Decisions Decisions!! Should we go in August or November??


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Here is my dilema: Plan on taking my Grandson who will be 7 in 2015. School goes in here the first week of September so in order to not miss school we could go the last week in August. In November he will have a teacher service day off plus November 11th so if we plan a 7 day trip we could go the 7th through the 14th and he would miss 4 days. He will be in grade 2 so is that too much time to miss? Any other suggestions greatly appreciated!!o_O


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They are ok with a couple of days. If we went over the weekend he would only miss 3 days. The temperature in August makes me nervous. Not sure how everyone would hold up since we are from Northern Maine and hardly ever see 90's!
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Well-Known Member
I would have them talk to the teacher. In our school district, we can take them out for 10 days, but we always try to do the teacher in-service days as well, just to keep it to a minimum. We always talk to the teachers first as if they are struggling in any classes, we want to remedy that before we leave. As long as the teacher thinks he will be able to make up work, then I would say go with November. The Christmas decorations will be starting to go up and those are quite beautiful.
We have been doing something similar and our kids are now in 8th and 2nd grade and they miss 3 days every year for Disney.

I know some school districts frown upon taking kids out of school for vacation, so that is why I think making sure the school is on board is important.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not going to comment on the taking kids out of school question...I don't have kids so I have no real world experience there. What I can offer is that I have been to WDW three times in November and it was by far the best weather we have ever had (other times that we have been to the World include February, April, September and December). August is too hot for us. November was beautiful.
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Well-Known Member
It depends on the child. When I taught that level, I had students who could miss four days (for illness) and catch-up with minimal trouble while I had others who had to have after school time to catch-up. So much can be missed in four days.
Our system did not allow absences for anything other than illness, true family emergency, or death in the family. Vacation was never an excused absence. All work/tests missed were assigned zeros.
And, please don't tell a lie or have the child tell a lie. Besides being a bad example, a second grader would never be able to keep his trip a secret. My students told me all kinds of family secrets.
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Well-Known Member
I don' think that it is ever a good idea to take children out of school for a vacation. It gives children...especially young children the wrong idea about education. Now that being said,....I have been to Disney in February, August ( multiple times due to school schedules) and in September now that the kids are grown. If you have the choice of August and November, I would choose November. August is just too hot. The heat and humidity hits you right in the face when you leave the hotel in the AM and you never recover. And the AC indoors is up so high that you freeze in the attractions and restaurants. We are going in November this
year and from what I understand on these boards, the weather is great and the crowds low. Have a Magical Trip! :cat:
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Super structures are my specialty!
Premium Member
We have traveled to WDW just once in August. It was all the heat and humidity I remembered from the South in August. We have also done a trip the week after Thanksgiving. It was wonderful weather compared to the weather at home (Illinois.). We enjoyed the pool, wore shorts and nothing more than long sleeve t-shirts, and had a great trip. We only go that time of year for a short trip and to enjoy the MVMCP.I would go back in Nov. in a heartbeat.
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Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
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I would make sure both his parents and teacher are okay with him missing 4 days of school. That said, you don't want to do WDW in August unless that is the ONLY time you can go. I've visited in both July and August/early September and it was brutal - and I've lived in Florida for nearly 50 years! However, November has temperatures in the 70s/low 80s and less humidity - perfect weather for WDW. We visited last Veteran's Day (3 day weekend) with perfect weather! The crowds are low (by Disney standards) at that time also. As others said, the Christmas decorations and lights are up and you should be able to get tickets to the Christmas Party during your trip. The Castle at night with the lights is an awesome sight.

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Well-Known Member
If he does well at school and can handle having his routine disrupted, go for November. If he's a kid that struggles with school and reacts poorly to having his routine disrupted, take him in August. As long as school isn't already a problem for him, missing a few days of second grade won't do any harm.
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Well-Known Member
Definitely Nov. We always took our kids out of school for the week to go and never had a problem with it. To pay that kind of money to sit in the heat, humidity and lines of august is simply not worth it.
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Well-Known Member
Another vote for November! We've gone in early/mid November in both 2012 and 2013, and loved it. The weather is great, crowds were lower, and it was fun to watch the transformation from fall to Christmas decorations in the parks.

I'm from a family full of teachers, so here's my advice: as long as you notify the teacher well in advance they should be able to give you all of the missed assignments before you leave for your trip. Your grandchild may even be able to complete everything before you leave, instead of when you get back.
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Well-Known Member
I would definately say November. As far as missing school, I have done this with my son when he was little. He was always an A student and I would ask for any homework he would miss in advance. I always let the teacher know at the start of the school year that we planned vacation in November. I never had an issue. We always purchased something for the teacher too!
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Well-Known Member
I say November My mom used to take me and my sister out for 10 DAYS a total of 2 weeks every early May. We brought the home work with and did it in the car. My sister nor I ever had an issue with being behind I did this in 1,2 and 3rd grade and My sister while she was in 7,8 and 9th! Have fun!!
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Well-Known Member
I love November so that is easy for me. We go in November every year and have gone in August... one year I went to WDW twice in August and it was HOT and it rains a lot! Never again.

Last year I did the same thing.. took my goddaughter for her first trip, she was 7 and in 2nd grade. We went during Jersey Week when our schools here are off. So we went Nov 6-12th and she only ended up missing 2 days of school. Teacher was fine with it and her Mom was with us. She did not miss much from school. They didn't give her any work to do since it was only 2 days. Oh and we were spoiled with awesome weather the whole week!
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Well-Known Member
I personally like August. It's not just the school aspect...I like the longer park hours and temps that make pool time, water rides, and frozen treats a blast. Of course, our summers are as hot or hotter than what you'd get at WDW, so the weather isn't as much of an issue for us. Definitely check with the school and their policies. I know many states/districts are OK with this, but since we live in a state with super strict laws, always best to check first.
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Well-Known Member
November!! Get the school work ahead of time if possible and work with their teacher months in advance. August is really really hot!

When our DS was young we did exactly that, we went several times when he was in elementary school. DS was a good student, made the grades easily, and his teachers were not worried about his falling behind in his work. His teachers knew what assignments they were going to have and what work was needed to do. We took the books and assignment lists with us and they were confident we would follow through. We just had to work out a schedule at Disney when it was to be school work time. DS cooperated fully because he knew that was the only way we would do it. When DS got to the HS level and the courses were more demanding, we didnt go to WDW until he graduated
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Active Member
November is lovely in many ways --- cooler, less crowded, holiday parties and decorations. I think it is tough to beat. However, the park hours are shorter and attractions may be closed for rehab, which is disappointing if you're not prepared for it. The last week of August is a better time than mid-July for lower crowds, but the parks close earlier (not as early as November though) and you still have to deal with the heat. We have a blast no matter when we visit, but I highly prefer the slower season. Sometimes I think when the parks have longer hours there is more of a push to do everything because, let's face it, a Disney trip is costly. But shorter hours give you the opportunity to experience all the other terrific things to do, from shopping (my favorite! :joyfull:) to swimming, golfing, bowling, taking in a movie, miniature golf, checking out the wonderful eateries, and just relaxing. Really, you can't miss with either choice.
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