Does anyone know about the rehire status of a fired employee?? It was in 2008 Thanks let me know!
I was termed for reprimands during my CareerStart! Program back in '06. I went through the restricted rehire process in '07, but was told I wasn't eligible due to a technicality. I went through the process again in Summer of '08 and was rehired.
With a restricted rehire (which is likely what you have) you have to be *currently employed* with a job, and have had at least 6 months of time there under your belt. When I reapplied the first time around, I had moved down from Washington, and had quit my job of 8 months in order to do so. Because I had quit, I was automatically not rehired. When I tried again, I had over a year of excellent theme park experience over at Universal, a great attitude during my interview, and a 6 page essay to give them telling them exactly why they needed me back at Disney....they must have liked something, because I was hired on the spot =)
If you're having trouble with restricted rehire, and if you reside in Orlando (which I'm going to assume is a yes since you go to Valencia) I'm going to recommend that you go the Universal route. As much as I adore Disney, I've had an amazing time as a team member at Universal...such a good time, in fact, that when I was finally rehired at Disney for my dream job as a Jungle Cruise Skipper, I ended up quitting after three months to go back to Universal.
Not saying you have to go the Uni route, but if Disney won't take ya back, just know you have options :wave: