Crime in WDW


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwhoneymooner
I've brought along my laptop several times while staying @ the Resorts and nothing has ever happened. I've also my watches behind a few times and they were always there when I returned.

Okay, i was able to store/HIDE a laptop and some serious camera gear in the room and had Zero problems while staying at ASM.

Just like dont keep these things out in the open.


New Member
Originally posted by jmarc63
In the Twelve times I have been to WDW I have never experienced anything major in the crime area, I did however have someone take personal towels brought from home. Some jerk snagged them while we were swimming late one night while we were distracted by eachother :animwink: . I would put that as a petty theft, but is angered me none the less.

I would say that WDW us as safe as any other public place. If some one wants to pick pockets or breakin to cars, there not going to be teterec by security, all the security in the world will not prevent this but may reduce the frequency of crime. so don't let that deter you from going

How hidden were your towels? Were they out in the open? I've had people take my Disney towel while at the pool. I'm thinking that they just grabbed them by mistake or not knowing they were personal towels and not Disney ones.


New Member
Originally posted by hadesrules
I've never had anything stolen, but I had the opportunity to do some stealing, if I was that kind of person. Someone left the passenger door to their minivan wide open at the Caribbean Beach parking lot, with their TV out in plain sight. I shut their door for them. Sometimes people need to take the extra time to make sure their possessions are locked up.

Oh, so that was you, huh? Thanks for leaving us our TV. I'll have you know it cost us $335.73 for a locksmith to come out and open that door. And that's not the worst of it. Our beloved puppy Max died that day from heat stroke!

And that's not the worst of it. Our darling daughter and son, Minnie and Mickey, both died that day from heat stroke!

Hey, I'm jiving you. Please don't take offense. :king:


New Member
I personally have never encountered any crime at Disney, and I can tell you I see security guards I feel very safe. The only thing that I feel robbed of sometimes is the air....when you are walking in a park and someone walks past you with a cigarette or cigar which you inhale......YUCK:hurl:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by josh_e_washie
I personally have never encountered any crime at Disney, and I can tell you I see security guards I feel very safe. The only thing that I feel robbed of sometimes is the air....when you are walking in a park and someone walks past you with a cigarette or cigar which you inhale......YUCK:hurl:

Thats Nothing!!! I feel Robbed of Air when I fly, these days to cut costs the Airlines have cut the Fresh Air Circulation by about 25%!!!!


Well-Known Member
I almost got pick pocketed once. On the monorail platform going to epcot. I caught the kid. His hand was in my pocket, I turned, and pinned him up against one of the roof poles. He apparently didnt speak any english, so I avoided my gut reaction to slug him, and just shoved him out of line. Another guest reported him to a CM, i dont know what happened after that.


New Member
I've left countless items out (pretty dumb on my part) but nothing has ever taken. Laptop computer, cellular phone, digital camera, etc.


Meega, nala kwishta!
Same here. I've left camera equipment, laptops, cell phones, and even money. The only think that was ever taken was the tips I leave for Mousekeeping. :D


New Member
Hi Sulley welcome Did you very go to a Baseball Game
5.00 for a hot dog 4.00 for cole. As for crime at WDW
it happens all over. I went to Great Adventure with a
friend and his car was broken in to so it's not just at
WDW. If you let thing sit in your car that people can see
then its your falt your car was broken in to ?



New Member
I bring my lap top and my CD player along with about $200 worth of CDS and never had anything taken:D

I did leave my (almost) new cell phone on top of the change machine at the arcade in the WL and someone took it to the front desk and when I went looking for it they told me that "an nice young man about your age turned it in for you."


New Member
My husband left his wallet with about $300 in it in the wall safe at Port Orleans when we checked out of the room and left for the airport. He thought I had it - I thought he had it... you know how that goes. We called the hotel from the town car and they sent someone directly to our room to look for it. Not only did they retrieve it for us - all of the $$ was still there. They could have easily boosted a few bucks, but they didn't. It cost us $100 for my husband to race back to the hotel to pick it up and get back to the airport for our flight home, but it all worked out in the end.


New Member
Sounds like a pretty good return rate for disney...

Just OT story..
Here we have this show .. where heaps of dodgy ""rides"" come and take money for thowing you around... anyway i hoped in to a dogem car.. somehow my wallet fell out.. i relised this bout 3 mins after i left the ""attraction"" .. the new people wernt boarded yet.. but my wallet had mystersally gone missing :brick:


Well-Known Member
I had dropped my Drivers Lic. In one of the stores on the Boardwalk, so they looked up my Name and called my room to tell me they found it, I was shocked!!


Well-Known Member
I always lock our electronic equipment (cameras, DVD player, CD player, Camcorder, etc) in my suitcase and stick it in the closet when I leave the room for the day.

Better safe, then sorry.

I enjoy the parks more knowing I did my part!

:lol: :lookaroun :lol: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
My mom almost had her purse stolen at the old Dixie Landing late one night returning from PI. The guy was lurking behind her as she and her husband were walking back to their room. My stepdad saw the guy, turned, uncomfortable pause, and the guy took off to the parking lot. They never caught him but, the worst part is that my mom won't return to WDW since. It was her first time there. I myself have never had a bad experience other than the $7 burger...


Well-Known Member
We've never had a problem, either i the parking lots or in the parks.

I once left a £500.00 digital camera in the restrooms in MK, it was still their when I returned 45 minutes later. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Catch 22

I once left a £500.00 digital camera in the restrooms in MK, it was still their when I returned 45 minutes later. :sohappy:

WOW, I'm suprised it wasn't either taken or at least handed in.


New Member
Crime does exist at WDW. I'm glad to browse thru some of these posts to see that Housekeeping doesn't seem to be an issue, but in public there's a good amount.

Disney just does a great to excellent job of preserving its persona to its guests.

Most of the crime is against Disney itself, as opposed to guest-on-guest offenses.

The Magic Kingdom has a County Sheriffs office, complete with a holding cell, above Uptown Jewelers on Main St.

Counterfeit Travelers Checks and Currency along with regular theft in Disney stores is by far the majority of the crime on Disney property, which is similar to most major cities.

My first college program i was working in Merchandise in Adventureland. If you know the store that is connected to the causeway between Frontier/Adventureland(it was island something when i was working there in 96) then you can picture where this happened. Well i was training a new hire on closing duties and we'd already closed most of the exterior doors and brought in all the exterior merch. Two couples came to the only ajar door and asked me if they could purchase something. I said sure and had the new cast member put the drawer back in the register. Well one of the couples came inside and the other one, who were bikers(no judgements here) didn't. We took care of the husband that came inside and all of a sudden the wife said "hey, they just walked off with that planter!" The other couple decided they'd just take one of those Mickey wall planters off the wall and probably into a bag they already had. So i called security and gave them a description of the couple and they nabbed them near the train station on Main St as they were about to leave.

Also, a trick that people like to try is to buy film or disposables in one area, let's say over near pirates, and then go to your store and say they want a refund.

Thankfully there haven't been any huge tragedies on property as of yet. But cast members and guests are only human and unfortunately something like that may happen. But besides Disney Security and the handful of on property county sheriffs, there are also HRT's that are ready at a moments notice and all area/operations managers are trained for such crisis.

Bottom line, you should feel safe all over Disney property, just be aware of your surroundings.


New Member
Originally posted by JaynMACP96_97_9

The Magic Kingdom has a County Sheriffs office, complete with a holding cell, above Uptown Jewelers on Main St.

You forgot to mention the Secret Service office. :D It is (or at least was) also on Main Street.

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