could ther be a name change


Premium Member
I'd be surprised if the pavilion is renamed completely. Maybe it will have "The Living Seas featuring Finding Nemo" or something along those lines.


Active Member
BigBen, please. I'm not going to make fun of you, ok? We're all buddies here. Alright, here's the deal:
PLEASE use spell check, and punctuation. Your posts are almost impossible to read dude. I stared at the word "espest" for awhile before i figured out that you meant "expect". Obviously you're intelligent enough to register for a forum and create new threads. You even have good ideas, this topic is one that i was wondering about myself. But when you write posts the way you do in a long meandering stream-of-conciousness without seperating your statements from your questions, it really makes you look bad.

If English isn't your first language, that's cool, we'll let you slide a little on the spelling and grammar, but PLEASE break up your posts into sentences so we can understand you.

Thanks man.


Beta Return
Magicot said:
My grandpa's an imagineer and he gave me this:

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\living seas.jpg

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice try. And next time you try to post a pic, perhaps you shouldn't hyperlink a file on your computer :lol:


New Member
I would prefer if they kept the name, with a "Presented By (Fill in a Relevant Company's Name Here)."

What would drive me mad is if they do an "Imagination"-style name change. I can see it on maps now: "Now Open- Seas!"

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