I've also just read this in R.A.D.P. :
"As of 9 pm this evening Disney has fired close to 200 performers (singers,
dancers, actors etc.). Plan your vacation very carefully. There will be no
dancers at Pleasure Island, no Can-Can Girls at the Diamond Horseshoe,
Beauty and the Beast is closed 2 days a week, as are also Flights of Wonder
and Pocahontas at Animal Kingdom, Animal Kingdom's parade is now at 4pm not
3. This is only the beginning and the victim is the guest. Festival of the
Lion King is down to 4 shows a day, the same at Tarzan, Rocks. Cutbacks are
coming to all entertainment areas. 17 performers at Indiana Jones were
fired, 8 actors at EPCOT were fired, 8 performers at Lion King were
fired... the list goes on.
I urge every guest to speak up and let them know you're disappointment. For
every show that you cannot see due to scheduling cutbacks you need to let
your voice be heard."
I've got to say that I'm disappointed. I recognize that we're in an
economic slowdown, and that current events have caused many people to
reschedule their vacations or put off planning new ones. But because of
this, it's EXTRA important for Disney to pump up its parks and do
everything it can to encourage more people to come.
Also, I'm not clear on the attendance situation. I keep hearing that resort
occupancy and park attendance have been fairly decent--so why all the cutbacks?
"As of 9 pm this evening Disney has fired close to 200 performers (singers,
dancers, actors etc.). Plan your vacation very carefully. There will be no
dancers at Pleasure Island, no Can-Can Girls at the Diamond Horseshoe,
Beauty and the Beast is closed 2 days a week, as are also Flights of Wonder
and Pocahontas at Animal Kingdom, Animal Kingdom's parade is now at 4pm not
3. This is only the beginning and the victim is the guest. Festival of the
Lion King is down to 4 shows a day, the same at Tarzan, Rocks. Cutbacks are
coming to all entertainment areas. 17 performers at Indiana Jones were
fired, 8 actors at EPCOT were fired, 8 performers at Lion King were
fired... the list goes on.
I urge every guest to speak up and let them know you're disappointment. For
every show that you cannot see due to scheduling cutbacks you need to let
your voice be heard."
I've got to say that I'm disappointed. I recognize that we're in an
economic slowdown, and that current events have caused many people to
reschedule their vacations or put off planning new ones. But because of
this, it's EXTRA important for Disney to pump up its parks and do
everything it can to encourage more people to come.
Also, I'm not clear on the attendance situation. I keep hearing that resort
occupancy and park attendance have been fairly decent--so why all the cutbacks?