I avoid stores, malls, and restaurants like the plague My husband was in a deadly human crush at a UK soccer game many years ago and he said he could never go to any of these door busters. He cringes at what he sees on TV.
Here is my experience as a barista that I posted here a few years ago.
Black Friday is the worst. I used to work at a SBUX with a drive thru. I had to open on Black Friday one year. I got to work at 4:30 AM to open at 5 AM. The drive thru drive way was already packed when I pulled up. The people in the cars were all, "WOOO HOOO! SHOPPING!" and "I need extra caffeine today!!111!!!" I was stewing in a quiet rage that I had cooked & hosted Thanksgiving dinner less than 12 hours earlier and here I was, getting ready to sling lattes. Then at quarter to 5, someone started honking their horn in the drive thru. Mentally, I wanted to smack them upside the head. In reality, I had to plaster a fake smile on face and provide the "Starbucks five star legendary service."