Alright, so word is that Johnny Depp heard that I wasnt going to be able to make it and cancelled his appearance at POTC.
Actually, I dont know how much of anything I post people believe, but my Pirate friend said that Depp is not on property and hasnt been. Security confirmed that with her area today. The Cast Member Exclusive is tomorrow beginning at 7am. Grand Opening ribbon cutting/ whatever they're goona do is Friday. All I post is what I have heard from the people that work there- and I know that they have probably 'only heard' it as well. I'm a huge sceptic and hardly believe anything around here until I actually see it. <shrug> But if anyone does want to visit me- I will be opening Writer's Stop tomorrow, going in at 7am. C'mon by!

Actually, I dont know how much of anything I post people believe, but my Pirate friend said that Depp is not on property and hasnt been. Security confirmed that with her area today. The Cast Member Exclusive is tomorrow beginning at 7am. Grand Opening ribbon cutting/ whatever they're goona do is Friday. All I post is what I have heard from the people that work there- and I know that they have probably 'only heard' it as well. I'm a huge sceptic and hardly believe anything around here until I actually see it. <shrug> But if anyone does want to visit me- I will be opening Writer's Stop tomorrow, going in at 7am. C'mon by!