You have to decide what you’re going to show first and then how you’re going to have to follow that up and then follow that up. It’s planned almost like a military invasion. I don’t know if that’s the best environment for a story to get out there.

CS: You did not do an audio commentary for this one.

Bird: I didn’t. I didn’t do one for “Ghost Protocol” either. I kind of got to thinking that it’s a misleading thing. I’ve done them for the animated films, but I don’t know if I’ll do one for the next “Incredibles.” It’s because I don’t want people to think that what I have to say is what they must know about it. They don’t have to know that about it and it bothers me that it’s fixed in time. Usually you have to record these things before you’ve even put the movie out into the world. You record these things before the movie is released, essentially. What’s important to you at that moment may not be what’s important to anyone at all. You may have been stressing about one stupid little scene that doesn’t matter at all and yet you’ll talk for five minutes about that scene. There’s something about freezing that in amber that seems wrong. I’ll do extra materials, but just let people have their own perception of what it is. I’m kind of coming around to that. Of just letting it be what it is without my comments.

CS: I did want to ask about “The Incredibles 2.” Is it something that you would have made right after “The Incredibles” or does it come out of something you’ve discovered in the intervening years?

Bird: I had a bunch of ideas that I wanted to put in “The Incredibles,” but they just didn’t fit. Certain ideas fit, but other things make you go, ‘This is great, but I’d have to give up two other things that matter more to me to get this other thing in.’ So there were a pile of ideas left over from “The Incredibles,” but it’s not a big thing. There were little scenes and things that I was interested in. I wanted to come up with sort of an over-arching idea that connected to the first film that went somewhere different. That’s the one that took a little more time. I don’t think I could have made this movie right away. Nor would I want to. I always want to break things up with something else. I know some directors who have done a movie and then, the very next thing they do is the sequel to that movie. Unless it’s “Lord of the Rings” and it was always conceived of us doing it that way, I will always want to break it up with something else and then come back to it. That said, I’m really looking forward to playing with this playset again.

For more from Bird, check out this earlier Brad Bird interview from Tomorrowland‘s theatrical release.

Brad Bird’s The Incredibles 2 hits the big screen June 21, 2019.


Well-Known Member
I just finished watching "Tomorrowland" after renting it from Redbox. On the plus side, it had some fantastic visual effects and WDW call-backs to Space Mtn and "Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow". It also even had moments - here and there - of real wonder and interesting plot points. But on the whole, the movie was a dud. It felt like 90% interesting build-up and 10% poor editing and writing.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping that he would say more about Disney and his futurism, or something about the Carousel of Progress or the 1964 World's Fair. I really was hoping that some of that would also show up in the Blu-Ray. I haven't bought it yet, but the special features don't seem to include much on it. I was also looking for a deleted scene from the filiming at WDW's CoP that was done for the movie but never included. (Remember the pics on this forum? People dressed like the '60s.)

But I guess since it was not that successful at the box office, they did not go all out for the Blu-Ray.

I did think it was interesting what he said about a commentary track, how it sort of sets in stone what a director was thinking at one time, but how his thinking might change over time about a project. But I think this is sort of the point, depending on when the commentary is recorded: to be a snapshot conversation, either around the time the movie was made (newer movies) or reminiscing about the project some years later, for a re-release.


Horror Movie Guru
Original Poster
I'd like to think that they wouldn't exclude features on a DVD release just because it didn't fare well in theaters. Those special features are incentives just to get you to buy the BluRay.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping that he would say more about Disney and his futurism, or something about the Carousel of Progress or the 1964 World's Fair. I really was hoping that some of that would also show up in the Blu-Ray. I haven't bought it yet, but the special features don't seem to include much on it. I was also looking for a deleted scene from the filiming at WDW's CoP that was done for the movie but never included. (Remember the pics on this forum? People dressed like the '60s.)

But I guess since it was not that successful at the box office, they did not go all out for the Blu-Ray.

