Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I mean I don't think America should take all the credit here. The Pfizer vaccine was developed by a German company, and there are other vaccines being used in other countries that were developed there.
Isn’t Pfizer an American corporation? I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
The science is pretty indisputable. If you are fully vaccinated you are at a very low risk of catching Covid and as a result very low risk to spread it. Masks are worn to stop the spread of covid. A fully vaccinated person is very low risk to spread Covid so they don’t need to wear a mask.

Where the controversy comes in is if you are at a large public venue how do you know who is vaccinated? The science is very clear on fully vaccinated people but there is no change in the recomemdation or the science on unvaccinated people. So a policy decision is needed to either police who is vaccinated and who isn’t (difficult) or decide whether to just assume nobody is vaccinated or assume everyone is vaccinated. That has not much to do with science anymore. It’s a policy decision.
Sums it up pretty well. My money is that theme parks won't get into the police bidness.


Well-Known Member
You do, but so do the U.K.! In America you may have chosen to ignore the AstraZeneca vaccine, which they produced for cost only, which is working very well in the U.K. and allowed us a head start. The problem with it is the same as the J & J vaccine being used happily in the USA!
So yes you can have credit for producing vaccines but I want a bit for us as well!!
Also our take up is in general better than yours! I sound like a kid in a school playground saying “My Dad is stronger than your Dad” so apologies for that not my intention.
Though you have many more people to vaccinate we are having much less, though still some, resistance. We have a target of 94% of the population vaccinated, which we are on target to achieve. Over 80% of the eligible, by age - current limit 38 - have already received at least their first dose. Over 90% for those who have had a longer opportunity.
Anyway it doesn’t matter who’s doing better as long as we don’t give up it’s a win, win for us all!


Premium Member
Sums it up pretty well. My money is that theme parks won't get into the police bidness.
I agree. That’s why the Hershey Park thing seemed really weird to me. I don’t anticipate they will want to get into policing either but that’s why they probably should have laid it all out for customers instead of jamming it in with no details. I can’t imagine how crazy the backlash would be if Disney did that.


Well-Known Member
That’s fair, but I think they owe it to their guests to at least spell out what the new rules are. It’s poor to make a change as a banner on the top of the home page with no details and say it’s effective immediately. I will be honest, I don’t oppose the change from the CDC but I would not plan to bring my unvaccinated kids to a theme park where unvaccinated people are allowed to walk around without masks right now. In a little while we will get to more people vaccinated and lower community spread and then it becomes more tolerable. That’s just me personally.
Isn’t that exactly what will happen tomorrow? It didn’t even take until June 1. Tomorrow, 95% of guests at Hershey Park will be vaccinated. At least that’s what they'll say, and none of them will be wearing masks. Since a vaccinated person doesn’t need to. We all know reality will be different, but that’s what the story will be.

I’m sorry. I expect you’re going to have an interesting day tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Pfizer is American, but they just help with the trials and logistics. BioNTech actually developed the vaccine, and they partnered with other companies in other countries to do what Pfizer is doing here.

A fun follow up is that the two main scientists who developed it are immigrants from Turkey.
I love Germany. Great country. Love immigrants too. My only point was I think sometimes America is criticized exclusively.


Well-Known Member
You do, but so do the U.K.! In America you may have chosen to ignore the AstraZeneca vaccine, which they produced for cost only, which is working very well in the U.K. and allowed us a head start. The problem with it is the same as the J & J vaccine being used happily in the USA!
So yes you can have credit for producing vaccines but I want a bit for us as well!!
Also our take up is in general better than yours! I sound like a kid in a school playground saying “My Dad is stronger than your Dad” so apologies for that not my intention.
Though you have many more people to vaccinate we are having much less, though still some, resistance. We have a target of 94% of the population vaccinated, which we are on target to achieve. Over 80% of the eligible, by age - current limit 38 - have already received at least their first dose. Over 90% for those who have had a longer opportunity.
Anyway it doesn’t matter who’s doing better as long as we don’t give up it’s a win, win for us all!
Yes. Three times three for Mother England! Home of Patrick O'Brian. Love all things English!


