I was skimming through some old footage of Dinosaur/CTX on YouTube, when I came across this...

That's the finale of the ride, but that doesn't look like a meteor to me. That looks a lot like ol' Carnotaurus. Most sources would agree that the original finale had a giant meteor en route for the ride vehicle, but this video claims to be from 1998, at the very most only a few months into the ride's life. Could it be that the meteor was switched to the Carni head as early as the same year the attraction/park opened? I have yet to find any footage or images of said meteor. Was it just the dino head all along?

That's the finale of the ride, but that doesn't look like a meteor to me. That looks a lot like ol' Carnotaurus. Most sources would agree that the original finale had a giant meteor en route for the ride vehicle, but this video claims to be from 1998, at the very most only a few months into the ride's life. Could it be that the meteor was switched to the Carni head as early as the same year the attraction/park opened? I have yet to find any footage or images of said meteor. Was it just the dino head all along?