CPAP Question


New Member
I have recently been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and have to use a CPAP machine to help me breath while I sleep. Our April trip to The World will be my first one with the CPAP machine. Is anyone here familiar with this machine and if so can you tell me what to expect at the airport as far as security and check in? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!:wave:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Do you need it in carry-on? If so, the security regs say that transportation of medically necessary equipment is permitted. If it has bits and pieces that could be considered hazardous, they may require a doctor's note explaining your need of the equipment.

If it can go in checked baggage, there shouldn't be any problem at all.
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Well-Known Member
I have recently been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and have to use a CPAP machine to help me breath while I sleep. Our April trip to The World will be my first one with the CPAP machine. Is anyone here familiar with this machine and if so can you tell me what to expect at the airport as far as security and check in? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!:wave:
I think your home care company would be able to give you the best advice, give them a call and ask what to do. I am sure they deal with this all the time. Good luck and have a great vacation!
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Active Member

I am a fellow Sleep Apneac and have been taking a CPAP to WDW since 2003. I'll try to answer your questions...

On the Airport. I always carry the CPAP as a carry-on and have had no problems. A few times I've had top open the case and they have swabbed the CPAP for nitrates but that is about it. Just give yourself a few extra minutes to get thru security otherwise no problem.

At WDW. I've had a few problems that I'll decribe later but overall its not been a big deal. We have had to do some creative unplugging to get the CPAP plugged in and sometimes it's not on the side of the bed I'd like but its not been a major problem. I carry a plug that converts an outlet to 3 outlets, a short extension cord is also not a bad idea but not normally necessary.

The Challenges:

1. If your CPAP has a humidifier, you will be hard pressed to find any distilled H20 on Disney Property. If you absolutely have to use a humidifier you either need to take some distilled water with you or pick some up on the way to WDW. I can go without a humidifier for a week so I actually purchased a smaller, non humidified CPAP for traveling. Best thing I ever did...

2. This one is VERY important if you travel to WDW in the Fall. We found out the hard way last year. There is a Florida State mandate that all the hotels in Fla. do an emergency power test in the Aug-Oct time frame. During this power test there will be no power in the room, just emergency power to the lights in the hall. We did not find this out until the day of the test at 11pm at night when we returned to the Beach Club to find the message on our phone. The need for a CPAP at night was clearly noted on the reserveration. The manager informed us that all their emergency power units were loaned out and they could not get another that night. What they did was to move us for the night over to the Yahct Club as they were scheduled to have their test the next night. They appologised for the last minute notice and comp'd us the room for the night. So If you travel in the fall, you may not be able to find out when the power tests are to occur (the State may control that), be sure to note that you need a CPAP on your reservation and the you will need an emergency power unit if the power to your room is to be interrupted.

3. I had an issue on our first trip where housekeeping made up the bed and moved the bedside table a little ways away from the bed. This was when I still traveled with a humidified CPAP and I managed to turn over and pull the CPAP off the table and it lodged itself betweent he bed and the table. It landed in a position that allowed the water to flow back into the CPAP which shorted it out with a large BANG! Of course this was the night of Sept 11th 2003 so we awoke out of a deep sleep to a flash and a big bang...... CPAP was kaput so I called my Sleep Dr. and they Fed-ex'd out a loaner. I purchased a non-humidified travel unit after this.

Remember to note that you need to use a CPAP when you make your reservation, if you need a non-smokng room that will help.

Hope this helps, if you have any other CPAP questions, I'll be happy to take a shot at them.

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New Member
Original Poster
I think your home care company would be able to give you the best advice, give them a call and ask what to do. I am sure they deal with this all the time. Good luck and have a great vacation!

I spoke with them about this yesterday and they told me that yes sometimes it can be a hassle. I was told that sometimes they will ask you to assemble the machine and turn it on to show them how it works and other times they just scan it and let you go on your way. The gentleman I spoke with told me that 5 years ago air travel with a CPAP was a nightmare but it is now much better than it used to be. I was just hoping someone here uses the CPAP machine and could share their personal experience. Here's hoping! Thanks for the advice by the way!:wave:
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New Member
Original Poster

I am a fellow Sleep Apneac and have been taking a CPAP to WDW since 2003. I'll try to answer your questions...

On the Airport. I always carry the CPAP as a carry-on and have had no problems. A few times I've had top open the case and they have swabbed the CPAP for nitrates but that is about it. Just give yourself a few extra minutes to get thru security otherwise no problem.

At WDW. I've had a few problems that I'll decribe later but overall its not been a big deal. We have had to do some creative unplugging to get the CPAP plugged in and sometimes it's not on the side of the bed I'd like but its not been a major problem. I carry a plug that converts an outlet to 3 outlets, a short extension cord is also not a bad idea but not normally necessary.

The Challenges:

1. If your CPAP has a humidifier, you will be hard pressed to find any distilled H20 on Disney Property. If you absolutely have to use a humidifier you either need to take some distilled water with you or pick some up on the way to WDW. I can go without a humidifier for a week so I actually purchased a smaller, non humidified CPAP for traveling. Best thing I ever did...

