Dining frustrations, just need to vent!


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So my 90 days was last week, all in all i made out ok. I did get shut out of Le Cellier (lunch and Dinner) and Fantasmic dinner package (both nights of our showing, any restaurant). I am being understanding as i'm going during Free Dining, and i have called every day, literally, to see if there are any cancellations or changes of plans.......still nothing has opened up. To make matters worse, i just called now to try and the system is down (July 7th at 2:31 EST it's down), she does not know when it will be back up.

Now i have visions of waiting in the Fantasmic line for over 2 hours while my wife tries to keep our 1 year old entertained, all because i can't get the package. Le Cellier, well i guess it's to be expected...but seriously, for the entire week, NOT A THING for lunch or dinner?? :hammer:

I know i should not even complain because i made out well otherwise, Chef Mickey's Crystal Palace, CRT...and i recognize that i'm fortunate to be going to WDW in the first place, but can't help feeling the need to vent to those who would understand. Is Le Cellier really that coveted? I've never been. Would you all say Tutto would be a good backup for my Epcot day? (Note, the wife will not do Japanese, Chinese, or R&C).


We couldn't get a Fantasmic package for the days we wanted either - but at least we don't have to wait with a baby. What about trying Chefs de France for your meal at Epcot.


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Unfortunately i do not have access to the online system (i'm at work right now haha :lookaroun). Obviously once i get home i will jump on and see what's going on.

I was considering Chefs de France, everything i have read on here is positive. My wife can be picky.... do they have any normal, run-of-the-mill dishes (you know, just chicken, just beef, something like that)? Plus we have my daughter who would eat whatever we order, we don't care much for the over the top fancy stuff.


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you - how many days are you going for ?

Here is something I have been rolling around in my head (because there is a lot of room in there)

What is the average length of stay at WDW? Lets say its 10 days.

If you are staying 5 days, you basicly cannot get any resrvations.

The people who are staying 10 days can book their ADRs for their whole trip starting at 90 days out from the start of their trip. By the time your window opens up, you can pretty much forget getting any ADS at the start of your trip, and all that will be left towards the end is slim pickings.



Well good luck. I can make my ADRs on Friday and I hate this waiting. I would love to try Le Cellier but after looking at the menu there is really nothing there my kids would eat. Guess I will just have to take a trip with my hubby alone to try it. :lookaroun Darn the luck. :lol:
P.S. Cowboys fan married to an Eagle nut. Game days are fun in my house. :lol: He likes your avatar.


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PhoneDave, we are September 27th thru October 3rd, so a solid 7 days. I noticed that the beginning of our trip was very slim pickins, and toward the end of the trip, I had a lot more to choose from, that's when i got CRT, Crystal Palace, and Chef Mickey's. So you're right, it seemed like the 10 day trippers certainly got the advantage. Hey, just an excuse to book a 10 day trip myself next time right? :p

Tink, good luck on Friday, i'll warn you ahead of time, it was slim pickings! Although, free dining will be over by the time you are going, so you should have better luck, my trip is the last week of free dining.

A Cowboys fan huh??? Your husband has great taste! Tell him things here in NJ/Philly are already heating up for training camp! I will say though, i took the road trip to Dallas for Eagles/Cowboys a few years back, and to this day there were some of the nicest people, and best steaks i've ever eaten in my life.
Are you flexible with your meal times?? At that time of year, I don't think you will really need a package to see Fantasmic or Illuminations.


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Brad yes we are flexible. For now i have settled on this...tell me what you think...

That day for Fantasmic, i decided we would buy breakfast, eat a very late lunch at Mama Melrose (2:30)...use Quickservice credit on a fast dinner, i can stand in line for Fantasmic myself while the wife shops to keep the 1 year old entertained....then the two of them can meet up with me in line. I just did not know what else to do.. I even asked if they had openings for MM and H&V for dinner (no package) and they had nothing... They had Brown Derby for 7:20... This didn't work because i didn't want to use 2 credits on BD, i hear it's not even worth it...and 7:20 i'll need to have already been in line for F!


Well-Known Member
There there Eagles Fan!!! We can't wait for the Eagles season to start up again!!! Nothing like spending your Sunday afternoon in South Philly cheering on the birds!!!

Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up, even with the Fantasmic dinner package, you now have to stand in the general public line, there is no more separate enterance for those with dinner packages. So go with any place at DHS.

I too could not get LeCellier the week we are there, so we are dining at Teppan Edo. Since your wife is not a fan, what about Coral Reef. Had a really great steak there in December. Or what about heading over to the Captain's Grille at the YC?


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Hey Disneygirl! It's hard to stop thinking Red right now, especially with the Phils scoring 22 runs last night! But the town will soon be painted green!!!

Yes i've considered Coral Reef, not Yachtsmen's though, which would you guys recommend? Should i cancel my ADR for Tutto? I'm not hearing much positive feedback about it


PhoneDave, we are September 27th thru October 3rd, so a solid 7 days. I noticed that the beginning of our trip was very slim pickins, and toward the end of the trip, I had a lot more to choose from, that's when i got CRT, Crystal Palace, and Chef Mickey's. So you're right, it seemed like the 10 day trippers certainly got the advantage. Hey, just an excuse to book a 10 day trip myself next time right? :p

Tink, good luck on Friday, i'll warn you ahead of time, it was slim pickings! Although, free dining will be over by the time you are going, so you should have better luck, my trip is the last week of free dining.

