Dead Man's Chest might not be the right place but what do you think

The Captain

New Member
Original Poster
I went to the midnight showing of pirates dead mans chest just wondering what everone else thought. Lots of the old pirates ride seemed to be in this movie. Anyone else have thoughts?


New Member
great movie

This movie was fantastic. It was perfect in its role as the second movie in a trilogy, leaving a more than perfect set-up for the third installment. How could you say this was not one of Johnny Depp's better movies? This was by far one of his best, considering Jack Sparrow is undoubtedly the greatest character he has ever created. You probably didn't like the movie because of that unexpected turn (I think you know what I'm talking about lol), but you have to understand he will still be a large part of the third movie and the way they did that was the only possible way they could have gotten away with what they did. Props to Disney for getting it right.

Also, there were more scenes from the ride in this film, such as the mayor? getting dunked in the well, and the man on the barrels.


Well-Known Member
We have alonger thread on this already - in fact two of them - one a review thread, and one a poll as to who liked it or not. I'm in the definately didn't like it crowd...but I am sure that in this chat room I will be outnumbered.


Active Member
i thought it was awesome on its own. Compare it to the first, i think it will be like back to the future 2. Just hitting the right notes....
I LOVE that they put in the scene from the ride when the pirates are dunking the Carlos(I think?) in Tourtuga. I got so ecited when I saw that.

Overall I didnt like the movie that much, well, I loved the begining but the ending ruined it for me. Clifhangers and a death get me mad.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from the movie 30 min ago.

Loved it. I liked it better than the first. I thought it was a bit "corny" at times but still very entertaining.

Anybody stay for the entire credits? Do so! They stick in one last scene after the credits!

ILM is still the best. The second I saw Davy Jones,...I knew it was them!



Active Member
MichelleMaBelle said:
I LOVE that they put in the scene from the ride when the pirates are dunking the Carlos(I think?) in Tourtuga. I got so ecited when I saw that.

Overall I didnt like the movie that much, well, I loved the begining but the ending ruined it for me. Clifhangers and a death get me mad.

Yea I don't ike Clifhanger either but still its what they said it would be so I"m cool with it and the death wasn't a death well kinda anyway thats what the next one is all about The world between world in a sense anyway I loved it I kinda just got back from a second time seeing it :lol: :eek: and lol I loved the dog thing after the credits I was very happy to see him still living:lol:
haha my family and i stayed until the whole movie was over! we found out that if you stay for the bouring credits you see what happens to the dog after the natives chase after him...rather exciting;)


New Member
Haha, thanks for giving the last scene away Mickey. I saw the scene, but others might want to see the scene for themselves.

I LOVED the ending, I knew what the ending was FAR before the movie came out, and was excited to see it done. I didn't know about that FINAL surprise, though, but I kinda figured it in the beginning. I was sorta piecing the puzzle together. One of the most important things to note are the LocketS. See the "S" there? Meaning more than one? I won't give anything else away, but that's important. Also, the death meant NOTHING to me. I wasn't sad, I wasn't angry or frustrated, because the story isn't over, and we all know that. Everyone is acting like they're gone for good, or they don't know what happens to this person, but COME ON. There is still SO much more story to tell, and a Pirate villain we have yet to see: Chow Yun-Fat as Captain Sao Feng. So look for Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, and be PLEASED with what we've yet to see. Memorial Day is only 10 months away, haha. :)


Active Member
atforpresident said:
Also, there were more scenes from the ride in this film, such as the mayor? getting dunked in the well, and the man on the barrels.
The mayor was actually filmed for the first movie but wasn't used. You can see it in the deleted scenes feature on the first DVD.

BTW, I saw the film Thursday night. I enjoyed it plenty. I'm not sure if I liked it better than the first. And yes, stay for all the credits. Definitely worth the laugh you get.


New Member
Depp certainly saved this movie for me...I was not impressed. I sat through 2 hrs of Superman feeling like I had been in the theater for 30 minutes, Pirates made me feel like I had been sitting there for days.......It seemed just to drag on and on and the other world stuff is getting beyond belief. I loved the first movie and couldn't wait for this one....I will still see part 3 just because I love Disney and Depp.........Sorry, I know this is unpopular but on a scale of 1 to 10 I have to give this one a 4.:lookaroun

Pete C

Active Member
Reno said:
I sat through 2 hrs of Superman feeling like I had been in the theater for 30 minutes, Pirates made me feel like I had been sitting there for days.......It seemed just to drag on and on and the other world stuff is getting beyond belief.
It always amazes me how people are so different. I thought Superman felt completely drawn out and boring. I would go as far as to say that Superman was lousy. You compare that to the likes of Spiderman (either of them), Batman Begins, and X2 and it falls so short. Superman had one good action scene...the airplane scene, and that's it. What else was there? There was not enough Superman action.

----------------- SUPERMAN SPOILER ALERT ----------------------

The fact that Lex's girlfriend...not Superman mind you...thwarted Lex's grand plan entirely by pushing the crystals out the helicopter is completely lame. Please argue that with me. And by the way, what happened to those crystals? Why didn't they fall in the water and create a gigantic continent? Did they fall on the new continent that Superman threw into space? What happened to the crystals?!? Weak. Pirates 2 is not as good as the first, but it had several entertaining action scenes and good jokes. It also had totally inventive enemies. At least they tried to come up with something new in the human-turned-sea creatures.

The Captain

New Member
Original Poster
OK ATFORPRESIDENT maybe i just prefore to Depp in some how his more demented roles. Actually when i got home from the midnight showing i was watching Blow on Starz. My favorite Depp movie by far is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and this role must have meant a thou gt to Depp as well seeing how he ran Hunter S Thompson's memorial service. Sorry but he played a more believable drug addict then a pirate in this movie.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Superman was crap when it was first made a life time ago and is even crapier now as it is a dressed up remake.

Hollywood and originality as alien on this board as a positive comment on Universal Resort.


New Member
Johnny Depp did such a fabulous job as Captain Sparrow in "Dead Man's Chest." I've seen the movie 5 times and I'm going for 12...just like I did with "The Curse of the Black Pearl." This is officially one of my favorite movies.

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