Did Food Rocks Close?


Active Member
Original Poster
Anybody been to Epcot in the last few days to confirm that Food Rocks is indeed closed for good? I know there have been some posts regarding Sunday perhaps being the final day, but nothing about what happened the day after.

General Grizz

New Member
Food Rocks closed on January 3rd. It is off the park maps and the area is completely walled off.

Sorry. :(

It's making way for Soarin' (but more specifically the exit and gift shop area -- blech!).


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Food Rocks closed on January 3rd. It is off the park maps and the area is completely walled off.

Sorry. :(

It's making way for Soarin' (but more specifically the exit and gift shop area -- blech!).

So where is the entrance going to be?


New Member
so would you enter Soarin queue line inside the Land pavilion? Because at DCA, soarin has little queue outside then a wonderful queue inside, its great.

General Grizz

New Member
There was a rumor going around that the entrance would also be between Land and Imagination. Although I'd HATE to see the landscape ruined (sigh), the Land itself couldn't get more crowded in the central Sunshine Season Food Fair plaza.

General Grizz

New Member
Well, it would START at the Green Thumb. From there, it could be pretty huge backstage. Yet, I agree. I don't see how they're going to pull this one off. . . unless the restaurants are removed.


Well-Known Member
When we took the Undiscovered Epcot tour in November, the word was the entrance would be in the GE and they would be closing The Land totally and redo the traffic flow. The main problem they are looking at is putting a huge E-ticket attraction in a area that was not built to handle a huge traffic flow. Odds are very high that the escolators will be pulled out and ramps will go in and wrap around the area. Also they are going to have to move around the food area a bit and there was also talk of Food Rocks being moved to the other side of The Land (We can only hope) Also the queue for SoC here at DCA is nothing but a hall way but lets see if they put money into it over at Epcot. Also just to look at the dark side of SoC going in over there it is a great attraction, the same way that Star Tours was a great attraction when it opened...when it opended. I love Star Tours and SoC, both were the best attractions that WDI did at that time but it does get a bit out of date really fast. If WDI gets some funds to change it around it will be great but we have to wait a year and a half.......


General Grizz

New Member
I sincerely doubt that Food Rocks will ever appear at EPCOT again. . . seems very far-fetched for such a low-attendance attraction.

*sigh* I'd hate for the Land to become unpeaceful. . .


Account Suspended
Grizz, remember what the sole focus of the company is. No where does it say anything about traffic flow or tradition.:lol:


New Member
close the land NOOOOOOOOOOO!! all of my memories with my grandpa are in the pavillion dang they are really messing things up they should have came to me:animwink:


Well-Known Member
Actually i was thinking that putting Food Rocks or something of the sort would be a bad move. Till I thoguht about it, you put in a major E-ticket attraction (with a height limit) next to the Living with the Land (which is still a good draw for what it is) putting in a nice lil show that is good for lil kids and families would not be a bad move. Think about kids and like Mission:Space where do they go at this point???? I always thought that putting C:C next to Body Wars was a great move but again my thinking with traffic flow and all.


General Grizz

New Member
If they wanted to keep Food Rocks, they wouldn't destroy it and rebuild it - I am sure the exit and gift shop could have been somehow else constructed (even if it means leaving outside). Plus, Food Rocks would probably have to get a new show if they wanted long time terms.

(P.S. on the other side, apparently a roller coaster is being looked at once more. Grumble. Let's hope it falls again.)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
(P.S. on the other side, apparently a roller coaster is being looked at once more. Grumble. Let's hope it falls again.)

I don't have a problem with a coaster, just as long as it is nicely themed and original...something never before seen (but maybe I shouldn't hold my breath)...however I think that EPCOT needs a great family E-Ticket attraction...something like the great dark rides of old that we all loved at EPCOT...



New Member
wow I feel bad for you guys. Every addition made these days gets ridicule beyond belief. Every ramp built or unpopular attraction that is lifted everyone gets all misty thinking of the old days in the 80s.. Well I have memories of my Grandmother at EPCOT CENTER too however these changes need to happen. The place is dated and aside from nostagia offers nothing (as does most of FW). This needs to happen. Ive been to WDW 5 times in 2 years and only to the Land 1 time, Living Seas 1 time, WoL 1 time. And theres a reason for that. I say tear em down and build more E-tickets and ramps or whatever they want as long is it shows progress. Walt would agree.


Active Member
Yeah I have no prob with them building new attrctions. I don't even care if they're good. Just stop tearing down older attractions just because they aren't "advanced" enough for the teen scene. :rolleyes:

Disney is supposed to be magic.
Let six flags be trendy.


New Member
Maybe if they don't rebuild Food Rocks they will build a new version like to fit music now. I mean like rap and pop and stuff I don't know... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
last time i checked, none of my peers wanted to go to WDW no matter what rides were up or down or w/e. The fact that it's "disney" must mean that it's kiddy stuff or for losers or w/e. Even if WDW got a new thrill ride i doubt teens will wanna start going there. None cared when I told them about mission space.


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