I did think it was interesting what he said about a commentary track, how it sort of sets in stone what a director was thinking at one time, but how his thinking might change over time about a project. But I think this is sort of the point, depending on when the commentary is recorded: to be a snapshot conversation, either around the time the movie was made (newer movies) or reminiscing about the project some years later, for a re-release.
There was a little bit more 60's footage on the deleted scene, but it may have been on the DMA streaming site, which you can access after you register the dvd/BluRay. I enjoyed the extras but I think that if they'd all remained and if the movie would have had it's original incarnation of Casey it would have been even 'preachier' which seems to be what infuriated a lot of people who saw it/hated it.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member

I love the film.
Love it.
I've been a supporter of it since seeing it opening weekend.
I listen to the soundtrack weekly.
Love it.

Looking forward to seeing the bonus material eventually, but in the meantime i wanted to share this -

Fans at the most recent D23 Expo held this past Summer dressed as 'Tomorrowland' characters with a famous visionary...!

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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I was hoping that he would say more about Disney and his futurism, or something about the Carousel of Progress or the 1964 World's Fair. I really was hoping that some of that would also show up in the Blu-Ray. I haven't bought it yet, but the special features don't seem to include much on it. I was also looking for a deleted scene from the filiming at WDW's CoP that was done for the movie but never included. (Remember the pics on this forum? People dressed like the '60s.)

But I guess since it was not that successful at the box office, they did not go all out for the Blu-Ray.

I did think it was interesting what he said about a commentary track, how it sort of sets in stone what a director was thinking at one time, but how his thinking might change over time about a project. But I think this is sort of the point, depending on when the commentary is recorded: to be a snapshot conversation, either around the time the movie was made (newer movies) or reminiscing about the project some years later, for a re-release.

There is supposed to be 'additional bonus features' for those who download the film officially from Disney so perhaps those scenes are included in those?
I have yet to have looked into it, but i heard from somewhere that there was 'additional' stuff being offered.
My guess is that if it was indeed that sought after 'missing' footage shot at CoP at WDW, we would have heard about it being available by now.

Has anyone here downloaded the film officially yet and seen the 'additional bonus footage'..?
Any different from what is being offered on the discs..?
The wording i had heard seemed to suggest the material differs from what is being offered on the physical formats.



Well-Known Member
Disney doesn't really bother much with bonus features anymore, regardless of how well a movie does at the box office.

If that is always true now, that is sad -- and would really hurt the reason to buy DVDs or Blu-Rays. The special features are the main draws for me. The "Vault Disney" series was especially good ("Old Yeller," "Pollyanna," "The Parent Trap," and "Swiss Family Robinson" -- alll chock full of special features and archival footage and cast interviews), the gold standard for DVD content as far as I can say. Do you remember those?

And of course the first "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie was full of special features, including a copy of the Wonderful World episode with Walt showing of the animatronics being made for the ride.

It would seem that with DVD sales shrinking, Disney would counter that by making the special features a lure for DVDs and Blu-Rays to compete with online and on-demand sources.


Well-Known Member
There is supposed to be 'additional bonus features' for those who download the film officially from Disney so perhaps those scenes are included in those?
I have yet to have looked into it, but i heard from somewhere that there was 'additional' stuff being offered.
My guess is that if it was indeed that sought after 'missing' footage shot at CoP at WDW, we would have heard about it being available by now.

Has anyone here downloaded the film officially yet and seen the 'additional bonus footage'..?
Any different from what is being offered on the discs..?
The wording i had heard seemed to suggest the material differs from what is being offered on the physical formats.

I registered my Blu-Ray with DMA and watched the 'exclusive' scenes. There was a whole clip called "Great Big Beautiful World's Fair" that isn't on the disc, only available through the DMA site. Well worth watching- Carousel footage and an extended scene after young Frank gets off the bus.


Well-Known Member
I registered my Blu-Ray with DMA and watched the 'exclusive' scenes. There was a whole clip called "Great Big Beautiful World's Fair" that isn't on the disc, only available through the DMA site. Well worth watching- Carousel footage and an extended scene after young Frank gets off the bus.

