New Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW
And just to clarify (or actually to ask), someone stated earlier that all of the waterways at Disney are connected in someway. I didn't think this was the case. The ones by MK are connected and the ones by Epcot/MGM are connected, but those two sets never come together. Is that right?
This is true for the most part. If you look at an areial Photo of WDW you will be able to see this. However the connections are not direct meaning that if you you were to take a canoe on the canals you would zig zag around the property to get from one area to another. EPCOT and it's area is connected to one set of canals and the MK/Bay lake/Sevenseas area and Animal Kingdom is interconnected on a diffrent set af canals. It is a complicated setup if you are trying to trace them on the photo I have. There are some independant Lakes with no connections like the ones at Pop Cen and CBR