In January 2012, DH's work decided to send him to a work at a conference at WDW with very little notice. Lodging and transporation were free so we decided to make it a family trip. Since it was unexpected trip (we had just been in October), we decided to do it was cheaply as possible since we hadn't budgeted for it, and I didn't consider it enough of an emergency to touch our emergency fund.

Fortunately, DH's company provided him a per diem for his meals so we only had to pay for me and the girls. Here's some of the things we did to save money during our 6 day trip:
- Eat breakfast in the room. We brought cereal, fruit, and other quick breakfast items from home and then bought milk at the resort.
- We packed our lunch most days. Since DH was working, it was just me and the girls so I packed us sandwiches, fruit, chips, and drinks. It saved a ton of money.
- The days we did eat lunch in the parks with just the girls, I bought a kid's meal. The portion size is actually perfect so it worked out fine. We tried to find places that had interesting kid's meals so I wasn't stuck eating chicken nuggets!
- Since we brought our lunch most days, I did let the girls get a snack or two during the day. The were happy eating PBJ sandwiches as long as they had popcorn and Mickey bars.
- When DH was able to join us for dinner, he and I ended up splitting meals. Once again, the portion sizes ended up being perfect. For example, we split the chicken and rib combo at Fairfax Faire and ordered 4 hot dogs and only two orders of fries at Casey's Corner (for the four of us). That was plenty of food and we didn't waste a lot.
- We limited our TS meals to two, and we chose two of the more inexpensive options - The Plaza and Via Napoli. We had never eaten at either because they aren't the best value on the dining plan so it was a treat to finally try them. We loved them both!
- We ordered pizza from the resort for dinner one night and ate it at the pool. The girls thought this was a great fun and it only cost $15.
- We packed drinks so we didn't have to buy them during the day. That also saved a lot.
All in all, we ended up spending very little for meals during that trip. Granted, we prefer eating at least 1 TS every day and don't necessarily like to pack a lunch when we are on vacation, but if I have to choose between a very budget trip or no trip at all, I certainly will choose the budget trip.