OK, here is where I sound like someone stuck in "Yesterdayland":

Please bring me up to speed on this Disney Movies Anywhere thing and how it works, especially how to watch it on a real HD TV. I do not have a gaming system, but I do have a Blu-Ray and DVD player, and I have Comcast on-demand. I have an HD TV hooked up to all of these things, but I do not currently have any of them accessing WiFi. I do have broadband internet at my house through Verizon FiOS, coming in to a router and a desktop, with WiFi coming from that, but not yet connected at all to the TV. I use on-damand if necessary and have never found a need for NetFlix, which would seem to be related.

So, if I wanted to see that footage, would I have to (1) buy the disk, and then (2) register on my computer, and then (3) watch it on my computer OR hook a laptop up to my TV to watch it there? Or do I still neet to invest in something else to get it on my TV more easily.

Seems like an aweful lot of work just to do what you used to be able to do (on the big screen of a TV) by simply playing a disk.


Well-Known Member
If that is always true now, that is sad -- and would really hurt the reason to buy DVDs or Blu-Rays. The special features are the main draws for me. The "Vault Disney" series was especially good ("Old Yeller," "Pollyanna," "The Parent Trap," and "Swiss Family Robinson" -- alll chock full of special features and archival footage and cast interviews), the gold standard for DVD content as far as I can say. Do you remember those?.

I have the Vault Disney DVDs, along with many others such as the Walt Disney Treasures, the Fantasia Anthology, the Toy Story Toybox the original Paltinum DVDs for Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin etc. All were excellent quality releases, much like what Disney did prior to them with laserdisc.

Now it's about looking to cut down on costs. No disc art, no inserts beyond Movie Rewards codes, minimal packaging and less than an hour of bonus content. But they still charge as much, if not more. They can get away with it because who they know no one else can release these titles.


Well-Known Member
OK, here is where I sound like someone stuck in "Yesterdayland":

Please bring me up to speed on this Disney Movies Anywhere thing and how it works, especially how to watch it on a real HD TV. I do not have a gaming system, but I do have a Blu-Ray and DVD player, and I have Comcast on-demand. I have an HD TV hooked up to all of these things, but I do not currently have any of them accessing WiFi. I do have broadband internet at my house through Verizon FiOS, coming in to a router and a desktop, with WiFi coming from that, but not yet connected at all to the TV. I use on-damand if necessary and have never found a need for NetFlix, which would seem to be related.

So, if I wanted to see that footage, would I have to (1) buy the disk, and then (2) register on my computer, and then (3) watch it on my computer OR hook a laptop up to my TV to watch it there? Or do I still neet to invest in something else to get it on my TV more easily.

Seems like an aweful lot of work just to do what you used to be able to do (on the big screen of a TV) by simply playing a disk.
This is what I did- 1) purchase disc.
2) have an account with Disney Movies Anywhere (free and very easy to do). It's available on the Disney website
3) use the rewards point insert with a code to register that you have the movie. The code, once registered, will serve as your 'movie access' with DMA.
4) watch movie and extras on computer. For an I pad, or I phone, you can get the DMA App from the App store.
It takes a couple minutes or less to register and get an account, less if you have one already. Any movie I've bought from Disney and registered in the last couple of years that has a code is registered and accessible to view on the devices via internet or app. Going forward, this seems to be what the company is going to do with home video. I don't have Netflix either and watch shows I miss (SHIELD, Muppets, other stuff) on demand or through a 'Watch ABC" app.


New Member

I love the film.
Love it.
I've been a supporter of it since seeing it opening weekend.

Me too! For me, Disney is at their best when they take a chance on stuff like this. I'm a big fan of John Carter and The Lone Ranger too (the latter was a particularly fun big screen experience because the audience was packed with old timers who grew up watching the original tv series and it was great to see them getting into it and having a blast).

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I registered my Blu-Ray with DMA and watched the 'exclusive' scenes. There was a whole clip called "Great Big Beautiful World's Fair" that isn't on the disc, only available through the DMA site. Well worth watching- Carousel footage and an extended scene after young Frank gets off the bus.
Thank you for letting me know exactly what the footage was.

It seems the much talked about 'lost scenes' shot at WDWs CoP are still missing in action.
Perhaps these will turn up in the future through some other outlet....

Would like to see that footage eventually, as I'm sure other fans would like to at some point.

A shame it was cut, but I hope the reasoning was the directors choice and not outside influences such as marketing or the Studio heads.


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