Premium Member
Isn’t that exactly what will happen tomorrow? It didn’t even take until June 1. Tomorrow, 95% of guests at Hershey Park will be vaccinated. At least that’s what they'll say, and none of them will be wearing masks. Since a vaccinated person doesn’t need to. We all know reality will be different, but that’s what the story will be.

I’m sorry. I expect you’re going to have an interesting day tomorrow.
Yeah well it’s a little too late now. Can‘t tell an 11 year old he can’t go on the class trip.


Well-Known Member
But until you have a comfortable percent vaccinated, I feel you need to assume they are unvaxxed.

Once you reach the threshold, then you assume most are vaxxed.

Right now it's basically a free for all, which is not a policy.

I feel like this has been the M.O. all long. Remember when there were clear reopening guidelines after Spring 2020 and everyone just started to ignore them because they were taking too long?

I'm of two minds. The science for unvaccinated people to take their masks off is sound. Timing wise people have more or less had access and time, so it is not inequitable at this stage. If someone isn't finishing up their series soon as an adult, they have delayed it.

But the issue is the other 2/3rds of the population will start flinging their masks off too. My ideal would have been exactly this (more or less maskless for those vaccinated), but demonstrable proof to be allowed to do that. I.e. Passports. That would have really kicked another segment of the population to get vaccinated.

Now there is literally no incentive. Except personal responsibility (har-har).

I guess we'll see soon enough, but I feel like CDC has waived the flag on vaccine passports and needed to try something to convince some more people to stop fence sitting on the vaccine.


Well-Known Member
I love Germany. Great country. Love immigrants too. My only point was I think sometimes America is criticized exclusively.
I love Germany too!
I don’t think America is criticised exclusively at all.
It’s just that it is, or thinks of itself, as the world standard, which I don’t have a problem with.
The countries that I would happily criticise are India, Brazil, Mexico etc. but that would be their leaders, not the population who seem to be suffering in a truly apocalyptic way.😭


Premium Member
Oh my god!!! Who cares who created the vaccine! Let's just be happy they did!
One of the leading scientists in mRNA development at BioNtech lives in the next town over from me. She was born in Hungary and did her research at UPenn before joining BioNtech. So a Hungarian woman living in PA and working for a German biotech company. The CEO of Pfizer who guided the company through this development is a Greek Citizen living in NY. I’m sure there are many more examples too. It’s an international effort for sure and as you said who cares who gets credit, I thank them all for this miracle 👍👍👍


Well-Known Member
You do, but so do the U.K.! In America you may have chosen to ignore the AstraZeneca vaccine, which they produced for cost only, which is working very well in the U.K. and allowed us a head start. The problem with it is the same as the J & J vaccine being used happily in the USA!
So yes you can have credit for producing vaccines but I want a bit for us as well!!
Also our take up is in general better than yours! I sound like a kid in a school playground saying “My Dad is stronger than your Dad” so apologies for that not my intention.
Though you have many more people to vaccinate we are having much less, though still some, resistance. We have a target of 94% of the population vaccinated, which we are on target to achieve. Over 80% of the eligible, by age - current limit 38 - have already received at least their first dose. Over 90% for those who have had a longer opportunity.
Anyway it doesn’t matter who’s doing better as long as we don’t give up it’s a win, win for us all!
The problem with the AZ/Oxford is not just clots for us. Our data wasn't sound from the trials.

Hopefully we can send it where it is needed globally


Well-Known Member
Something I don't get here. CDC gives guidelines - not policy why do you think my kid was vaccinated before their recommendation came out? The FDA approval was all some needed.

Many states, businesses, areas etc created their own policies. Some used CDC guidelines and others did not.

Stop expecting the CDC to create policies. They guide us, not rule us. If you don't like an entity's policy, you cannot blame the CDC. What they offer as a guideline is sound. How it's used to guide others' policies is totally not on them.

I will continue to follow my state mandate. After that I will always carry a mask in case a policy differs from location to location. I have always followed science on this and we need to either believe the science is good or we don't. Just stop blaming the CDC for bad local policy. That's not on them.
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