A Cowboys fan huh??? Your husband has great taste! Tell him things here in NJ/Philly are already heating up for training camp! I will say though, i took the road trip to Dallas for Eagles/Cowboys a few years back, and to this day there were some of the nicest people, and best steaks i've ever eaten in my life.[/quot

Thanks. He is already talking about going to game that I believe he said is in Jan at our new stadium. Either we will be sitting seperately or he may be one of the few green jerseys in a sea of blue. :lol:
We are only making 4-5 ADR's this time and eating more at counter service to save some money. We are also going to use garden grocers for the first time. Money is tight around here right now. I am just happy to be going. Have a great trip. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I know the Phils are looking good!!! Was at the game on Friday night, and was freaking shocked at how well we played against the Mets!!!

I too was going to book Tutto, but I heard that it is no better then the Olive Garden at best. Coral Reef was good, and the fact that you are surround by the aquariam may keep the little one entertained during the meal. I know my 6 year old at the time loved it. Yatchman counts as 2 table credits, that is why I suggested Captains Grille instead. But if you can swing Yatchman's go for it!!!

If you are really still undecided, and have not already, go to allears.net and check out all the dinner menus and reviews. Menus are found under the dining section and reviews under rate and review. It is an awesome site. Check it out! Let us know what you decide!


Naturally Grumpy
Understand your frustration.
I was going to suggest Yachtsman as an alternative but then saw your last post.
While it requires a lot of follow-up, I would suggest you keep checking back once a week or so till your trip. We went at Easter this year...:brick:, and while I did OK for most ADR's, my DW really wanted Cali Grill and it was booked solid. I continued to call, and a week before the trip I was able to get the time we were looking for (while I was willing to accept almost any time).
May be a PITA...but things do open up.

Tutto is not my favorite, but if you are on the dining plan, I would say go ahead. Coming from this area...I just have a hard time paying those prices for very average Italian food. It is a very pretty restaurant.
We enjoy Chef's de France.

You can check out the menu's at any of these here to give you some idea going in:




New Member
If I were you, I wouldn't give up just yet. Definitely keep calling and definitely have an alternate plan, but don't give up yet. I can't speak for the restaurants you're trying to get in to, but we had a decent amount of luck with just showing up and asking if they could fit us in. We went in February, during President's Day weekend, so it was pretty crowded, but we went to one or two places that we had tried and failed to get ADRs for in advance as soon as they started serving lunch/dinner, and asked if there was any way they could fit us in and it turned out they could seat us in about ten minutes. If you have a larger group, this is less likely to work, but if you have a small group (less than five, usually, but you never know) they might be able to find you a table. It can't hurt to ask. So maybe make reservations for a little later in the evening for somewhere else at EPCOT, but check in at Le Cellier as soon as they start serving dinner (or aim for lunch). Again, this probably won't work so well for the Fantasmic dining plan; I've never done that, so I don't know how it works.

Or, just check in at the restaraunt at some point in the evening. People get hot, tired, and change their plans, so sometimes people don't show up for their ADRs, in which case they may be able to get you in.

Anyway. Just a couple things to think about.


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Disneygirl/Clemson....i'm going to stay away from Yachtman, only reason being, it uses 2 credits, and i'm already using 2 on CRT... I'm going to keep calling back and asking for Le Cellier, and took your advice on Coral Reef, i went to all ears (love the site, even though Anita Answer has been slacking lately!) and checked out the menu, i can convince the wife to order something there. So i'll take the next 2 months + and call back every day...if nothing pops up, i'll go with Tutto, like you said, even though it's Olive Garden food, i'm on the plan.


Well-Known Member
I would keep trying the online system whenever you get a chance. Le Cellier may still be a long shot but it's worth a try. I booked my ADR's by phone at 90 days out and ended up having 2 that weren't on the ideal day and time for me. I checked again online at about 50 days out and got the exact day and time I wanted for both.

As a last resort, you can also keep checking while you're at WDW...once again it may be a long shot but it's worth it. I would call from the room or check while you're at the parks and even hit the podium at Le Cellier and talk to them. Sometimes they actually have no shows and a few people may finish up earlier than expected.

Good luck


Another vote for the Captain's Grille at the YC!!!

It is a great restaurant and I am surprised that it remains somewhat of a secret, but maybe that is a good thing!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just keep checking back...I'll be there the same week and when i booked my dining online my Chef Mickey's b'fast was either 7:25 am (yikes that's early) or 10:20 am...I took the 10:20 but i am hoping to get it moved up an hour or so. I'm glad i took the 10:20 because now NOTHING is available for b'fast that day.

Maybe about mid-August ppl will start tweaking their ressies and give something up...good luck to ya.

I've never tried for the Fantasmic package myself, wow I'll bet that is coveted with fewer shows now. And Le Cellier...the 1st time we went there a few years ago it was like a well kept secret; nowadays it looks like the secret is out

Restaurant Makeresh has always been a good eat...if you like that sort of food :)

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