They're hitting the new stuff. I'm fine with that because then I don't have a wait for the other stuff. Kong will be be packed next year giving HP and Minions a bit of a break. Have to say FJ always has a huge line that seems to be the busiest ride at Universal. Last time I was at Universal, Transformers had a big line as well later in the day. Again a new ride, the new rides are must do's for people. I know I hadn't been to Universal for 15 years or so and when I did go Potter was the big draw. Next time I went Potter 2 was up and Transformers and Minions. Must do's. I'll be back when Kong opens, must do. Don't know what is up for 2017 but I bet there's something coming? LOL.
Thing is Universal is adding rides as their attendance goes up so the walk ways might be more crowded but there's more to do. It will be fun to see where this all goes with Universal, new hotels, new rides and a new water park. When do they say "OK let's stop building"? WDW has long waits because the crowd has gotten bigger and except for new Fantasyland nothing new has been built in a long time. Both resorts are seeing extra millions of people, it's not small numbers. Price higher will slow down the increases but both resorts need to put their unused space to use before the next recession which is coming up, it's always a matter of time for the next recession. Universal is out a head of the curve, their building has been paying for itself so far.
In the end I don't care. WDW is adding attractions but it will be too late for my family. My kids are getting older and can go to other places. My kids will be heading to college before any of the new building will be done and Toy Story isn't going to be doing it by then.