2. This one is VERY important if you travel to WDW in the Fall. We found out the hard way last year. There is a Florida State mandate that all the hotels in Fla. do an emergency power test in the Aug-Oct time frame. During this power test there will be no power in the room, just emergency power to the lights in the hall. We did not find this out until the day of the test at 11pm at night when we returned to the Beach Club to find the message on our phone. The need for a CPAP at night was clearly noted on the reserveration. The manager informed us that all their emergency power units were loaned out and they could not get another that night. What they did was to move us for the night over to the Yahct Club as they were scheduled to have their test the next night. They appologised for the last minute notice and comp'd us the room for the night. So If you travel in the fall, you may not be able to find out when the power tests are to occur (the State may control that), be sure to note that you need a CPAP on your reservation and the you will need an emergency power unit if the power to your room is to be interrupted.

3. I had an issue on our first trip where housekeeping made up the bed and moved the bedside table a little ways away from the bed. This was when I still traveled with a humidified CPAP and I managed to turn over and pull the CPAP off the table and it lodged itself betweent he bed and the table. It landed in a position that allowed the water to flow back into the CPAP which shorted it out with a large BANG! Of course this was the night of Sept 11th 2003 so we awoke out of a deep sleep to a flash and a big bang...... CPAP was kaput so I called my Sleep Dr. and they Fed-ex'd out a loaner. I purchased a non-humidified travel unit after this.

Remember to note that you need to use a CPAP when you make your reservation, if you need a non-smokng room that will help.

Hope this helps, if you have any other CPAP questions, I'll be happy to take a shot at them.


Thank you so much Kevin,you don't know how much I appreciate it!
I'm afraid a CPAP without a humidifier is out of the question for me as my mouth gets horribly,painfully dry without it. We also plan on going in October so thanks for the heads up about the power. We always fly and never use a rental car so I am a bit concerned about how to get Distilled water. Is there a relatively close grocery store near The World that we can take a cab to and get distilled water?
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Well-Known Member
Don't really know too much about CPAP machines, but can they be rented while you are in WDW like asthma nebulizers? It might just be easier than trying to get yours on the plane. You may be able to have it delivered to and picked up from your resort.
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I've been on CPAP for over 6 years now, and never had too much problem travelling with it. My provider told me to always carry it on (to avoid damage), and to bring along the manual to show security. The past 4 flights I've taken, they do swab the machine, which only takes an extra minute or too. They are common enough that all the screeners I have talked to know what it is.

Don't really know too much about CPAP machines, but can they be rented while you are in WDW like asthma nebulizers? It might just be easier than trying to get yours on the plane. You may be able to have it delivered to and picked up from your resort.

I would doubt that you can rent these, as each has to be programmed to a particular pressure. At the very least, you would probably need to bring a prescription with your settings for a rental machine. I haven't found taking it on the flight to be much hassle though, so better to have the device you are used to IMO.
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Le Meh
Premium Member
Hi, I am a CPAP user as well. I have been using one for over two years. I have travelled to Disney, and other places, over a dozen times. You may carry your CPAP on board the plane with you and it does not count as a carry on as it is medical equipment. This last January was the first time that they (airport security) actually assembled the unit and turned it on. It only delayed a few minutes. I have left my CPAP in luggage services at the resort on the day of departure while we go to downtown disney. When checking it in, I told the CM that it was medical equipment and they put it in its own container and actually put a big red "Fragile" sticker on it. It was returned to me just as I left it.

Pertaining to the distilled water. I dont necessarily use distilled water all the time. I will grab a bottle of any of the major bottled water brands to use. I have had no adverse affects and it does not alter the function of the machine. I can tell you some waters smell better than others. :lol: I do not use tap water unless its an emergency.

When I travel, if im not staying more than a week, I generally dont allow daily room servicing simply because I do not want my machine damaged. I have gotten to the point that if I dont sleep with it, I cant sleep, so it is vital that I have it, and its so vital that it trumps fresh sheets everyday.
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Sorry I can't help, but was skipping through the board and saw the title to the question, which I must have misread because I only opened the thread to find out why it was such a bad question!

As many others have mentioned - this isn't all that rare, and I'm sure if you called the hotel to discuss your concerns, they would be very helpful and be able to address your concerns in some way.

Good luck with it, I hope all goes ok for you.
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Well-Known Member
Knowing how many millions of people suffer from this I am surprised that you cannot get the distilled water at WDW. Esp. now with the limit on fluids brought on airplanes.
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all of the great advice everyone, you have been a great help! I will try my best to post a trip report when we get back and let you all know how it goes.:wave:
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Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
If you need distilled water, there is a Goodings grocery store very close to property. It's located in the Crossroads shopping center, directly across the street from the Hotel Plaza Blvd. gates near Downtown Disney. If you don't have a rental car, the cab fare from Saratoga Springs shouldn't be too bad.
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