Crime in WDW


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Original Poster
Has anyone encountered any sort of crime in Disney. Anything like pick pockets or fighting or god forbid robberies.

Just wondering cause I never saw a statistic on how safe Disney is.



When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I've had my car broken into... stole my sunglasses, radar detector, some CD's and my E-Pass. I was also pickpocketed once at MK... took my wallet and car keys. My friend Chris had his car stolen at Epcot, and my friend Alexis had his license plate stolen in the MK parking lot.

all this could be prevented if Disney were to actually have a state recognized security force (not a single security CM has to pass, much less know, the FL requirements for a private security guard), and actual surveillance throughout property, rather than just in their shops (and only big shops at that).


New Member
I tend to look at the dark sides of most situations and this is no different, I have read quite alot about this issue and you would be VERY surprised to hear the statistics. Most employees don't even know the scope of this,except department leads and loss prevention people and HR people. I won't go any farther that unless you PM me, YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH!


New Member
Originally posted by mkt
I've had my car broken into... stole my sunglasses, radar detector, some CD's and my E-Pass. I was also pickpocketed once at MK... took my wallet and car keys. My friend Chris had his car stolen at Epcot, and my friend Alexis had his license plate stolen in the MK parking lot.

all this could be prevented if Disney were to actually have a state recognized security force (not a single security CM has to pass, much less know, the FL requirements for a private security guard), and actual surveillance throughout property, rather than just in their shops (and only big shops at that).

WOW... That sounds more like Detroit than Disney World. :lookaroun It's a crazy world we live in.


Well-Known Member
I have had nothing major happen, heck I even accidently placed a $900 camera down, forgot it, and had it returned to Lost and Found by the end of the Day!


New Member
yeah, i have never had any problems with theft or anything at's really safe and most ppl that (aren't so honest) probably don't have the money to get into the parks, or don't care to be hanging around DW.


Yeah I've been robbed at Disney...

Where else have you heard of paying $6 for a burger and fries without a soft drink?


Newbie here, just couldn't resist. :wave:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sulley
Yeah I've been robbed at Disney...

Where else have you heard of paying $6 for a burger and fries without a soft drink?


Newbie here, just couldn't resist. :wave:


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Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sulley
Yeah I've been robbed at Disney...

Where else have you heard of paying $6 for a burger and fries without a soft drink?


Newbie here, just couldn't resist. :wave:



Yeah, I agree. BUT, considering the quality of where I am when I'm at WDW, it's not so bad. I can go to my local Six Flags, which could be classified as a dump compared to WDW, and pay 1/3 more for food that sucks. Tell me THAT isn't robbery.


New Member
In all the years that I've been going to Disney I've never had a problem with anything being taken from me. Once will staying on property my hubby and I left our room safe open with cash and my jewlery in it. We didn't realize that we had done that until much later in the day, kind of a "Did you close the safe?" "No, I thought you closed it." Being panic stricken we rushed back to the hotel and everything was just where we had left it. :)
I'm still very thankful that we decided to stay on property that weekend.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sulley
Yeah I've been robbed at Disney...

Where else have you heard of paying $6 for a burger and fries without a soft drink?


Newbie here, just couldn't resist. :wave:


First of all wecome to WDWMAGIC - you'll love it - we're a lovely bunch! Back to your comment, come and live in "Rip-Off Britain" a burger, fries and a soft drink at WDW costs about the same as a regular Burger King Meal here in the UK.... which would you rather have.

Back on topic... how safe are items left in WDW hotel rooms - I would consider taking a laptop on my next trip - is this wise? Will it be safe?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by djmatthews
...Back on topic... how safe are items left in WDW hotel rooms - I would consider taking a laptop on my next trip - is this wise? Will it be safe?

I've brought along my laptop several times while staying @ the Resorts and nothing has ever happened. I've also my watches behind a few times and they were always there when I returned.


New Member
I have never been robbed, but I have seen a boatload of fights. If you want to see some real entertainment just sit on the sidewalk of Main St. right before the last parade of the day. Thats where the fireworks really are.


New Member
Originally posted by disneyfamily
I have never been robbed, but I have seen a boatload of fights. If you want to see some real entertainment just sit on the sidewalk of Main St. right before the last parade of the day. Thats where the fireworks really are.

If someone needs to fight over a parade, they should be arrested and banned for life. What a way to ruin a great time for everyone else.


Back on topic... how safe are items left in WDW hotel rooms - I would consider taking a laptop on my next trip - is this wise? Will it be safe? [/B]

I brought my laptop and never had a problem on site.

I Leave some change and other stuff on the table and never had a trouble in 4 years.


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jeffs10
I brought my laptop and never had a problem on site.

I Leave some change and other stuff on the table and never had a trouble in 4 years.


Yep, I bring my laptop every year to download pics off of my memory cards. I leave it sitting right on the bed, and when I return, it's still sitting right on the bed.:)


New Member
In the Twelve times I have been to WDW I have never experienced anything major in the crime area, I did however have someone take personal towels brought from home. Some jerk snagged them while we were swimming late one night while we were distracted by eachother :animwink: . I would put that as a petty theft, but is angered me none the less.

I would say that WDW us as safe as any other public place. If some one wants to pick pockets or breakin to cars, there not going to be teterec by security, all the security in the world will not prevent this but may reduce the frequency of crime. so don't let that deter you from going


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by djmatthews

Back on topic... how safe are items left in WDW hotel rooms - I would consider taking a laptop on my next trip - is this wise? Will it be safe?

I awalys leave my Laptop in the room, nothing has ever happened to it. Actually on the last trip my screen was all dusty and the maid cleaned it for me!


New Member
I've never had anything stolen, but I had the opportunity to do some stealing, if I was that kind of person. Someone left the passenger door to their minivan wide open at the Caribbean Beach parking lot, with their TV out in plain sight. I shut their door for them. Sometimes people need to take the extra time to make sure their possessions are locked up.

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