DDE and Valet parking problems.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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Original Poster
Just a little FYI for my fellow DDE members out there. It appears that some of the resorts are billing your room for valet parking even though it is supposed to be free for DDE members.

Last Sunday (9/2/7) I valet parked my car at the Poly when we went there for breakfast. I told the CM that we were DDE, showed him the card, (he even wrote the number on the ticket) and went to breakfast as usual. When we checked out that next morning there was a $10 charge for valet parking at the Poly on my room charges. The CM at the front desk of our resort (All star music) very promptly removed the charge without question.

Now normally I would have just brushed this off as a one time mistake, however I just found out that it was not an isolated incident. I happened to be traveling this weekend with another DDE member who also valet parked their car. I advised her to check her room statement and sure enough there was a valet charge for the Poly and Boardwalk.

I am not sure what is going on but I thought I would let everyone know that if you are using the free valet feature of your DDE card to double check your room charges and make sure that a valet charge does not find its way onto your bill.


Active Member
This happened to me in July at the Contemporary. I had thought it was just a simply mistake and had the front desk remove the charge. I can see now there is a gremlin in the computers at the valet parking stations.

Capt. Salty

New Member
Disney Dining Experience. You have to be FL resident or AP holder to get it. Saves a ton on food - especially at TS restaurants - and comes with free valet parking, and other percs. I had it a few years ago. I believe it's 20% off total bill for parties of up to 10. (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

See http://www.allearsnet.com/din/dde.htm
You're correct. We're have AP's and have DDE, however, we dont do valet parking. Just dont like the idea of someone else driving my car around...
We've saved a significant amount on meals w/this card. going to renew it.


Well-Known Member
According to the All Ears Net DDE page, you have to present your dining receipt at the valet stand after you're done eating. Otherwise, I assume they figure you did not eat and use your DDE card and are therefore not eligible for free valet parking. I seem to recall this being mentioned when we recieved our card as well.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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According to the All Ears Net DDE page, you have to present your dining receipt at the valet stand after you're done eating. Otherwise, I assume they figure you did not eat and use your DDE card and are therefore not eligible for free valet parking. I seem to recall this being mentioned when we recieved our card as well.
I believe you are correct about that being in the paperwork however, in more than 2 years as a member and valet parking dozens of times I have never been asked for more than my DDE card. DDE valet tickets are actually a different color than standard valet tickets so I would think if they were given a white DDE valet ticket and needed or wanted a dining receipt that they would ask for it.


Well-Known Member
This is a similar issue that DVC members have indicated having as they also get free Valet parking at DVC resorts.

It seems the outsourcing of the valet process has not gone completely as planned from a service perspective.


New Member
valet parking

i stayed at the beach club in may. i'm 100 % diabled and have a plackard and they tryied to charge me for a weeks worth of parking


Well-Known Member
I believe you are correct about that being in the paperwork however, in more than 2 years as a member and valet parking dozens of times I have never been asked for more than my DDE card. DDE valet tickets are actually a different color than standard valet tickets so I would think if they were given a white DDE valet ticket and needed or wanted a dining receipt that they would ask for it.

It seems like technically it is intended to be for parking during meals. However, I have used it and asked the attendant if I could park all day (we were at the BC for breakfast, and went to Epcot afterward) and he said "yea, no problem". And when I returned there was indeed no problem, and nobody asked for a dining receipt.

I also used it to park at the Poly, install the kids at Neverland, and ride the monorail to eat at California Grill at the Comtemp. Also no problem.

I think they want to be flexible, and as long as the loose enforcement does not cause a big problem, my feeling is that they will continue to be tolerant. Although I've been wrong about stuff like this before, so who knows?


Well-Known Member
This is a result of the new computerized valet system that Disney put in a few months ago. The way it works is when you valet park your car your parking placard is scanned and the valet charge is linked to your room if you are a DDE member this needs to be noted in the system in order to keep the charge from automatically going through. A simple solution would be to remove the placard (but keep it for later). This would force the valet to either charge you or address the free DDE parking.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Original Poster
This is a result of the new computerized valet system that Disney put in a few months ago. The way it works is when you valet park your car your parking placard is scanned and the valet charge is linked to your room if you are a DDE member this needs to be noted in the system in order to keep the charge from automatically going through. A simple solution would be to remove the placard (but keep it for later). This would force the valet to either charge you or address the free DDE parking.
This is exactly what I was thinking happened and your solution was exactly what I did on my last day at WDW when I valet parked at AKL. In the future I will stick my parking pass in the glove box.


I found this year with the outsourcing of the valet that the service was not what it had been in the past, we even wrote and told the powers that be that. We were very disappointed at the Boardwalk as twice they "forgot" to get our car despite a call being made from the room and then checking in when we arrived at the valet.

We used our DDE card when we were over at the Grand Floridian (as the self parking is so far away) and did not have a problem.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what is going on with the outsourcing of Bell Services? Last year we were told by one of the bellmen that this could possibly be happening and they were fighting to keep it in house. I know I listened to a bellman :rolleyes: , but we have gotten to know this guy over the years and have talked to him on every trip and have never seen him so concerned over his job.


Well-Known Member
While on the subject, Ive never used the free valet because I have no idea how much to tip. What do you all give?

I usually tip $2, but I have a feeling that $1 may be enough, depending on the service. Sometimes the valet just gets out and walks away, especially when they're really busy. However, I parked at BC once, and it was a hot day and we got our car back in the middle of the afternoon. When he came back with the car, the windows were open and the AC was on full blast. He jumped out and opened all the doors, front and back, for my family. That was worth at least $2.

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